CUDA 9.2 compatible with Visual Studio 15.7.2?

My CUDA 9.2 installation in Windows 10 fails. My Visual Studio version is 15.7.2 and the setup error log contains the following :

182.327 | ERROR: [NVI2.NVInstaller] 2064@CNVInstaller::InternalPerformInstall : Package “visual_studio_integration_9.2” failed with error: Exception {0x80004005 - Unspecified error; File: PerformInstall.cpp; Line: 4029; Phase failure}.

My questions are :

  1. Is the latest CUDA toolkit compatible with Studio 15.7.2?

  2. Is the community edition of Visual studio with no additional components/workloads enough for CUDA?

  3. Should I install Visual C++ redistributable 2017 separately?