Clarification on Differences Between visual_slam/tracking/vo_path and visual_slam/tracking/slam_path


I would like to request clarification regarding the concepts and distinctions between the following topics:


Specifically, I am seeking to understand:

What each of these paths represents conceptually and practically within a Visual SLAM context.
The key differences between these two topics.
Which of these paths reflects the trajectory after loop closure has been applied.

Any insights, references, or explanations would be greatly appreciated. Thank you in advance for your assistance!

Based on my experience:


When the mapping mode is turned on, the vo_path and slam_path paths are different. At this time, slam_path includes the backend optimization of the map construction.


The node only runs the front end, and the vo_path and slam_path paths are the same, that is, the node only has vo/vio output.

Hi all,

Thank you, @lmljll, for your support and help. Exactly as you wrote, this path are different when the mapping mode is disabled.

These topics can also be used to debug the output from the Visual Odometry and for the mapping system.
