Correct linux Nsight Compute ui version for Jetpack 6 GA

TL;DR jetpack 6 installs nsys 2024.2.2 on the jetson, the latest linux desktop release of Nsight Compute is 2024.1.1.0 and can’t open the reports.

(Update: there is a version of nsys-ui (not nsight compute) that appears to capture profiles but they can’t be successfully loaded…though not due to version mismatch)

I have a freshly flashed Orin AGX running JP6 with nsight 2024.2.2 installed (via sdkmanager).

nvidia@ubuntu:/$ cat /etc/nv_tegra_release
# R36 (release), REVISION: 3.0, GCID: 36106755, BOARD: generic, EABI: aarch64, DATE: Thu Apr 25 03:14:05 UTC 2024

nvidia@ubuntu:/$ nsys --version
NVIDIA Nsight Systems version 2024.2.2.28-242234212449v0

The latest amd64 linux ui version is 2024 Update 1 (2024.1.1.0)

Profiles collected via CLI do not open in UI, complaining that the jetson has a newer version

Remote profiling also fails:

It looks like it is trying to use the 2024.1.1.0 version of ncu that it pushed to the target:

nvidia@ubuntu:/tmp/var/target/linux-desktop-t210-a64$ file ncu
ncu: ELF 64-bit LSB executable, ARM aarch64, version 1 (GNU/Linux), dynamically linked, interpreter /lib/, for GNU/Linux 3.7.0, stripped
nvidia@ubuntu:/tmp/var/target/linux-desktop-t210-a64$ ./ncu --version
NVIDIA (R) Nsight Compute Command Line Profiler
Copyright (c) 2018-2024 NVIDIA Corporation
Version 2024.1.1.0 (build 33998838) (public-release)

More info:

nvidia@ubuntu:/$ deepstream-app --version-all
deepstream-app version 7.0.0
DeepStreamSDK 7.0.0
CUDA Driver Version: 12.2
CUDA Runtime Version: 12.2
TensorRT Version: 8.6
cuDNN Version: 8.9
libNVWarp360 Version: 2.0.1d3

How do I collect, either locally or remotely, profiles on a jetson running JP6 and review them on a linux desktop?

It looks like only the 2024.2.2 version of the visual profiler has compatible binaries.

Run from a amd64 ubuntu host system:

/opt/nvidia/nsight-systems$ ls *
bin  documentation  EULA.txt  host-linux-x64  target-linux-x64

bin  documentation  EULA.txt  host-linux-x64  target-linux-sbsa-armv8  target-linux-tegra-armv8

bin  documentation  EULA.txt  host-linux-x64  target-linux-x64

Remote profile collection works but the report can’t be opened. nsys-ui can retrieve the profiles but the loading process never completes (loading typically freezes at 85% or 100%). This behavior is the same regardless if the profile was captured locally or remotely using nsys.

Here’s a sample profile configuration for a jetson orin agx with a fresh jetpack6/deepstream7 image:

Command line:
gst-launch-1.0 filesrc location=sample_1080p_h264.mp4 ! qtdemux name=demux ! h264parse ! nvv4l2decoder ! nvdrmvideosink -e

Working directory:

(limit profiling to 10sec)

NOTE: this assumes you’re executing the above on a jetson device (with a display attached) having previously run:

sudo modprobe nvidia-drm modeset=1
sudo systemctl stop gdm
sudo loginctl terminate-seat seat0

Hi, @chip.ray

Thanks for using Nsight Compute and Nsight System.
From the post, seems you want to let us know Nsight Compute can not open .nsys-rep.
But you mention nsys-ui also, so which exactly issue you are referring ?

Please clarify.

I can see how it’s confusing when I’m conflating two issues. I’ll constrain this thread to this topic and open another thread for the other issue.

JetPack 6.0 includes NVIDIA Nsight Systems v2024.2.2 Which version of Nsight Compute (linux amd64) is compatible? It appears the latest Nsight Compute amd64 version is 2024.1.1.0. Profiles collected locally on the aarch64 machine can’t be opened on the 2024.1.1.0 amd64 host machine due to version mismatch. Remotely profiling from the host also fails. Examining the logs, it looks like it pushes a 2024.1.1.0 version of ncu to the aarch64 target but remote profiling fails.

Hi, @chip.ray

Do you mean

  1. Using 2024.1.1.0 nsight compute can not open report generated by 2024.2.2 nsight system ?
  2. Remote profile with 2024.1.1.0 fails ?

In the 1st case, can you just open the report with 2024.2.2 nsight system directly ? I mean “generate report using nsys, and open it using nsys-ui not ncu-ui”

In the 2nd case, the log shows the “No kernels were profiled” , can you just try “ncu ./app” in target board directly and see if the same error reported ?

Hi, @chip.ray

Have your issue resolved ?

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