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Hi, i need help to implement custom dnn plugin for DCNv2.
Firstly, i want to confirm that weight and bias would be included as an inputs right?
e.g. if my layer has 3 inputs (input, offset, mask) then _dwDNNPlugin_getOutputDimensions
would gives 5x input dimension (input, offset, mask, weight, bias) as parameter const dwBlobSize * inputDimensions
Currently i want to implement DCNv2 plugin to convert onnx model to tensorrt model. I need to get weight dimension to compute output dimension. I try to get the weight dimensions from inputs[3]
but it seems that inputs[0]
is the only correct dimension and inputs[1~4]
give wrong dimension.
Expected values:
input #0 dimension: 1 512 14 25 // input
input #1 dimension: 1, 18, 14, 25 // offset
input #2 dimension: 1, 9, 14, 25 // mask
input #3 dimension: 256, 512, 3, 3 // weight
input #4 dimension: 256 // bias
Obtained values:
input #0 dimension: 1 512 14 25
input #1 dimension: 0 0 0 0
input #2 dimension: 128 0 2716860161 32759
input #3 dimension: 1110023088 32765 2720397152 32759
input #4 dimension: 2720379552 32759 2961882512 21907
Here is files to reproduce: (37.2 KB)
cf_img.onnx (77.1 MB)
Thank you