Please provide the following information when requesting support.
Hardware - GPU (GeForce RTX 2070)
Hardware - CPU
Operating System - Win 10
Riva Version 2.14.0
TLT Version (if relevant)
How to reproduce the issue ? (This is for errors. Please share the command and the detailed log here)
I’m trying to connect the riva-speech skills 2.14.0 with Audio 2 face 2023.2.0
In Audio 2 face i have enabled the Riva TTS plugin
– I have created a streaming audio player and connected it to the time attributes in the action graph
– I have set the URL for TTS to localhost:50051
– I have set the URL for A2F Player to localholst:50051
– I have set the Player instance to the player streaming audio player that was created -
I have riva client and server up and running on docker
I have test sent a text from A2F and i can see it is being recieved by the Riva server. Logs below
2024-03-05 11:04:48 I0305 10:04:48.798074 11564] TTSService.SynthesizeOnline called.
2024-03-05 11:04:48 I0305 10:04:48.798333 11564] Using model fastpitch_hifigan_ensemble-English-US for inference with speaker_id: 0
2024-03-05 11:04:48 I0305 10:04:48.798460 11564] Using model fastpitch_hifigan_ensemble-English-US for inference
2024-03-05 11:04:51 I0305 10:04:51.577692 11564] TTSService.SynthesizeOnline returning OK
2024-03-05 11:04:51 I0305 10:04:51.578358 11564 stats_builder.h:164] {"specversion":"1.0","type":"riva.tts.synthesizeonline.v1","source":"","subject":"","id":"96e3e701-0766-48fe-a3a3-13bcecdff880","datacontenttype":"application/json","time":"2024-03-05T10:04:48.798039861+00:00","data":{"release_version":"2.14.0","customer_uuid":"","ngc_org":"","ngc_team":"","ngc_org_team":"","container_uuid":"","language_code":"en-US","request_count":1,"total_characters":5,"audio_duration":0.6733787059783936,"status":0,"err_msg":""}}
I’m thinking i might be connecting something wrong in with my setup in A2F
I’m not listening in on the correct port for the return stream