I am using TX2+argus library+2 Leopard IMX577 cameras to capture images.
I got camera captures in nvbuffer and verified that the image is correct by display it to screen using OpenCV.
My problem is when I transfer the data from nvbuffer to CPU memory, it is really slow. My image size is 4056x3040 and using NvBufferColorFormat_ABGR32 format for nvbuffer(pitch layout is used, pitch=16384). The buffer contains about 47.5MB data for a single capture. And it takes me about 100ms to copy this 47.5MB data to CPU system memory. I have tried memcpy, OpenCV mat::copyTo and NvBuffer2Raw. They are all really slow. Our target is about 10-20ms for copying.
The purpose of this copy is that I need to convert this raw data to cv::Mat afterwards for further processing if necessary, for example, save to disk as jpeg when user requires that etc.
Do you have any solution for this?
For more details:
I am using the EGLStream to get EGLStream::Frame first. Then get the nv buffer by calling
EGLStream::NV::IImageNativeBuffer *iNativeBuf =interface_cast<EGLStream::NV::IImageNativeBuffer>(eglImage);
Then I create the nv buffer and copy the buffer to the CPU DRAM as following:
if(m_nvBufFd1 == -1)
/* m_imgResolution1 is 4056x3040 */
m_nvBufFd1 = iNativeBuf->createNvBuffer(m_imgResolution1, NvBufferColorFormat_ABGR32, NvBufferLayout_Pitch, m_config.m_rotation, &status);
if(m_nvBufFd1 == -1 || status != STATUS_OK)
std::err << "Cannot create nv buffer";
status = iNativeBuf->copyToNvBuffer(m_nvBufFd1, m_config.m_rotation);
if(status != STATUS_OK)
std::err << "Cannot copy to nv buffer left";
void *pdata = nullptr;
NvBufferMemMap(m_nvBufFd1, 0, NvBufferMem_Read, &pdata);
NvBufferMemSyncForCpu(m_nvBufFd1, 0, &pdata);
unsigned char *p = (unsigned char*)malloc(m_imgResolution1.height() * m_nvBufParam.pitch[0]);
/* !!! HERE IT IS REALLY SLOW !!!!, it takes about 100ms. I have tried memcpy, cv::Mat::copyTo and NvBuffer2Raw*/
int cpRet = NvBuffer2Raw(m_nvBufFd1, 0, m_imgResolution1.width(), m_imgResolution1.height(), p);
if(cpRet == -1)
std::err << "NvBuffer2Raw error";