We designed our own carrier board take the NX devkit as a reference. We do some changes to the GPIO usage. Such as GPIO06, it is used as input instead of an output. Will we need to change the device tree and recompile the kernel? Can we do some minor changes to the devkit image, such as simply changing the pinmux to run it on our board?
you may control the GPIO via sysnode to test the behavior,
please also refer to Pinmux Changes session, If your board schematic differs from that for Jetson Xavier NX Developer Kit board, you must change the pinmux configuration applied by the software.
correct, you’ll need to download pinmux spreadsheets to have customization, after that, please include the generated *.dtsi files and re-compile the device tree. you may also need to execute the python script, pinmux-dts2cfg.py to create the *.cfg file,
please do full flash to update those file correctly.
So, the .dtsi files generate by pinmux tool are used only for bootloader. They are not used for Linux, and I need to download the sources of the kernel to do some changes to the .dtsi files in there, right?