These are the commands that can be used to check the status of the CPU cores that are enabled.
Is there any command to check the GPU’s that are currently active/enabled ?
By using tegrastats, you can check GR3D which is the GPU engine, ex:
RAM 827/7854MB (lfb 1593*4MB) cpu [4%@346, 0%@358, 0%@353, 0%@348, 3%@347, 1%@348] EMC 5%@665 APE 150 VDE 1203 GR3D 0%@140
Please get the details from driver package document - > TegraStats Utility section.
but sudo ./tegrastats show
RAM 853/7852MB (lfb 1611x4MB) cpu [1%@2004,0%@2034,0%@2034,1%@2019,3%@2024,3%@2025] EMC 5%@1866 APE 150 GR3D 3%@1300
Why does VDE not enable ?