Compute sanitizer help / errors on WSL2 ubuntu 22.04

Hi, I’m quite new to developping to cuda
I have:

When i run compute-sanitizer on any sample or my own code i get the following 2 errors:

flags=“–tool memcheck --leak-check full --track-unused-memory yes --show-backtrace yes”
compute-sanitizer binary $flags
Error: Failed to initialize WDDM debugger interface. Please run EnableDebuggerInterface.bat as an administrator
Error: Device not supported. Please refer to the “Supported Devices” section of the sanitizer documentation

========= ERROR SUMMARY: 2 errors

from all the cuda/sanitizer documentation i’ve read i cant recall of something relating to WDDM that is relevant
from the “supported devices” section nothing seems to point that i could not
also calling cudaMalloc() and not free() it doesnt show a leak

I’ve tried multiples tools in options for the parameters, the output never changes

fixing this issue i expect sanitizer to work a bit like valgrind, how both compares to each other ?

Hi, @remibraizet
Please try to run below command in your machine to enable debugger interface.

REG ADD HKLM\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\nvlddmkm /f /v EnableDebugInterface /t REG_DWORD /d 1
REG ADD “HKLM\SOFTWARE\NVIDIA Corporation\GPUDebugger” /f /v EnableInterface /t REG_DWORD /d 1

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The two errors are gone with those REG Keys, not even a reboot
Thanks you !

Glad to help !

yet i am curious, where could I have found theses?
i do not find it docs nor in the installation process

It’s mentioned in CUDA-GDB

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