I am using cuda-6-5 under ubuntu 14.04, 64 Bit, and installed it using the package from the website (production version).
Here the nvcc version:
nvcc --version
nvcc: NVIDIA (R) Cuda compiler driver
Copyright (c) 2005-2014 NVIDIA Corporation
Built on Thu_Jul_17_21:41:27_CDT_2014
Cuda compilation tools, release 6.5, V6.5.12
And here the glxinfo about the nvidia driver:
OpenGL vendor string: NVIDIA Corporation
OpenGL renderer string: GeForce GTX 750 Ti/PCIe/SSE2
OpenGL core profile version string: 4.3.0 NVIDIA 340.29
Here the cuVector.cu
#include "rrlib/cuda/math/cuVector.cuh"
const rrlib::cuda::math::cuVector<3, float> CVec3f;
#ifndef __rrlib__cuda__math__cuVector_h__
#define __rrlib__cuda__math__cuVector_h__
// External includes (system with <>, local with "")
#include <cuda_runtime.h>
#include <cuda.h>
#include <device_launch_parameters.h>
// Internal includes with ""
// Namespace declaration
namespace rrlib
namespace cuda
namespace math
// Forward declarations / typedefs / enums
// Class declaration
* This class encapsulates a vector and provides some utility methods.
template <unsigned int DIMENSION, typename tELEMENT>
class cuSpecialVectorMethods {
__device__ cuSpecialVectorMethods();
__device__ ~cuSpecialVectorMethods();
template <unsigned int DIMENSION, typename tELEMENT>
class cuVector : public cuSpecialVectorMethods<DIMENSION, tELEMENT>
// Private fields and methods
template<typename head, typename... tail>
__device__ void InitHelper(const size_t index, head h, tail... t) {
data[index] = h;
InitHelper(index+1, t...);
__device__ void InitHelper(const size_t index) {}
// Public methods and typedefs
// __device__ cuVector();
__device__ cuVector(const cuVector<DIMENSION, tELEMENT>& rhs);
template<typename... Elements>
__device__ cuVector(Elements... parameter);
__device__ ~cuVector();
template<typename T>
__device__ tELEMENT& operator[](const T i);
template<typename T>
__device__ const tELEMENT& operator[](const T i) const;
__device__ cuVector<DIMENSION, tELEMENT> DotProduct(const cuVector<DIMENSION, tELEMENT>& rhs) const;
__device__ cuVector<DIMENSION, tELEMENT>& operator=(const cuVector<DIMENSION, tELEMENT>& rhs);
__device__ cuVector<DIMENSION, tELEMENT> operator+(const cuVector<DIMENSION, tELEMENT>& rhs) const;
__device__ cuVector<DIMENSION, tELEMENT>& operator+=(const cuVector<DIMENSION, tELEMENT>& rhs);
__device__ cuVector<DIMENSION, tELEMENT> operator*(const cuVector<DIMENSION, tELEMENT>& rhs) const;
__device__ cuVector<DIMENSION, tELEMENT>& operator*=(const cuVector<DIMENSION, tELEMENT>& rhs);
__device__ unsigned int GetDimension() const;
__device__ double GetLength() const;
template <typename tELEMENT>
class cuSpecialVectorMethods<3, tELEMENT> {
__device__ cuSpecialVectorMethods();
__device__ ~cuSpecialVectorMethods();
__device__ cuVector<3,tELEMENT> GetCrossProduct(const cuVector<3,tELEMENT>& rhs) const;
// End of namespace declaration
#include "rrlib/cuda/math/cuVector.cuhpp"
// External includes (system with <>, local with "")
// Internal includes with ""
// Debugging
#include <cassert>
// Namespace usage
// Namespace declaration
namespace rrlib
namespace cuda
namespace math
// Forward declarations / typedefs / enums
// Const values
// Implementation
template <unsigned int DIMENSION, typename tELEMENT>
__device__ cuSpecialVectorMethods<DIMENSION,tELEMENT>::cuSpecialVectorMethods() {}
template <unsigned int DIMENSION, typename tELEMENT>
__device__ cuSpecialVectorMethods<DIMENSION,tELEMENT>::~cuSpecialVectorMethods() {}
template <typename tELEMENT>
__device__ cuSpecialVectorMethods<3, tELEMENT>::cuSpecialVectorMethods() {}
template <typename tELEMENT>
__device__ cuSpecialVectorMethods<3, tELEMENT>::~cuSpecialVectorMethods() {}
template <typename tELEMENT>
__device__ cuVector<3,tELEMENT> cuSpecialVectorMethods<3, tELEMENT>::GetCrossProduct(const cuVector<3,tELEMENT>& rhs) const {
cuVector<3,tELEMENT> result;
const cuVector<3,tELEMENT>* current = static_cast<const cuVector<3,tELEMENT>*>(this);
result[0] = current[1]*rhs[2]-current[2]*rhs[1];
result[1] = current[2]*rhs[0]-current[0]*rhs[2];
result[2] = current[0]*rhs[1]-current[1]*rhs[0];
return result;
/*template <unsigned int DIMENSION, typename tELEMENT>
__device__ cuVector<DIMENSION,tELEMENT>::cuVector() {}*/
template <unsigned int DIMENSION, typename tELEMENT>
__device__ cuVector<DIMENSION,tELEMENT>::cuVector(const cuVector<DIMENSION, tELEMENT>& rhs) {
memcpy(data, rhs.data, DIMENSION*sizeof(tELEMENT));
template <unsigned int DIMENSION, typename tELEMENT>
template <typename... Elements>
__device__ cuVector<DIMENSION,tELEMENT>::cuVector(Elements... parameter){
InitHelper(0, parameter...);
template <unsigned int DIMENSION, typename tELEMENT>
__device__ cuVector<DIMENSION,tELEMENT>::~cuVector() {}
template <unsigned int DIMENSION, typename tELEMENT>
template <typename T>
__device__ tELEMENT& cuVector<DIMENSION,tELEMENT>::operator[](const T i) {
return data[i];
template <unsigned int DIMENSION, typename tELEMENT>
template <typename T>
__device__ const tELEMENT& cuVector<DIMENSION,tELEMENT>::operator[](const T i) const {
return data[i];
template <unsigned int DIMENSION, typename tELEMENT>
__device__ cuVector<DIMENSION, tELEMENT> cuVector<DIMENSION,tELEMENT>::DotProduct(const cuVector<DIMENSION, tELEMENT>& rhs) const {
cuVector<DIMENSION, tELEMENT> result;
for(usigned int i=0; i<DIMENSION; ++i) {
result[i] = data[i] * rhs[i];
template <unsigned int DIMENSION, typename tELEMENT>
__device__ cuVector<DIMENSION, tELEMENT>& cuVector<DIMENSION,tELEMENT>::operator=(const cuVector<DIMENSION, tELEMENT>& rhs) {
memcpy(data, rhs.data, DIMENSION*sizeof(tELEMENT));
return *this;
template <unsigned int DIMENSION, typename tELEMENT>
__device__ cuVector<DIMENSION, tELEMENT> cuVector<DIMENSION,tELEMENT>::operator+(const cuVector<DIMENSION, tELEMENT>& rhs) const {
cuVector<DIMENSION, tELEMENT> result;
for(unsigned int i=0; i<DIMENSION; ++i) {
result[i] = data[i] + rhs[i];
return result;
template <unsigned int DIMENSION, typename tELEMENT>
__device__ cuVector<DIMENSION, tELEMENT>& cuVector<DIMENSION,tELEMENT>::operator+=(const cuVector<DIMENSION, tELEMENT>& rhs) {
for(unsigned int i=0; i<DIMENSION; ++i) {
data[i] += rhs[i];
return *this;
template <unsigned int DIMENSION, typename tELEMENT>
__device__ cuVector<DIMENSION, tELEMENT> cuVector<DIMENSION,tELEMENT>::operator*(const cuVector<DIMENSION, tELEMENT>& rhs) const {
cuVector<DIMENSION, tELEMENT> result;
for(unsigned int i=0; i<DIMENSION; ++i) {
result[i] = data[i] * rhs[i];
return result;
template <unsigned int DIMENSION, typename tELEMENT>
__device__ cuVector<DIMENSION, tELEMENT>& cuVector<DIMENSION,tELEMENT>::operator*=(const cuVector<DIMENSION, tELEMENT>& rhs) {
tVector<DIMENSION, tELEMENT> result;
for(unsigned int i=0; i<DIMENSION; ++i) {
data[i] *= rhs[i];
return *this;
template <unsigned int DIMENSION, typename tELEMENT>
__device__ unsigned int cuVector<DIMENSION,tELEMENT>::GetDimension() const {
template <unsigned int DIMENSION, typename tELEMENT>
__device__ double cuVector<DIMENSION,tELEMENT>::GetLength() const {
double result = data[0];
for(unsigned int i=1; i<DIMENSION; ++i) {
result += data[i];
return sqrt(static_cast<double>(result));
// End of namespace declaration