I have a USD scene with different cameras and an object with different variants.
I would like programmatically to iterate the variants, the camera and just render 1 frame to file.
I think I solved all the variant configuration iteration, but I can’t render the frame
I invested A LOT of time on the documentation and tutorial videos, but can’t find the correct approach:
I ended with using a rewrite of :
settings_changed = await viewport_api.wait_for_render_settings_change()
capture = viewport_api.schedule_capture(FileCapture(image_path))
captured_aovs = await capture.wait_for_result()
this doesn’t wait for the camera change and the path tracing to end… so it just creates a lot of identical frames
anyone have any suggestions ?
thank you
Is this for USD Composer or Isaac Sim? Or is this in Replicator? It sounds impressive. Sorry it is not working. Let me see if I can find someone to help. This is pretty advanced.
Hello, we found a couple of different approaches, I had the opportunity to discuss with with 2 ppl @ Nvidia without whom I’d be stuck :( the docs are not enough…
Now I have another absurd issue: Exporting a stage from usda (10kb) to another usda creates a 1gb file with EVERYTHING…
“Exporting” is a very significant word in USD. It does not work the same way as other file formats. USD is a layered approach. That tiny 10kb file might connect to 1gb of other external data. References, payloads, etc. So if you save the usd file as another usd file it will stay at 10kb. But if you “flatten” it, is will pull in ALL the external data into one file. When you export it, what are you exporting it as? Another flattened usd file? There much will a reason it is putting everything in the file.
I am using USD — omni.kit.usd_docs 1.1.1 documentation
since the original file was a 10kb usda that referenced other usd files, I assumed it would recreate the same thing, but nope :/
Right so you want to use “save” not “export”. Export will be essentially the same as “Flattening” it.