I’m trying to install “cuda_9.1.85_win10.exe” on my system but the install fails after performing the install preparations. I’ve tried to locate the install log and came accross this link https://devtalk.nvidia.com/default/topic/572372/cuda-5-5-toolkit-install-fails-on-windows-7-possibly-solved-/ which said to run: (I replaced the path with that of an empty txt file on my desktop)
setup.exe -log "C:\path\that\exists" -loglevel:6
Since the installer deletes the CUDA install directory after failing the install I’m not really sure how to do that. I tried to do:
.\cuda_9.1.85_win10.exe -log "C:\path\that\exists" -loglevel:6
which I didn’t expect to work and it didn’t. After that I tried to let the installer fail, then without closing the failed install window (as to not let it remove the temp install directory) run:
.\setup.exe -log "C:\path\that\exists" -loglevel:6
which didn’t work either (it complained I couldn’t have two installers running at the same time). I’m not really sure how to proceed from here. How can I retrieve the install log or permanently extract the installation files?
Some system info:
OS: Windows 10 Education 64-bit (10.0, Build 16299)
GPU: GeForce GTX 660 Ti
IDE: Microsoft Visual Studio Community 2017, Visual C++ 2017
I’m guessing the problem is I’m running Visual C++ 2017 which doesn’t seem to be supported yet.
Finally… clean install Windows… all works! CUDA 9.1.85, VS 2017 15.6.7 …=)
Sadly, performing a clean install of Windows did not fix the issue for me. After the installation preparation is done I was able to quickly extract the files to another directory before they got deleted and ran the
.\setup.exe -log "C:\path\that\exists" -loglevel:6
command again, here is an excerpt of the output messages:
43.194 | INFO: [NvTelemetryExtSite] 428@CNvTelemetryExtSite::GetCurrentlyInstalledPackageVersion : Package is not installed.
43.194 | DEBUG: [NvTelemetryExtSite] 597@CNvTelemetryExtSite::CheckNvTelemetryContainerService : NvTelemetry wasn't installed.
43.194 | ERROR: [NvTelemetryExtSite] 659@CNvTelemetryExtSite::CheckNvTelemetryContainerService : Service query failed with -2147023836.
130.465 | INFO: [NvTelemetryExtSite] 428@CNvTelemetryExtSite::GetCurrentlyInstalledPackageVersion : Package is not installed.
130.465 | DEBUG: [NvTelemetryExtSite] 597@CNvTelemetryExtSite::CheckNvTelemetryContainerService : NvTelemetry wasn't installed.
130.465 | ERROR: [NvTelemetryExtSite] 659@CNvTelemetryExtSite::CheckNvTelemetryContainerService : Service query failed with -2147023836.
191.957 | INFO: [NVI2.NVInstaller] 3004@CNVInstaller::InternalPerformInstallPackagePhases : Entering Checkpoint: Processing package phase "NsightMSITraffic".
191.957 | DEBUG: [NVI2.NVInstaller] 3054@CNVInstaller::InternalPerformInstallPackagePhases : Condition "NsightMSIActionActiveAndTraffic" enabled phase "NsightMSITraffic".
191.957 | ERROR: [NVI2.NVMsiPhase] 853@CNVMsiPhase::InvokePhase : COM error: -2147467259.
191.957 | INFO: [NVI2.NVInstaller] 3004@CNVInstaller::InternalPerformInstallPackagePhases : Exiting Checkpoint: Processing package phase "NsightMSITraffic" ( 0 ms ).
191.957 | INFO: [NVI2.NVInstaller] 2043@CNVInstaller::InternalPerformInstall : Exiting Checkpoint: Processing Package Phases in "visual_studio_integration_9.1" ( 0 ms ).
191.959 | ERROR: [NVI2.NVInstaller] 2064@CNVInstaller::InternalPerformInstall : Package "visual_studio_integration_9.1" failed with error: Exception {0x80004005 - Unspecified error; File: PerformInstall.cpp; Line: 4029; Phase failure}.
191.959 | DEBUG: [DisplayDriver.DisplayDriverExtSite] 1126@CDisplayDriverExtSite::AfterInstallPackage : Package that finished is not Display.Driver , returning early.
191.959 | ERROR: [NVI2.NVInstaller] 2123@CNVInstaller::InternalPerformInstall : Failing at package "visual_studio_integration_9.1" failed with error: Exception {0x80004005 - Unspecified error} - aborting install.
191.963 | INFO: [ShadowPlay.ShadowPlayExtSite] 885@CShadowPlayExtSite::AfterInstall : Package not successfully installed. Don't enable ShadowPlay.
191.962 | ERROR: [NVI2.InstallThread] 54@CInstallThread::ThreadProc : Install failed - Exception {0x80004005 - Unspecified error; File: PerformInstall.cpp; Line: 4029; Phase failure} - going to fail state.
196.175 | DEBUG: [NVI2.NVInstaller] 729@CNVInstaller::InternalCleanupCacheDeferred : Deferred delete is primed.
196.175 | ERROR: [NVI2.NVInstaller] 242@CNVInstaller::PerformSteps : Installation failed with error Exception {0x80004005 - Unspecified error; File: SimpleThread.h; Line: 228}.
Full log available: CUDA install error log, LOG.setup.exe.log · GitHub
How did you reinstall Windows? Did You install NVidia drivers before CUDA?
Settings → Recovery → Reset this PC → Remove everything → All drives
and proceeded from there. I did not overwrite everything, just removed it.
I did not install the NVidia drivers before CUDA since the CUDA installer contains the option to install the drivers if I’m not mistaken? Just tried with installing the NVIDIA drivers and restarting before starting the CUDA install but get the same error (visual studio integration failed).
This time I did get another second log file though, “LOG.NvProfileUpdater64.exe.log” which contains:
2018-05-05 12:25:32.042 ( 0.041) | INFO: [system] 391@Nvidia::Logging::Logger::Logger : 2018-May-05 12:25:32 : Logging init OK. Using configuration from HKLM for DefaultProcess, for the nvprofileupdater64.exe.
2018-05-05 12:25:32.068 ( 0.067) | DEBUG: [UXDriver.NvCpl] 2844@NvUpdateWhiteList : Call CoprocSystemHelper::TryWhiteListMerge.
New log excerpt:
86.713 | INFO: [UpdateCore.UpdateCoreExtSite] 548@CUpdateCoreExtSite::ReportUpdateCoreTasksState : Reporting state of the UpdateCore tasks.
86.713 | ERROR: [UpdateCore.UpdateCoreExtSite] 557@CUpdateCoreExtSite::ReportUpdateCoreTasksState : Failed to load NvTelemetryStatusReporter.dll: 126.
86.713 | INFO: [UpdateCore.UpdateCoreExtSite] 548@CUpdateCoreExtSite::ReportUpdateCoreTasksState : Reporting state of the UpdateCore tasks.
86.713 | ERROR: [UpdateCore.UpdateCoreExtSite] 557@CUpdateCoreExtSite::ReportUpdateCoreTasksState : Failed to load NvTelemetryStatusReporter.dll: 126.
86.713 | INFO: [UpdateCore.UpdateCoreExtSite] 548@CUpdateCoreExtSite::ReportUpdateCoreTasksState : Reporting state of the UpdateCore tasks.
86.713 | ERROR: [UpdateCore.UpdateCoreExtSite] 557@CUpdateCoreExtSite::ReportUpdateCoreTasksState : Failed to load NvTelemetryStatusReporter.dll: 126.
86.714 | INFO: [system] 464@Nvidia::Logging::Logger::Logger : 2018-May-05 12:26:55 : Logging init OK. Using configuration from HKLM for DefaultProcess, for the setup.exe.
86.714 | DEBUG: [NvTelemetryExtSite] 669@CNvTelemetryExtSite::AfterInstallSelection : Processing AfterInstallSelection for NvTelemetry.
86.714 | WARNING: [NvTelemetryExtSite] 692@CNvTelemetryExtSite::AfterInstallSelection : NvTelemetry package not selected for installation.
204.889 | INFO: [NVI2.NVInstaller] 3004@CNVInstaller::InternalPerformInstallPackagePhases : Entering Checkpoint: Processing package phase "NsightMSITraffic".
204.889 | DEBUG: [NVI2.NVInstaller] 3054@CNVInstaller::InternalPerformInstallPackagePhases : Condition "NsightMSIActionActiveAndTraffic" enabled phase "NsightMSITraffic".
204.889 | ERROR: [NVI2.NVMsiPhase] 853@CNVMsiPhase::InvokePhase : COM error: -2147467259.
204.889 | INFO: [NVI2.NVInstaller] 3004@CNVInstaller::InternalPerformInstallPackagePhases : Exiting Checkpoint: Processing package phase "NsightMSITraffic" ( 0 ms ).
204.889 | INFO: [NVI2.NVInstaller] 2043@CNVInstaller::InternalPerformInstall : Exiting Checkpoint: Processing Package Phases in "visual_studio_integration_9.1" ( 0 ms ).
204.891 | ERROR: [NVI2.NVInstaller] 2064@CNVInstaller::InternalPerformInstall : Package "visual_studio_integration_9.1" failed with error: Exception {0x80004005 - Unspecified error; File: PerformInstall.cpp; Line: 4029; Phase failure}.
204.890 | DEBUG: [DisplayDriver.DisplayDriverExtSite] 1126@CDisplayDriverExtSite::AfterInstallPackage : Package that finished is not Display.Driver , returning early.
204.892 | ERROR: [NVI2.NVInstaller] 2123@CNVInstaller::InternalPerformInstall : Failing at package "visual_studio_integration_9.1" failed with error: Exception {0x80004005 - Unspecified error} - aborting install.
204.894 | INFO: [DocExt.DocExtSite] 261@CDocExtSite::DecideLaunchDocFinishItem : Skipping finish option decision as package not successfully installed.
204.894 | ERROR: [NVI2.InstallThread] 54@CInstallThread::ThreadProc : Install failed - Exception {0x80004005 - Unspecified error; File: PerformInstall.cpp; Line: 4029; Phase failure} - going to fail state.
204.894 | DEBUG: [NVI2.Installation] 107@CInstallationStepper::Present : Presenting "!InstallFailed".
New log full: LOG.setup.exe.log version 2 · GitHub
That’s might be the root of problem, i faced it since early releases of Win 8, working with installs of VS 2015… whatever I do, if VS installation was corrupted once, ONLY the boot from usb did make help. I’m not specialist, but I believe Windows keep some parameters of VS bundle even after restoring, so I always just format my harddrive, and start all over again… I know it might be very bad solution, but in this case It helped again, really.
Visual Studio even in minimalist config is so huge, and brings a lot of problems if changed wrong way… for example reinstalling CUDA and its extensions…
hmm, ill try that then and report back.
Guess I forgot to post, perdorming a clean install did not fix the issue :/ not sure what the next step is. What VS version are you running? VS 2017 Community?
I didn’t have a problem with VS2017 enterprise 15.6.X but I couldn’t have VS integration installed with 15.7.0 (released yesterday). I cannot revert.
In my case I selected custom install and unticked everything except cuda packages (documentation, gfx drivers, VS integration etc etc) then installed it to custom folder outside of c drive with short path and no spaces in folder names (i.e. d:\ProgramFiles\Cuda)
Install was successful.