I ran into a similar problem when I upgraded from jetpack 6.0 to jetpack 6.1. The nsight compute version 2024.3.1 worked for ncu but not for ncu-ui. The solution posted on this site did not address the problem. I teach a computer architecture class and we distribute jetson orin nano’s to the students. We have discovered that while we can run ncu on the jetson, and create export a report. We can not run ncu-ui without the program crashing. I have sent crash reports to nvidia, but have not received a response. I will append the data from the crash report. Please note that reflashing the operating system is not a solution since the students have the jetson orin nano’s can can not wipe their drives to fix the problem. We need to know how to get ncu-ui working, or figure a way of reading the report file on another system. We have attempted to read the file on a windows based system, but it produced an error code (11). No other data about that failure. Here is the crash dump from the program:
Address: 0x3e800140cf9
Thread 0 (crashed)
[0] libc.so.6 + 0x7f1f0
[1] libc.so.6 + 0x7f1d8
[2] libc.so.6 + 0x3a678
[3] libc.so.6 + 0x2712c
[4] libc.so.6 + 0x732fc
[5] libc.so.6 + 0x89568
[6] libc.so.6 + 0x8b2b0
[7] libc.so.6 + 0x8dc70
[8] libstdc++.so.6 + 0xb869c
[9] libstdc++.so.6 + 0xb875c
[10] libRebelPlugin.so + 0x13f5e58
[11] libRebelPlugin.so + 0x7172cc
[12] libQt6Core.so.6 + 0x351670
[13] libQt6Core.so.6 + 0x351670
[14] libQt6Core.so.6 + 0x351670
[15] libQt6Core.so.6 + 0x31fbe0
[16] libQt6Widgets.so.6 + 0x41fc74
[17] libRebelPlugin.so + 0x7e5650
[18] libQt6Widgets.so.6 + 0x446670
[19] libQt6Widgets.so.6 + 0x1dfef4
[20] libQt6Widgets.so.6 + 0x25c66c
[21] libQt6Widgets.so.6 + 0x3f5020
[22] libQt6Core.so.6 + 0x128784
[23] libQt6Widgets.so.6 + 0x19828c
[24] libQt6Widgets.so.6 + 0x199b20
[25] libQt6Core.so.6 + 0x128468
[26] libQt6Widgets.so.6 + 0x1d2e54
[27] libQt6Widgets.so.6 + 0x1edf14
[28] libQt6Widgets.so.6 + 0x1ee298
[29] libQt6Widgets.so.6 + 0x1e060c
[30] libQt6Widgets.so.6 + 0x2eeadc
[31] libQt6Widgets.so.6 + 0x1982ac
[32] libQt6Widgets.so.6 + 0x199b20
[33] libQt6Core.so.6 + 0x128468
[34] libQt6Core.so.6 + 0x1295bc
[35] libQt6Core.so.6 + 0x374ad0
[36] libglib-2.0.so.0 + 0x55a6c
[37] libglib-2.0.so.0 + 0xaaeb8
[38] libglib-2.0.so.0 + 0x52f10
[39] libQt6Core.so.6 + 0x374544
[40] libQt6Core.so.6 + 0x131650
[41] libQt6Core.so.6 + 0x128b54
[42] libAppLib.so + 0xbb680
[43] libc.so.6 + 0x274c8
[44] ncu-ui.bin + 0x6318
Thread 1
[0] libc.so.6 + 0xdbe38
[1] libc.so.6 + 0xdbe18
[2] libglib-2.0.so.0 + 0xaae54
[3] libglib-2.0.so.0 + 0x52f10
[4] libQt6Core.so.6 + 0x374544
[5] libQt6Core.so.6 + 0x131650
[6] libQt6Core.so.6 + 0x21e970
[7] libQt6DBus.so.6 + 0x30a40
[8] libQt6Core.so.6 + 0x28b674
[9] libc.so.6 + 0x7d5b4
Thread 2
[0] libc.so.6 + 0xdbe38
[1] libc.so.6 + 0xdbe18
[2] libxcb.so.1 + 0xc1ec
[3] libxcb.so.1 + 0xdbb4
[4] libQt6XcbQpa.so.6 + 0x51dfc
[5] libQt6Core.so.6 + 0x28b674
[6] libc.so.6 + 0x7d5b4
Thread 3
[0] libc.so.6 + 0x79de8
[1] libc.so.6 + 0x79dc4
[2] libc.so.6 + 0x7c8e8
[3] libTPSConnectionPlugin.so + 0xbf5b8
[4] libc.so.6 + 0x7d5b4
Thread 4
[0] libc.so.6 + 0xe607c
[1] libc.so.6 + 0xe6054
[2] libTPSConnectionPlugin.so + 0xc33d0
[3] libc.so.6 + 0x7d5b4
Thread 5
[0] libc.so.6 + 0x79de8
[1] libc.so.6 + 0x79dc4
[2] libc.so.6 + 0x7c8e8
[3] libRebelPlugin.so + 0x13bceec
[4] libRebelPlugin.so + 0x593578
[5] libc.so.6 + 0x7d5b4
Thread 6
[0] libc.so.6 + 0xdbe38
[1] libc.so.6 + 0xdbe18
[2] libglib-2.0.so.0 + 0xaae54
[3] libglib-2.0.so.0 + 0x52f10
[4] libQt6Core.so.6 + 0x374560
[5] libQt6Core.so.6 + 0x131650
[6] libQt6Core.so.6 + 0x21e970
[7] libQt6Core.so.6 + 0x28b674
[8] libc.so.6 + 0x7d5b4
Thread 7
[0] libc.so.6 + 0x79de8
[1] libc.so.6 + 0x79dc4
[2] libc.so.6 + 0x7cbfc
[3] libQt6Core.so.6 + 0x295714
[4] libQt6Core.so.6 + 0x29546c
[5] libQt6Core.so.6 + 0x28f0b4
[6] libQt6Core.so.6 + 0x28b674
[7] libc.so.6 + 0x7d5b4
Thread 8
[0] libc.so.6 + 0xdbe38
[1] libc.so.6 + 0xdbe18
[2] libglib-2.0.so.0 + 0xaae54
[3] libglib-2.0.so.0 + 0x52f10
[4] libQt6Core.so.6 + 0x374544
[5] libQt6Core.so.6 + 0x131650
[6] libQt6Core.so.6 + 0x21e970
[7] libQt6Core.so.6 + 0x28b674
[8] libc.so.6 + 0x7d5b4
Thread 9
[0] libc.so.6 + 0x79de8
[1] libc.so.6 + 0x79dc4
[2] libc.so.6 + 0x7cbfc
[3] libQt6Core.so.6 + 0x295714
[4] libQt6Core.so.6 + 0x29546c
[5] libQt6Core.so.6 + 0x28f0b4
[6] libQt6Core.so.6 + 0x28b674
[7] libc.so.6 + 0x7d5b4
Thread 10
[0] libc.so.6 + 0x79de8
[1] libc.so.6 + 0x79dc4
[2] libc.so.6 + 0x7cbfc
[3] libQt6Core.so.6 + 0x295714
[4] libQt6Core.so.6 + 0x29546c
[5] libQt6Core.so.6 + 0x28f0b4
[6] libQt6Core.so.6 + 0x28b674
[7] libc.so.6 + 0x7d5b4
Thread 11
[0] libc.so.6 + 0x79de8
[1] libc.so.6 + 0x79dc4
[2] libc.so.6 + 0x7cbfc
[3] libQt6Core.so.6 + 0x295714
[4] libQt6Core.so.6 + 0x29546c
[5] libQt6Core.so.6 + 0x28f0b4
[6] libQt6Core.so.6 + 0x28b674
[7] libc.so.6 + 0x7d5b4
Thread 12
[0] libc.so.6 + 0x79de8
[1] libc.so.6 + 0x79dc4
[2] libc.so.6 + 0x7cbfc
[3] libQt6Core.so.6 + 0x295714
[4] libQt6Core.so.6 + 0x29546c
[5] libQt6Core.so.6 + 0x28f0b4
[6] libQt6Core.so.6 + 0x28b674
[7] libc.so.6 + 0x7d5b4
Thread 13
[0] libc.so.6 + 0x79de8
[1] libc.so.6 + 0x79dc4
[2] libc.so.6 + 0x7cbfc
[3] libQt6Core.so.6 + 0x295714
[4] libQt6Core.so.6 + 0x29546c
[5] libQt6Core.so.6 + 0x28f0b4
[6] libQt6Core.so.6 + 0x28b674
[7] libc.so.6 + 0x7d5b4
Thread 14
[0] libc.so.6 + 0x79de8
[1] libc.so.6 + 0x79dc4
[2] libc.so.6 + 0x7cbfc
[3] libQt6Core.so.6 + 0x295714
[4] libQt6Core.so.6 + 0x29546c
[5] libQt6Core.so.6 + 0x28f0b4
[6] libQt6Core.so.6 + 0x28b674
[7] libc.so.6 + 0x7d5b4