I recently upgraded from 3.3.0 to 3.3.2 and now when I load my scene I get an assertion on the first fetchResults(true) call after simulate()
…\workphysx-3.3.2_windows_sdk_core\source\foundation\include\PsArray.h(181) : Assertion failed: i < mSize
This has never happen in previous versions, and the scene hasnt really changed. I have other physx programs that I tested, and they run under 3.3.2.
The call stack after hitting retry in the assertion window is
PhysX3CommonDEBUG_x86.dll!55d7f9d5() Unknown
[Frames below may be incorrect and/or missing, no symbols loaded for PhysX3CommonDEBUG_x86.dll]
PhysX3DEBUG_x86.dll!52a6cc59() Unknown
PhysX3DEBUG_x86.dll!52b75eec() Unknown
PhysX3DEBUG_x86.dll!52b4e296() Unknown
PhysX3DEBUG_x86.dll!52cc5914() Unknown
PhysX3DEBUG_x86.dll!52cd4029() Unknown
PhysX3DEBUG_x86.dll!52ad68be() Unknown
PhysicsSupport_dbg_vs10_MDd.dll!physx::Ext::DefaultCpuDispatcher::runTask() Line 183 C++
PhysicsSupport_dbg_vs10_MDd.dll!physx::Ext::CpuWorkerThread::execute() Line 97 C++
PhysX3CommonDEBUG_x86.dll!55d7d3dc() Unknown
kernel32.dll!775b338a() Unknown
ntdll.dll!77cb9f72() Unknown
ntdll.dll!77cb9f45() Unknown
Its a single threaded 32bit windows program, running on windows 7 64, physx 3.3.2 sdk/binaries dlls