Custom board usb detection issue in jetson agx orin

usb2_0 custom board.docx (344.7 KB)

Above i attached the file please look once.
USB2_SOM_DP_0 and USB2_SOM_DN_0 (F12,F13) we are teken out pins from SOM directly to type c connector through VPX connector.

In Custom usb2_0 is not working could i change any where let me know.


If you are designing a custom base board, then it means some adaptation configurations are needed.
Otherwise, your board may not work fine.

For Orin AGX series, you could refer to below document
(please be aware that above link is for rel-36.3/jetpack6.0)

This document includes below configuration

  1. pinmux change & GPIO configuration
  2. EEPROM change as most custom boards do not have an EEPROM on it.
  3. Kernel porting
  4. PCIe configuration
  5. USB configuration
  6. MGBE configuration
  7. RGMII configuration


If that means you want to make USB2-0 to be host mode only but not have any OTG function, please refer to above document link and modify the device tree to match host mode only case.

can you please guide me in device tree case where i need to change.

Is there anything i need to change in pinmux?

Are you using jetpack6 or jetpack5?

jetpack 6.4

Then please refer to this document to understand device tree rules first.

BTW, there is no jetpack6.4 exists in the world yet. I guess you probably misunderstood.

Hi sir, i gone through the document. i am using the same pins A10,A11 of SOM for usb , i connected the mouse while booting mouse light is working after dtb loading mouse not working.
can you please guide where i am missing

i taken A10 and A11 directly to D+ and D- and V5V and GND from SOM

we changed the ODM data to

is this effect usb2.0 working

CCG (Cypress Type-C Controller) is not using in custom board

Please do read the document. Your device tree needs to 100% match your hardware so that it could work.

For example, CCG is not on your board, then you need to remove it from your device tree. Otherwise even the usb driver won’t be probed.

i disabled the cypress status = “disabled” but it is not working.did i miss anything .

one more thing i want know confirmation from you if i change ODM data is there effect on usb and uart peripherals.

this what i changed

Other usb node is still using the Cypress node… read the remote-endpoint node under your usb definition…

tegra234-p3740-0002+p3701-0008.docx (6.1 KB)

Please look once i commented all remote end point as per there any thing i am missing. still it is not working.

This device tree is not in use for Orin AGX…

If you are the colleague of this owner, please check this post…

You two are asking same questions and making same mistakes…

Sorry sir,i sent wrong file to you here i attached the correct file.
tegra234-p3737-0000+p3701-0000.docx (7.5 KB)

please use dtc tool to convert your final dtb back to dts and attach it… what you shared is just partial dts which does not provide full info.

tegra234-p3737-0000+p3701-0000.docx (64.6 KB)
tegra234-p3737-0000+p3701-0000-nv.docx (64.6 KB)

please find the dtb to dts converted file


You still have remote endpoint node in usb3-0/usb3-1.


				usb3-0 {
					status = "okay";
					nvidia,usb2-companion = <0x01>;

					port {

						endpoint {
							remote-endpoint = <0xfa>;
							phandle = <0x10b>;