LOGS for the first running:
root@ata-jetson:/home/ata/Projects/deepstream_tao_apps/apps/tao_others/deepstream-gaze-app# ./deepstream-gaze-app 1 ../../../configs/nvinfer/facial_tao/sample_faciallandmarks_config.txt /opt/nvidia/deepstream/deepstream-6.3/samples/streams/sample_720p.jpg ./gazenet
Request sink_0 pad from streammux
Now playing: /opt/nvidia/deepstream/deepstream-6.3/samples/streams/sample_720p.jpg
Inside Custom Lib : Setting Prop Key=config-file Value=../../../configs/nvinfer/gaze_tao/sample_gazenet_model_config.txt
0:00:02.848293429 41545 0xaaaaf62f0600 WARN nvinfer gstnvinfer.cpp:887:gst_nvinfer_start:<second-infer-engine1> warning: NvInfer output-tensor-meta is enabled but init_params auto increase memory (auto-inc-mem) is disabled. The bufferpool will not be automatically resized.
WARNING: Deserialize engine failed because file path: /home/ata/Projects/deepstream_tao_apps/configs/nvinfer/facial_tao/../../../models/faciallandmark/faciallandmark.etlt_b32_gpu0_int8.engine open error
0:00:30.286926817 41545 0xaaaaf62f0600 WARN nvinfer gstnvinfer.cpp:679:gst_nvinfer_logger:<second-infer-engine1> NvDsInferContext[UID 2]: Warning from NvDsInferContextImpl::deserializeEngineAndBackend() <nvdsinfer_context_impl.cpp:1976> [UID = 2]: deserialize engine from file :/home/ata/Projects/deepstream_tao_apps/configs/nvinfer/facial_tao/../../../models/faciallandmark/faciallandmark.etlt_b32_gpu0_int8.engine failed
0:00:30.494629269 41545 0xaaaaf62f0600 WARN nvinfer gstnvinfer.cpp:679:gst_nvinfer_logger:<second-infer-engine1> NvDsInferContext[UID 2]: Warning from NvDsInferContextImpl::generateBackendContext() <nvdsinfer_context_impl.cpp:2081> [UID = 2]: deserialize backend context from engine from file :/home/ata/Projects/deepstream_tao_apps/configs/nvinfer/facial_tao/../../../models/faciallandmark/faciallandmark.etlt_b32_gpu0_int8.engine failed, try rebuild
0:00:30.494691480 41545 0xaaaaf62f0600 INFO nvinfer gstnvinfer.cpp:682:gst_nvinfer_logger:<second-infer-engine1> NvDsInferContext[UID 2]: Info from NvDsInferContextImpl::buildModel() <nvdsinfer_context_impl.cpp:2002> [UID = 2]: Trying to create engine from model files
ERROR: [TRT]: 3: [builder.cpp::~Builder::307] Error Code 3: API Usage Error (Parameter check failed at: optimizer/api/builder.cpp::~Builder::307, condition: mObjectCounter.use_count() == 1. Destroying a builder object before destroying objects it created leads to undefined behavior.
WARNING: [TRT]: onnx2trt_utils.cpp:375: Your ONNX model has been generated with INT64 weights, while TensorRT does not natively support INT64. Attempting to cast down to INT32.
WARNING: [TRT]: onnx2trt_utils.cpp:403: One or more weights outside the range of INT32 was clamped
WARNING: [TRT]: onnx2trt_utils.cpp:403: One or more weights outside the range of INT32 was clamped
WARNING: [TRT]: DLA requests all profiles have same min, max, and opt value. All dla layers are falling back to GPU
WARNING: [TRT]: Missing scale and zero-point for tensor (Unnamed Layer* 47) [Constant]_output, expect fall back to non-int8 implementation for any layer consuming or producing given tensor
0:07:12.452018021 41545 0xaaaaf62f0600 INFO nvinfer gstnvinfer.cpp:682:gst_nvinfer_logger:<second-infer-engine1> NvDsInferContext[UID 2]: Info from NvDsInferContextImpl::buildModel() <nvdsinfer_context_impl.cpp:2034> [UID = 2]: serialize cuda engine to file: /home/ata/Projects/deepstream_tao_apps/models/faciallandmark/faciallandmark.etlt_b32_gpu0_int8.engine successfully
INFO: [FullDims Engine Info]: layers num: 4
0 INPUT kFLOAT input_face_images 1x80x80 min: 1x1x80x80 opt: 32x1x80x80 Max: 32x1x80x80
1 OUTPUT kFLOAT conv_keypoints_m80 80x80x80 min: 0 opt: 0 Max: 0
2 OUTPUT kFLOAT softargmax 80x2 min: 0 opt: 0 Max: 0
3 OUTPUT kFLOAT softargmax:1 80 min: 0 opt: 0 Max: 0
0:07:14.198909828 41545 0xaaaaf62f0600 INFO nvinfer gstnvinfer_impl.cpp:328:notifyLoadModelStatus:<second-infer-engine1> [UID 2]: Load new model:../../../configs/nvinfer/facial_tao/faciallandmark_sgie_config.txt sucessfully
0:07:14.199434488 41545 0xaaaaf62f0600 WARN nvinfer gstnvinfer.cpp:679:gst_nvinfer_logger:<primary-infer-engine1> NvDsInferContext[UID 1]: Warning from NvDsInferContextImpl::initialize() <nvdsinfer_context_impl.cpp:1174> [UID = 1]: Warning, OpenCV has been deprecated. Using NMS for clustering instead of cv::groupRectangles with topK = 20 and NMS Threshold = 0.5
WARNING: Deserialize engine failed because file path: /home/ata/Projects/deepstream_tao_apps/configs/nvinfer/facial_tao/../../../models/facenet/facenet.etlt_b1_gpu0_int8.engine open error
0:07:27.337806269 41545 0xaaaaf62f0600 WARN nvinfer gstnvinfer.cpp:679:gst_nvinfer_logger:<primary-infer-engine1> NvDsInferContext[UID 1]: Warning from NvDsInferContextImpl::deserializeEngineAndBackend() <nvdsinfer_context_impl.cpp:1976> [UID = 1]: deserialize engine from file :/home/ata/Projects/deepstream_tao_apps/configs/nvinfer/facial_tao/../../../models/facenet/facenet.etlt_b1_gpu0_int8.engine failed
0:07:27.582617618 41545 0xaaaaf62f0600 WARN nvinfer gstnvinfer.cpp:679:gst_nvinfer_logger:<primary-infer-engine1> NvDsInferContext[UID 1]: Warning from NvDsInferContextImpl::generateBackendContext() <nvdsinfer_context_impl.cpp:2081> [UID = 1]: deserialize backend context from engine from file :/home/ata/Projects/deepstream_tao_apps/configs/nvinfer/facial_tao/../../../models/facenet/facenet.etlt_b1_gpu0_int8.engine failed, try rebuild
0:07:27.582685332 41545 0xaaaaf62f0600 INFO nvinfer gstnvinfer.cpp:682:gst_nvinfer_logger:<primary-infer-engine1> NvDsInferContext[UID 1]: Info from NvDsInferContextImpl::buildModel() <nvdsinfer_context_impl.cpp:2002> [UID = 1]: Trying to create engine from model files
ERROR: [TRT]: 3: [builder.cpp::~Builder::307] Error Code 3: API Usage Error (Parameter check failed at: optimizer/api/builder.cpp::~Builder::307, condition: mObjectCounter.use_count() == 1. Destroying a builder object before destroying objects it created leads to undefined behavior.
WARNING: [TRT]: The implicit batch dimension mode has been deprecated. Please create the network with NetworkDefinitionCreationFlag::kEXPLICIT_BATCH flag whenever possible.
WARNING: [TRT]: Missing scale and zero-point for tensor output_bbox/bias, expect fall back to non-int8 implementation for any layer consuming or producing given tensor
WARNING: [TRT]: Missing scale and zero-point for tensor conv1/kernel, expect fall back to non-int8 implementation for any layer consuming or producing given tensor
WARNING: [TRT]: Missing scale and zero-point for tensor conv1/bias, expect fall back to non-int8 implementation for any layer consuming or producing given tensor
WARNING: [TRT]: Missing scale and zero-point for tensor bn_conv1/moving_variance, expect fall back to non-int8 implementation for any layer consuming or producing given tensor
WARNING: [TRT]: Missing scale and zero-point for tensor bn_conv1/Reshape_1/shape, expect fall back to non-int8 implementation for any layer consuming or producing given tensor
WARNING: [TRT]: Missing scale and zero-point for tensor bn_conv1/batchnorm/add/y, expect fall back to non-int8 implementation for any layer consuming or producing given tensor
WARNING: [TRT]: Missing scale and zero-point for tensor bn_conv1/gamma, expect fall back to non-int8 implementation for any layer consuming or producing given tensor
WARNING: [TRT]: Missing scale and zero-point for tensor bn_conv1/Reshape_3/shape, expect fall back to non-int8 implementation for any layer consuming or producing given tensor
WARNING: [TRT]: Missing scale and zero-point for tensor bn_conv1/beta, expect fall back to non-int8 implementation for any layer consuming or producing given tensor
WARNING: [TRT]: Missing scale and zero-point for tensor bn_conv1/Reshape_2/shape, expect fall back to non-int8 implementation for any layer consuming or producing given tensor
WARNING: [TRT]: Missing scale and zero-point for tensor bn_conv1/moving_mean, expect fall back to non-int8 implementation for any layer consuming or producing given tensor
WARNING: [TRT]: Missing scale and zero-point for tensor bn_conv1/Reshape/shape, expect fall back to non-int8 implementation for any layer consuming or producing given tensor
WARNING: [TRT]: Missing scale and zero-point for tensor block_1a_conv_1/kernel, expect fall back to non-int8 implementation for any layer consuming or producing given tensor
WARNING: [TRT]: Missing scale and zero-point for tensor block_1a_conv_1/bias, expect fall back to non-int8 implementation for any layer consuming or producing given tensor
WARNING: [TRT]: Missing scale and zero-point for tensor block_1a_bn_1/moving_variance, expect fall back to non-int8 implementation for any layer consuming or producing given tensor
WARNING: [TRT]: Missing scale and zero-point for tensor block_1a_bn_1/Reshape_1/shape, expect fall back to non-int8 implementation for any layer consuming or producing given tensor
WARNING: [TRT]: Missing scale and zero-point for tensor block_1a_bn_1/batchnorm/add/y, expect fall back to non-int8 implementation for any layer consuming or producing given tensor
WARNING: [TRT]: Missing scale and zero-point for tensor block_1a_bn_1/gamma, expect fall back to non-int8 implementation for any layer consuming or producing given tensor
WARNING: [TRT]: Missing scale and zero-point for tensor block_1a_bn_1/Reshape_3/shape, expect fall back to non-int8 implementation for any layer consuming or producing given tensor
WARNING: [TRT]: Missing scale and zero-point for tensor block_1a_bn_1/beta, expect fall back to non-int8 implementation for any layer consuming or producing given tensor
WARNING: [TRT]: Missing scale and zero-point for tensor block_1a_bn_1/Reshape_2/shape, expect fall back to non-int8 implementation for any layer consuming or producing given tensor
WARNING: [TRT]: Missing scale and zero-point for tensor block_1a_bn_1/moving_mean, expect fall back to non-int8 implementation for any layer consuming or producing given tensor
WARNING: [TRT]: Missing scale and zero-point for tensor block_1a_bn_1/Reshape/shape, expect fall back to non-int8 implementation for any layer consuming or producing given tensor
WARNING: [TRT]: Missing scale and zero-point for tensor block_1a_conv_2/kernel, expect fall back to non-int8 implementation for any layer consuming or producing given tensor
WARNING: [TRT]: Missing scale and zero-point for tensor block_1a_conv_2/bias, expect fall back to non-int8 implementation for any layer consuming or producing given tensor
WARNING: [TRT]: Missing scale and zero-point for tensor block_1a_bn_2/moving_variance, expect fall back to non-int8 implementation for any layer consuming or producing given tensor
WARNING: [TRT]: Missing scale and zero-point for tensor block_1a_bn_2/Reshape_1/shape, expect fall back to non-int8 implementation for any layer consuming or producing given tensor
WARNING: [TRT]: Missing scale and zero-point for tensor block_1a_bn_2/batchnorm/add/y, expect fall back to non-int8 implementation for any layer consuming or producing given tensor
WARNING: [TRT]: Missing scale and zero-point for tensor block_1a_bn_2/gamma, expect fall back to non-int8 implementation for any layer consuming or producing given tensor
WARNING: [TRT]: Missing scale and zero-point for tensor block_1a_bn_2/Reshape_3/shape, expect fall back to non-int8 implementation for any layer consuming or producing given tensor
WARNING: [TRT]: Missing scale and zero-point for tensor block_1a_bn_2/beta, expect fall back to non-int8 implementation for any layer consuming or producing given tensor
WARNING: [TRT]: Missing scale and zero-point for tensor block_1a_bn_2/Reshape_2/shape, expect fall back to non-int8 implementation for any layer consuming or producing given tensor
WARNING: [TRT]: Missing scale and zero-point for tensor block_1a_bn_2/moving_mean, expect fall back to non-int8 implementation for any layer consuming or producing given tensor
WARNING: [TRT]: Missing scale and zero-point for tensor block_1a_bn_2/Reshape/shape, expect fall back to non-int8 implementation for any layer consuming or producing given tensor
WARNING: [TRT]: Missing scale and zero-point for tensor block_1a_conv_shortcut/kernel, expect fall back to non-int8 implementation for any layer consuming or producing given tensor
WARNING: [TRT]: Missing scale and zero-point for tensor block_1a_conv_shortcut/bias, expect fall back to non-int8 implementation for any layer consuming or producing given tensor
WARNING: [TRT]: Missing scale and zero-point for tensor block_1a_bn_shortcut/moving_variance, expect fall back to non-int8 implementation for any layer consuming or producing given tensor
WARNING: [TRT]: Missing scale and zero-point for tensor block_1a_bn_shortcut/Reshape_1/shape, expect fall back to non-int8 implementation for any layer consuming or producing given tensor
WARNING: [TRT]: Missing scale and zero-point for tensor block_1a_bn_shortcut/batchnorm/add/y, expect fall back to non-int8 implementation for any layer consuming or producing given tensor
WARNING: [TRT]: Missing scale and zero-point for tensor block_1a_bn_shortcut/gamma, expect fall back to non-int8 implementation for any layer consuming or producing given tensor
WARNING: [TRT]: Missing scale and zero-point for tensor block_1a_bn_shortcut/Reshape_3/shape, expect fall back to non-int8 implementation for any layer consuming or producing given tensor
WARNING: [TRT]: Missing scale and zero-point for tensor block_1a_bn_shortcut/beta, expect fall back to non-int8 implementation for any layer consuming or producing given tensor
WARNING: [TRT]: Missing scale and zero-point for tensor block_1a_bn_shortcut/Reshape_2/shape, expect fall back to non-int8 implementation for any layer consuming or producing given tensor
WARNING: [TRT]: Missing scale and zero-point for tensor block_1a_bn_shortcut/moving_mean, expect fall back to non-int8 implementation for any layer consuming or producing given tensor
WARNING: [TRT]: Missing scale and zero-point for tensor block_1a_bn_shortcut/Reshape/shape, expect fall back to non-int8 implementation for any layer consuming or producing given tensor
WARNING: [TRT]: Missing scale and zero-point for tensor block_1b_conv_1/kernel, expect fall back to non-int8 implementation for any layer consuming or producing given tensor
WARNING: [TRT]: Missing scale and zero-point for tensor block_1b_conv_1/bias, expect fall back to non-int8 implementation for any layer consuming or producing given tensor
WARNING: [TRT]: Missing scale and zero-point for tensor block_1b_bn_1/moving_variance, expect fall back to non-int8 implementation for any layer consuming or producing given tensor
WARNING: [TRT]: Missing scale and zero-point for tensor block_1b_bn_1/Reshape_1/shape, expect fall back to non-int8 implementation for any layer consuming or producing given tensor
WARNING: [TRT]: Missing scale and zero-point for tensor block_1b_bn_1/batchnorm/add/y, expect fall back to non-int8 implementation for any layer consuming or producing given tensor
WARNING: [TRT]: Missing scale and zero-point for tensor block_1b_bn_1/gamma, expect fall back to non-int8 implementation for any layer consuming or producing given tensor
WARNING: [TRT]: Missing scale and zero-point for tensor block_1b_bn_1/Reshape_3/shape, expect fall back to non-int8 implementation for any layer consuming or producing given tensor
WARNING: [TRT]: Missing scale and zero-point for tensor block_1b_bn_1/beta, expect fall back to non-int8 implementation for any layer consuming or producing given tensor
WARNING: [TRT]: Missing scale and zero-point for tensor block_1b_bn_1/Reshape_2/shape, expect fall back to non-int8 implementation for any layer consuming or producing given tensor
WARNING: [TRT]: Missing scale and zero-point for tensor block_1b_bn_1/moving_mean, expect fall back to non-int8 implementation for any layer consuming or producing given tensor
WARNING: [TRT]: Missing scale and zero-point for tensor block_1b_bn_1/Reshape/shape, expect fall back to non-int8 implementation for any layer consuming or producing given tensor
WARNING: [TRT]: Missing scale and zero-point for tensor block_1b_conv_2/kernel, expect fall back to non-int8 implementation for any layer consuming or producing given tensor
WARNING: [TRT]: Missing scale and zero-point for tensor block_1b_conv_2/bias, expect fall back to non-int8 implementation for any layer consuming or producing given tensor
WARNING: [TRT]: Missing scale and zero-point for tensor block_1b_bn_2/moving_variance, expect fall back to non-int8 implementation for any layer consuming or producing given tensor
WARNING: [TRT]: Missing scale and zero-point for tensor block_1b_bn_2/Reshape_1/shape, expect fall back to non-int8 implementation for any layer consuming or producing given tensor
WARNING: [TRT]: Missing scale and zero-point for tensor block_1b_bn_2/batchnorm/add/y, expect fall back to non-int8 implementation for any layer consuming or producing given tensor
WARNING: [TRT]: Missing scale and zero-point for tensor block_1b_bn_2/gamma, expect fall back to non-int8 implementation for any layer consuming or producing given tensor
WARNING: [TRT]: Missing scale and zero-point for tensor block_1b_bn_2/Reshape_3/shape, expect fall back to non-int8 implementation for any layer consuming or producing given tensor
WARNING: [TRT]: Missing scale and zero-point for tensor block_1b_bn_2/beta, expect fall back to non-int8 implementation for any layer consuming or producing given tensor
WARNING: [TRT]: Missing scale and zero-point for tensor block_1b_bn_2/Reshape_2/shape, expect fall back to non-int8 implementation for any layer consuming or producing given tensor
WARNING: [TRT]: Missing scale and zero-point for tensor block_1b_bn_2/moving_mean, expect fall back to non-int8 implementation for any layer consuming or producing given tensor
WARNING: [TRT]: Missing scale and zero-point for tensor block_1b_bn_2/Reshape/shape, expect fall back to non-int8 implementation for any layer consuming or producing given tensor
WARNING: [TRT]: Missing scale and zero-point for tensor block_1b_conv_shortcut/kernel, expect fall back to non-int8 implementation for any layer consuming or producing given tensor
WARNING: [TRT]: Missing scale and zero-point for tensor block_1b_conv_shortcut/bias, expect fall back to non-int8 implementation for any layer consuming or producing given tensor
WARNING: [TRT]: Missing scale and zero-point for tensor block_1b_bn_shortcut/moving_variance, expect fall back to non-int8 implementation for any layer consuming or producing given tensor
WARNING: [TRT]: Missing scale and zero-point for tensor block_1b_bn_shortcut/Reshape_1/shape, expect fall back to non-int8 implementation for any layer consuming or producing given tensor
WARNING: [TRT]: Missing scale and zero-point for tensor block_1b_bn_shortcut/batchnorm/add/y, expect fall back to non-int8 implementation for any layer consuming or producing given tensor
WARNING: [TRT]: Missing scale and zero-point for tensor block_1b_bn_shortcut/gamma, expect fall back to non-int8 implementation for any layer consuming or producing given tensor
WARNING: [TRT]: Missing scale and zero-point for tensor block_1b_bn_shortcut/Reshape_3/shape, expect fall back to non-int8 implementation for any layer consuming or producing given tensor
WARNING: [TRT]: Missing scale and zero-point for tensor block_1b_bn_shortcut/beta, expect fall back to non-int8 implementation for any layer consuming or producing given tensor
WARNING: [TRT]: Missing scale and zero-point for tensor block_1b_bn_shortcut/Reshape_2/shape, expect fall back to non-int8 implementation for any layer consuming or producing given tensor
WARNING: [TRT]: Missing scale and zero-point for tensor block_1b_bn_shortcut/moving_mean, expect fall back to non-int8 implementation for any layer consuming or producing given tensor
WARNING: [TRT]: Missing scale and zero-point for tensor block_1b_bn_shortcut/Reshape/shape, expect fall back to non-int8 implementation for any layer consuming or producing given tensor
WARNING: [TRT]: Missing scale and zero-point for tensor block_2a_conv_1/kernel, expect fall back to non-int8 implementation for any layer consuming or producing given tensor
WARNING: [TRT]: Missing scale and zero-point for tensor block_2a_conv_1/bias, expect fall back to non-int8 implementation for any layer consuming or producing given tensor
WARNING: [TRT]: Missing scale and zero-point for tensor block_2a_bn_1/moving_variance, expect fall back to non-int8 implementation for any layer consuming or producing given tensor
WARNING: [TRT]: Missing scale and zero-point for tensor block_2a_bn_1/Reshape_1/shape, expect fall back to non-int8 implementation for any layer consuming or producing given tensor
WARNING: [TRT]: Missing scale and zero-point for tensor block_2a_bn_1/batchnorm/add/y, expect fall back to non-int8 implementation for any layer consuming or producing given tensor
WARNING: [TRT]: Missing scale and zero-point for tensor block_2a_bn_1/gamma, expect fall back to non-int8 implementation for any layer consuming or producing given tensor
WARNING: [TRT]: Missing scale and zero-point for tensor block_2a_bn_1/Reshape_3/shape, expect fall back to non-int8 implementation for any layer consuming or producing given tensor
WARNING: [TRT]: Missing scale and zero-point for tensor block_2a_bn_1/beta, expect fall back to non-int8 implementation for any layer consuming or producing given tensor
WARNING: [TRT]: Missing scale and zero-point for tensor block_2a_bn_1/Reshape_2/shape, expect fall back to non-int8 implementation for any layer consuming or producing given tensor
WARNING: [TRT]: Missing scale and zero-point for tensor block_2a_bn_1/moving_mean, expect fall back to non-int8 implementation for any layer consuming or producing given tensor
WARNING: [TRT]: Missing scale and zero-point for tensor block_2a_bn_1/Reshape/shape, expect fall back to non-int8 implementation for any layer consuming or producing given tensor
WARNING: [TRT]: Missing scale and zero-point for tensor block_2a_conv_2/kernel, expect fall back to non-int8 implementation for any layer consuming or producing given tensor
WARNING: [TRT]: Missing scale and zero-point for tensor block_2a_conv_2/bias, expect fall back to non-int8 implementation for any layer consuming or producing given tensor
WARNING: [TRT]: Missing scale and zero-point for tensor block_2a_bn_2/moving_variance, expect fall back to non-int8 implementation for any layer consuming or producing given tensor
WARNING: [TRT]: Missing scale and zero-point for tensor block_2a_bn_2/Reshape_1/shape, expect fall back to non-int8 implementation for any layer consuming or producing given tensor
WARNING: [TRT]: Missing scale and zero-point for tensor block_2a_bn_2/batchnorm/add/y, expect fall back to non-int8 implementation for any layer consuming or producing given tensor
WARNING: [TRT]: Missing scale and zero-point for tensor block_2a_bn_2/gamma, expect fall back to non-int8 implementation for any layer consuming or producing given tensor
WARNING: [TRT]: Missing scale and zero-point for tensor block_2a_bn_2/Reshape_3/shape, expect fall back to non-int8 implementation for any layer consuming or producing given tensor
WARNING: [TRT]: Missing scale and zero-point for tensor block_2a_bn_2/beta, expect fall back to non-int8 implementation for any layer consuming or producing given tensor
WARNING: [TRT]: Missing scale and zero-point for tensor block_2a_bn_2/Reshape_2/shape, expect fall back to non-int8 implementation for any layer consuming or producing given tensor
WARNING: [TRT]: Missing scale and zero-point for tensor block_2a_bn_2/moving_mean, expect fall back to non-int8 implementation for any layer consuming or producing given tensor
WARNING: [TRT]: Missing scale and zero-point for tensor block_2a_bn_2/Reshape/shape, expect fall back to non-int8 implementation for any layer consuming or producing given tensor
WARNING: [TRT]: Missing scale and zero-point for tensor block_2a_conv_shortcut/kernel, expect fall back to non-int8 implementation for any layer consuming or producing given tensor
WARNING: [TRT]: Missing scale and zero-point for tensor block_2a_conv_shortcut/bias, expect fall back to non-int8 implementation for any layer consuming or producing given tensor
WARNING: [TRT]: Missing scale and zero-point for tensor block_2a_bn_shortcut/moving_variance, expect fall back to non-int8 implementation for any layer consuming or producing given tensor
WARNING: [TRT]: Missing scale and zero-point for tensor block_2a_bn_shortcut/Reshape_1/shape, expect fall back to non-int8 implementation for any layer consuming or producing given tensor
WARNING: [TRT]: Missing scale and zero-point for tensor block_2a_bn_shortcut/batchnorm/add/y, expect fall back to non-int8 implementation for any layer consuming or producing given tensor
WARNING: [TRT]: Missing scale and zero-point for tensor block_2a_bn_shortcut/gamma, expect fall back to non-int8 implementation for any layer consuming or producing given tensor
WARNING: [TRT]: Missing scale and zero-point for tensor block_2a_bn_shortcut/Reshape_3/shape, expect fall back to non-int8 implementation for any layer consuming or producing given tensor
WARNING: [TRT]: Missing scale and zero-point for tensor block_2a_bn_shortcut/beta, expect fall back to non-int8 implementation for any layer consuming or producing given tensor
WARNING: [TRT]: Missing scale and zero-point for tensor block_2a_bn_shortcut/Reshape_2/shape, expect fall back to non-int8 implementation for any layer consuming or producing given tensor
WARNING: [TRT]: Missing scale and zero-point for tensor block_2a_bn_shortcut/moving_mean, expect fall back to non-int8 implementation for any layer consuming or producing given tensor
WARNING: [TRT]: Missing scale and zero-point for tensor block_2a_bn_shortcut/Reshape/shape, expect fall back to non-int8 implementation for any layer consuming or producing given tensor
WARNING: [TRT]: Missing scale and zero-point for tensor block_2b_conv_1/kernel, expect fall back to non-int8 implementation for any layer consuming or producing given tensor
WARNING: [TRT]: Missing scale and zero-point for tensor block_2b_conv_1/bias, expect fall back to non-int8 implementation for any layer consuming or producing given tensor
WARNING: [TRT]: Missing scale and zero-point for tensor block_2b_bn_1/moving_variance, expect fall back to non-int8 implementation for any layer consuming or producing given tensor
WARNING: [TRT]: Missing scale and zero-point for tensor block_2b_bn_1/Reshape_1/shape, expect fall back to non-int8 implementation for any layer consuming or producing given tensor
WARNING: [TRT]: Missing scale and zero-point for tensor block_2b_bn_1/batchnorm/add/y, expect fall back to non-int8 implementation for any layer consuming or producing given tensor
WARNING: [TRT]: Missing scale and zero-point for tensor block_2b_bn_1/gamma, expect fall back to non-int8 implementation for any layer consuming or producing given tensor
WARNING: [TRT]: Missing scale and zero-point for tensor block_2b_bn_1/Reshape_3/shape, expect fall back to non-int8 implementation for any layer consuming or producing given tensor
WARNING: [TRT]: Missing scale and zero-point for tensor block_2b_bn_1/beta, expect fall back to non-int8 implementation for any layer consuming or producing given tensor
WARNING: [TRT]: Missing scale and zero-point for tensor block_2b_bn_1/Reshape_2/shape, expect fall back to non-int8 implementation for any layer consuming or producing given tensor
WARNING: [TRT]: Missing scale and zero-point for tensor block_2b_bn_1/moving_mean, expect fall back to non-int8 implementation for any layer consuming or producing given tensor
WARNING: [TRT]: Missing scale and zero-point for tensor block_2b_bn_1/Reshape/shape, expect fall back to non-int8 implementation for any layer consuming or producing given tensor
WARNING: [TRT]: Missing scale and zero-point for tensor block_2b_conv_2/kernel, expect fall back to non-int8 implementation for any layer consuming or producing given tensor
WARNING: [TRT]: Missing scale and zero-point for tensor block_2b_conv_2/bias, expect fall back to non-int8 implementation for any layer consuming or producing given tensor
WARNING: [TRT]: Missing scale and zero-point for tensor block_2b_bn_2/moving_variance, expect fall back to non-int8 implementation for any layer consuming or producing given tensor
WARNING: [TRT]: Missing scale and zero-point for tensor block_2b_bn_2/Reshape_1/shape, expect fall back to non-int8 implementation for any layer consuming or producing given tensor
WARNING: [TRT]: Missing scale and zero-point for tensor block_2b_bn_2/batchnorm/add/y, expect fall back to non-int8 implementation for any layer consuming or producing given tensor
WARNING: [TRT]: Missing scale and zero-point for tensor block_2b_bn_2/gamma, expect fall back to non-int8 implementation for any layer consuming or producing given tensor
WARNING: [TRT]: Missing scale and zero-point for tensor block_2b_bn_2/Reshape_3/shape, expect fall back to non-int8 implementation for any layer consuming or producing given tensor
WARNING: [TRT]: Missing scale and zero-point for tensor block_2b_bn_2/beta, expect fall back to non-int8 implementation for any layer consuming or producing given tensor
WARNING: [TRT]: Missing scale and zero-point for tensor block_2b_bn_2/Reshape_2/shape, expect fall back to non-int8 implementation for any layer consuming or producing given tensor
WARNING: [TRT]: Missing scale and zero-point for tensor block_2b_bn_2/moving_mean, expect fall back to non-int8 implementation for any layer consuming or producing given tensor
WARNING: [TRT]: Missing scale and zero-point for tensor block_2b_bn_2/Reshape/shape, expect fall back to non-int8 implementation for any layer consuming or producing given tensor
WARNING: [TRT]: Missing scale and zero-point for tensor block_2b_conv_shortcut/kernel, expect fall back to non-int8 implementation for any layer consuming or producing given tensor
WARNING: [TRT]: Missing scale and zero-point for tensor block_2b_conv_shortcut/bias, expect fall back to non-int8 implementation for any layer consuming or producing given tensor
WARNING: [TRT]: Missing scale and zero-point for tensor block_2b_bn_shortcut/moving_variance, expect fall back to non-int8 implementation for any layer consuming or producing given tensor
WARNING: [TRT]: Missing scale and zero-point for tensor block_2b_bn_shortcut/Reshape_1/shape, expect fall back to non-int8 implementation for any layer consuming or producing given tensor
WARNING: [TRT]: Missing scale and zero-point for tensor block_2b_bn_shortcut/batchnorm/add/y, expect fall back to non-int8 implementation for any layer consuming or producing given tensor
WARNING: [TRT]: Missing scale and zero-point for tensor block_2b_bn_shortcut/gamma, expect fall back to non-int8 implementation for any layer consuming or producing given tensor
WARNING: [TRT]: Missing scale and zero-point for tensor block_2b_bn_shortcut/Reshape_3/shape, expect fall back to non-int8 implementation for any layer consuming or producing given tensor
WARNING: [TRT]: Missing scale and zero-point for tensor block_2b_bn_shortcut/beta, expect fall back to non-int8 implementation for any layer consuming or producing given tensor
WARNING: [TRT]: Missing scale and zero-point for tensor block_2b_bn_shortcut/Reshape_2/shape, expect fall back to non-int8 implementation for any layer consuming or producing given tensor
WARNING: [TRT]: Missing scale and zero-point for tensor block_2b_bn_shortcut/moving_mean, expect fall back to non-int8 implementation for any layer consuming or producing given tensor
WARNING: [TRT]: Missing scale and zero-point for tensor block_2b_bn_shortcut/Reshape/shape, expect fall back to non-int8 implementation for any layer consuming or producing given tensor
WARNING: [TRT]: Missing scale and zero-point for tensor block_3a_conv_1/kernel, expect fall back to non-int8 implementation for any layer consuming or producing given tensor
WARNING: [TRT]: Missing scale and zero-point for tensor block_3a_conv_1/bias, expect fall back to non-int8 implementation for any layer consuming or producing given tensor
WARNING: [TRT]: Missing scale and zero-point for tensor block_3a_bn_1/moving_variance, expect fall back to non-int8 implementation for any layer consuming or producing given tensor
WARNING: [TRT]: Missing scale and zero-point for tensor block_3a_bn_1/Reshape_1/shape, expect fall back to non-int8 implementation for any layer consuming or producing given tensor
WARNING: [TRT]: Missing scale and zero-point for tensor block_3a_bn_1/batchnorm/add/y, expect fall back to non-int8 implementation for any layer consuming or producing given tensor
WARNING: [TRT]: Missing scale and zero-point for tensor block_3a_bn_1/gamma, expect fall back to non-int8 implementation for any layer consuming or producing given tensor
WARNING: [TRT]: Missing scale and zero-point for tensor block_3a_bn_1/Reshape_3/shape, expect fall back to non-int8 implementation for any layer consuming or producing given tensor
WARNING: [TRT]: Missing scale and zero-point for tensor block_3a_bn_1/beta, expect fall back to non-int8 implementation for any layer consuming or producing given tensor
WARNING: [TRT]: Missing scale and zero-point for tensor block_3a_bn_1/Reshape_2/shape, expect fall back to non-int8 implementation for any layer consuming or producing given tensor
WARNING: [TRT]: Missing scale and zero-point for tensor block_3a_bn_1/moving_mean, expect fall back to non-int8 implementation for any layer consuming or producing given tensor
WARNING: [TRT]: Missing scale and zero-point for tensor block_3a_bn_1/Reshape/shape, expect fall back to non-int8 implementation for any layer consuming or producing given tensor
WARNING: [TRT]: Missing scale and zero-point for tensor block_3a_conv_2/kernel, expect fall back to non-int8 implementation for any layer consuming or producing given tensor
WARNING: [TRT]: Missing scale and zero-point for tensor block_3a_conv_2/bias, expect fall back to non-int8 implementation for any layer consuming or producing given tensor
WARNING: [TRT]: Missing scale and zero-point for tensor block_3a_bn_2/moving_variance, expect fall back to non-int8 implementation for any layer consuming or producing given tensor
WARNING: [TRT]: Missing scale and zero-point for tensor block_3a_bn_2/Reshape_1/shape, expect fall back to non-int8 implementation for any layer consuming or producing given tensor
WARNING: [TRT]: Missing scale and zero-point for tensor block_3a_bn_2/batchnorm/add/y, expect fall back to non-int8 implementation for any layer consuming or producing given tensor
WARNING: [TRT]: Missing scale and zero-point for tensor block_3a_bn_2/gamma, expect fall back to non-int8 implementation for any layer consuming or producing given tensor
WARNING: [TRT]: Missing scale and zero-point for tensor block_3a_bn_2/Reshape_3/shape, expect fall back to non-int8 implementation for any layer consuming or producing given tensor
WARNING: [TRT]: Missing scale and zero-point for tensor block_3a_bn_2/beta, expect fall back to non-int8 implementation for any layer consuming or producing given tensor
WARNING: [TRT]: Missing scale and zero-point for tensor block_3a_bn_2/Reshape_2/shape, expect fall back to non-int8 implementation for any layer consuming or producing given tensor
WARNING: [TRT]: Missing scale and zero-point for tensor block_3a_bn_2/moving_mean, expect fall back to non-int8 implementation for any layer consuming or producing given tensor
WARNING: [TRT]: Missing scale and zero-point for tensor block_3a_bn_2/Reshape/shape, expect fall back to non-int8 implementation for any layer consuming or producing given tensor
WARNING: [TRT]: Missing scale and zero-point for tensor block_3a_conv_shortcut/kernel, expect fall back to non-int8 implementation for any layer consuming or producing given tensor
WARNING: [TRT]: Missing scale and zero-point for tensor block_3a_conv_shortcut/bias, expect fall back to non-int8 implementation for any layer consuming or producing given tensor
WARNING: [TRT]: Missing scale and zero-point for tensor block_3a_bn_shortcut/moving_variance, expect fall back to non-int8 implementation for any layer consuming or producing given tensor
WARNING: [TRT]: Missing scale and zero-point for tensor block_3a_bn_shortcut/Reshape_1/shape, expect fall back to non-int8 implementation for any layer consuming or producing given tensor
WARNING: [TRT]: Missing scale and zero-point for tensor block_3a_bn_shortcut/batchnorm/add/y, expect fall back to non-int8 implementation for any layer consuming or producing given tensor
WARNING: [TRT]: Missing scale and zero-point for tensor block_3a_bn_shortcut/gamma, expect fall back to non-int8 implementation for any layer consuming or producing given tensor
WARNING: [TRT]: Missing scale and zero-point for tensor block_3a_bn_shortcut/Reshape_3/shape, expect fall back to non-int8 implementation for any layer consuming or producing given tensor
WARNING: [TRT]: Missing scale and zero-point for tensor block_3a_bn_shortcut/beta, expect fall back to non-int8 implementation for any layer consuming or producing given tensor
WARNING: [TRT]: Missing scale and zero-point for tensor block_3a_bn_shortcut/Reshape_2/shape, expect fall back to non-int8 implementation for any layer consuming or producing given tensor
WARNING: [TRT]: Missing scale and zero-point for tensor block_3a_bn_shortcut/moving_mean, expect fall back to non-int8 implementation for any layer consuming or producing given tensor
WARNING: [TRT]: Missing scale and zero-point for tensor block_3a_bn_shortcut/Reshape/shape, expect fall back to non-int8 implementation for any layer consuming or producing given tensor
WARNING: [TRT]: Missing scale and zero-point for tensor block_3b_conv_1/kernel, expect fall back to non-int8 implementation for any layer consuming or producing given tensor
WARNING: [TRT]: Missing scale and zero-point for tensor block_3b_conv_1/bias, expect fall back to non-int8 implementation for any layer consuming or producing given tensor
WARNING: [TRT]: Missing scale and zero-point for tensor block_3b_bn_1/moving_variance, expect fall back to non-int8 implementation for any layer consuming or producing given tensor
WARNING: [TRT]: Missing scale and zero-point for tensor block_3b_bn_1/Reshape_1/shape, expect fall back to non-int8 implementation for any layer consuming or producing given tensor
WARNING: [TRT]: Missing scale and zero-point for tensor block_3b_bn_1/batchnorm/add/y, expect fall back to non-int8 implementation for any layer consuming or producing given tensor
WARNING: [TRT]: Missing scale and zero-point for tensor block_3b_bn_1/gamma, expect fall back to non-int8 implementation for any layer consuming or producing given tensor
WARNING: [TRT]: Missing scale and zero-point for tensor block_3b_bn_1/Reshape_3/shape, expect fall back to non-int8 implementation for any layer consuming or producing given tensor
WARNING: [TRT]: Missing scale and zero-point for tensor block_3b_bn_1/beta, expect fall back to non-int8 implementation for any layer consuming or producing given tensor
WARNING: [TRT]: Missing scale and zero-point for tensor block_3b_bn_1/Reshape_2/shape, expect fall back to non-int8 implementation for any layer consuming or producing given tensor
WARNING: [TRT]: Missing scale and zero-point for tensor block_3b_bn_1/moving_mean, expect fall back to non-int8 implementation for any layer consuming or producing given tensor
WARNING: [TRT]: Missing scale and zero-point for tensor block_3b_bn_1/Reshape/shape, expect fall back to non-int8 implementation for any layer consuming or producing given tensor
WARNING: [TRT]: Missing scale and zero-point for tensor block_3b_conv_2/kernel, expect fall back to non-int8 implementation for any layer consuming or producing given tensor
WARNING: [TRT]: Missing scale and zero-point for tensor block_3b_conv_2/bias, expect fall back to non-int8 implementation for any layer consuming or producing given tensor
WARNING: [TRT]: Missing scale and zero-point for tensor block_3b_bn_2/moving_variance, expect fall back to non-int8 implementation for any layer consuming or producing given tensor
WARNING: [TRT]: Missing scale and zero-point for tensor block_3b_bn_2/Reshape_1/shape, expect fall back to non-int8 implementation for any layer consuming or producing given tensor
WARNING: [TRT]: Missing scale and zero-point for tensor block_3b_bn_2/batchnorm/add/y, expect fall back to non-int8 implementation for any layer consuming or producing given tensor
WARNING: [TRT]: Missing scale and zero-point for tensor block_3b_bn_2/gamma, expect fall back to non-int8 implementation for any layer consuming or producing given tensor
WARNING: [TRT]: Missing scale and zero-point for tensor block_3b_bn_2/Reshape_3/shape, expect fall back to non-int8 implementation for any layer consuming or producing given tensor
WARNING: [TRT]: Missing scale and zero-point for tensor block_3b_bn_2/beta, expect fall back to non-int8 implementation for any layer consuming or producing given tensor
WARNING: [TRT]: Missing scale and zero-point for tensor block_3b_bn_2/Reshape_2/shape, expect fall back to non-int8 implementation for any layer consuming or producing given tensor
WARNING: [TRT]: Missing scale and zero-point for tensor block_3b_bn_2/moving_mean, expect fall back to non-int8 implementation for any layer consuming or producing given tensor
WARNING: [TRT]: Missing scale and zero-point for tensor block_3b_bn_2/Reshape/shape, expect fall back to non-int8 implementation for any layer consuming or producing given tensor
WARNING: [TRT]: Missing scale and zero-point for tensor block_3b_conv_shortcut/kernel, expect fall back to non-int8 implementation for any layer consuming or producing given tensor
WARNING: [TRT]: Missing scale and zero-point for tensor block_3b_conv_shortcut/bias, expect fall back to non-int8 implementation for any layer consuming or producing given tensor
WARNING: [TRT]: Missing scale and zero-point for tensor block_3b_bn_shortcut/moving_variance, expect fall back to non-int8 implementation for any layer consuming or producing given tensor
WARNING: [TRT]: Missing scale and zero-point for tensor block_3b_bn_shortcut/Reshape_1/shape, expect fall back to non-int8 implementation for any layer consuming or producing given tensor
WARNING: [TRT]: Missing scale and zero-point for tensor block_3b_bn_shortcut/batchnorm/add/y, expect fall back to non-int8 implementation for any layer consuming or producing given tensor
WARNING: [TRT]: Missing scale and zero-point for tensor block_3b_bn_shortcut/gamma, expect fall back to non-int8 implementation for any layer consuming or producing given tensor
WARNING: [TRT]: Missing scale and zero-point for tensor block_3b_bn_shortcut/Reshape_3/shape, expect fall back to non-int8 implementation for any layer consuming or producing given tensor
WARNING: [TRT]: Missing scale and zero-point for tensor block_3b_bn_shortcut/beta, expect fall back to non-int8 implementation for any layer consuming or producing given tensor
WARNING: [TRT]: Missing scale and zero-point for tensor block_3b_bn_shortcut/Reshape_2/shape, expect fall back to non-int8 implementation for any layer consuming or producing given tensor
WARNING: [TRT]: Missing scale and zero-point for tensor block_3b_bn_shortcut/moving_mean, expect fall back to non-int8 implementation for any layer consuming or producing given tensor
WARNING: [TRT]: Missing scale and zero-point for tensor block_3b_bn_shortcut/Reshape/shape, expect fall back to non-int8 implementation for any layer consuming or producing given tensor
WARNING: [TRT]: Missing scale and zero-point for tensor block_4a_conv_1/kernel, expect fall back to non-int8 implementation for any layer consuming or producing given tensor
WARNING: [TRT]: Missing scale and zero-point for tensor block_4a_conv_1/bias, expect fall back to non-int8 implementation for any layer consuming or producing given tensor
WARNING: [TRT]: Missing scale and zero-point for tensor block_4a_bn_1/moving_variance, expect fall back to non-int8 implementation for any layer consuming or producing given tensor
WARNING: [TRT]: Missing scale and zero-point for tensor block_4a_bn_1/Reshape_1/shape, expect fall back to non-int8 implementation for any layer consuming or producing given tensor
WARNING: [TRT]: Missing scale and zero-point for tensor block_4a_bn_1/batchnorm/add/y, expect fall back to non-int8 implementation for any layer consuming or producing given tensor
WARNING: [TRT]: Missing scale and zero-point for tensor block_4a_bn_1/gamma, expect fall back to non-int8 implementation for any layer consuming or producing given tensor
WARNING: [TRT]: Missing scale and zero-point for tensor block_4a_bn_1/Reshape_3/shape, expect fall back to non-int8 implementation for any layer consuming or producing given tensor
WARNING: [TRT]: Missing scale and zero-point for tensor block_4a_bn_1/beta, expect fall back to non-int8 implementation for any layer consuming or producing given tensor
WARNING: [TRT]: Missing scale and zero-point for tensor block_4a_bn_1/Reshape_2/shape, expect fall back to non-int8 implementation for any layer consuming or producing given tensor
WARNING: [TRT]: Missing scale and zero-point for tensor block_4a_bn_1/moving_mean, expect fall back to non-int8 implementation for any layer consuming or producing given tensor
WARNING: [TRT]: Missing scale and zero-point for tensor block_4a_bn_1/Reshape/shape, expect fall back to non-int8 implementation for any layer consuming or producing given tensor
WARNING: [TRT]: Missing scale and zero-point for tensor block_4a_conv_2/kernel, expect fall back to non-int8 implementation for any layer consuming or producing given tensor
WARNING: [TRT]: Missing scale and zero-point for tensor block_4a_conv_2/bias, expect fall back to non-int8 implementation for any layer consuming or producing given tensor
WARNING: [TRT]: Missing scale and zero-point for tensor block_4a_bn_2/moving_variance, expect fall back to non-int8 implementation for any layer consuming or producing given tensor
WARNING: [TRT]: Missing scale and zero-point for tensor block_4a_bn_2/Reshape_1/shape, expect fall back to non-int8 implementation for any layer consuming or producing given tensor
WARNING: [TRT]: Missing scale and zero-point for tensor block_4a_bn_2/batchnorm/add/y, expect fall back to non-int8 implementation for any layer consuming or producing given tensor
WARNING: [TRT]: Missing scale and zero-point for tensor block_4a_bn_2/gamma, expect fall back to non-int8 implementation for any layer consuming or producing given tensor
WARNING: [TRT]: Missing scale and zero-point for tensor block_4a_bn_2/Reshape_3/shape, expect fall back to non-int8 implementation for any layer consuming or producing given tensor
WARNING: [TRT]: Missing scale and zero-point for tensor block_4a_bn_2/beta, expect fall back to non-int8 implementation for any layer consuming or producing given tensor
WARNING: [TRT]: Missing scale and zero-point for tensor block_4a_bn_2/Reshape_2/shape, expect fall back to non-int8 implementation for any layer consuming or producing given tensor
WARNING: [TRT]: Missing scale and zero-point for tensor block_4a_bn_2/moving_mean, expect fall back to non-int8 implementation for any layer consuming or producing given tensor
WARNING: [TRT]: Missing scale and zero-point for tensor block_4a_bn_2/Reshape/shape, expect fall back to non-int8 implementation for any layer consuming or producing given tensor
WARNING: [TRT]: Missing scale and zero-point for tensor block_4a_conv_shortcut/kernel, expect fall back to non-int8 implementation for any layer consuming or producing given tensor
WARNING: [TRT]: Missing scale and zero-point for tensor block_4a_conv_shortcut/bias, expect fall back to non-int8 implementation for any layer consuming or producing given tensor
WARNING: [TRT]: Missing scale and zero-point for tensor block_4a_bn_shortcut/moving_variance, expect fall back to non-int8 implementation for any layer consuming or producing given tensor
WARNING: [TRT]: Missing scale and zero-point for tensor block_4a_bn_shortcut/Reshape_1/shape, expect fall back to non-int8 implementation for any layer consuming or producing given tensor
WARNING: [TRT]: Missing scale and zero-point for tensor block_4a_bn_shortcut/batchnorm/add/y, expect fall back to non-int8 implementation for any layer consuming or producing given tensor
WARNING: [TRT]: Missing scale and zero-point for tensor block_4a_bn_shortcut/gamma, expect fall back to non-int8 implementation for any layer consuming or producing given tensor
WARNING: [TRT]: Missing scale and zero-point for tensor block_4a_bn_shortcut/Reshape_3/shape, expect fall back to non-int8 implementation for any layer consuming or producing given tensor
WARNING: [TRT]: Missing scale and zero-point for tensor block_4a_bn_shortcut/beta, expect fall back to non-int8 implementation for any layer consuming or producing given tensor
WARNING: [TRT]: Missing scale and zero-point for tensor block_4a_bn_shortcut/Reshape_2/shape, expect fall back to non-int8 implementation for any layer consuming or producing given tensor
WARNING: [TRT]: Missing scale and zero-point for tensor block_4a_bn_shortcut/moving_mean, expect fall back to non-int8 implementation for any layer consuming or producing given tensor
WARNING: [TRT]: Missing scale and zero-point for tensor block_4a_bn_shortcut/Reshape/shape, expect fall back to non-int8 implementation for any layer consuming or producing given tensor
WARNING: [TRT]: Missing scale and zero-point for tensor block_4b_conv_1/kernel, expect fall back to non-int8 implementation for any layer consuming or producing given tensor
WARNING: [TRT]: Missing scale and zero-point for tensor block_4b_conv_1/bias, expect fall back to non-int8 implementation for any layer consuming or producing given tensor
WARNING: [TRT]: Missing scale and zero-point for tensor block_4b_bn_1/moving_variance, expect fall back to non-int8 implementation for any layer consuming or producing given tensor
WARNING: [TRT]: Missing scale and zero-point for tensor block_4b_bn_1/Reshape_1/shape, expect fall back to non-int8 implementation for any layer consuming or producing given tensor
WARNING: [TRT]: Missing scale and zero-point for tensor block_4b_bn_1/batchnorm/add/y, expect fall back to non-int8 implementation for any layer consuming or producing given tensor
WARNING: [TRT]: Missing scale and zero-point for tensor block_4b_bn_1/gamma, expect fall back to non-int8 implementation for any layer consuming or producing given tensor
WARNING: [TRT]: Missing scale and zero-point for tensor block_4b_bn_1/Reshape_3/shape, expect fall back to non-int8 implementation for any layer consuming or producing given tensor
WARNING: [TRT]: Missing scale and zero-point for tensor block_4b_bn_1/beta, expect fall back to non-int8 implementation for any layer consuming or producing given tensor
WARNING: [TRT]: Missing scale and zero-point for tensor block_4b_bn_1/Reshape_2/shape, expect fall back to non-int8 implementation for any layer consuming or producing given tensor
WARNING: [TRT]: Missing scale and zero-point for tensor block_4b_bn_1/moving_mean, expect fall back to non-int8 implementation for any layer consuming or producing given tensor
WARNING: [TRT]: Missing scale and zero-point for tensor block_4b_bn_1/Reshape/shape, expect fall back to non-int8 implementation for any layer consuming or producing given tensor
WARNING: [TRT]: Missing scale and zero-point for tensor block_4b_conv_2/kernel, expect fall back to non-int8 implementation for any layer consuming or producing given tensor
WARNING: [TRT]: Missing scale and zero-point for tensor block_4b_conv_2/bias, expect fall back to non-int8 implementation for any layer consuming or producing given tensor
WARNING: [TRT]: Missing scale and zero-point for tensor block_4b_bn_2/moving_variance, expect fall back to non-int8 implementation for any layer consuming or producing given tensor
WARNING: [TRT]: Missing scale and zero-point for tensor block_4b_bn_2/Reshape_1/shape, expect fall back to non-int8 implementation for any layer consuming or producing given tensor
WARNING: [TRT]: Missing scale and zero-point for tensor block_4b_bn_2/batchnorm/add/y, expect fall back to non-int8 implementation for any layer consuming or producing given tensor
WARNING: [TRT]: Missing scale and zero-point for tensor block_4b_bn_2/gamma, expect fall back to non-int8 implementation for any layer consuming or producing given tensor
WARNING: [TRT]: Missing scale and zero-point for tensor block_4b_bn_2/Reshape_3/shape, expect fall back to non-int8 implementation for any layer consuming or producing given tensor
WARNING: [TRT]: Missing scale and zero-point for tensor block_4b_bn_2/beta, expect fall back to non-int8 implementation for any layer consuming or producing given tensor
WARNING: [TRT]: Missing scale and zero-point for tensor block_4b_bn_2/Reshape_2/shape, expect fall back to non-int8 implementation for any layer consuming or producing given tensor
WARNING: [TRT]: Missing scale and zero-point for tensor block_4b_bn_2/moving_mean, expect fall back to non-int8 implementation for any layer consuming or producing given tensor
WARNING: [TRT]: Missing scale and zero-point for tensor block_4b_bn_2/Reshape/shape, expect fall back to non-int8 implementation for any layer consuming or producing given tensor
WARNING: [TRT]: Missing scale and zero-point for tensor block_4b_conv_shortcut/kernel, expect fall back to non-int8 implementation for any layer consuming or producing given tensor
WARNING: [TRT]: Missing scale and zero-point for tensor block_4b_conv_shortcut/bias, expect fall back to non-int8 implementation for any layer consuming or producing given tensor
WARNING: [TRT]: Missing scale and zero-point for tensor block_4b_bn_shortcut/moving_variance, expect fall back to non-int8 implementation for any layer consuming or producing given tensor
WARNING: [TRT]: Missing scale and zero-point for tensor block_4b_bn_shortcut/Reshape_1/shape, expect fall back to non-int8 implementation for any layer consuming or producing given tensor
WARNING: [TRT]: Missing scale and zero-point for tensor block_4b_bn_shortcut/batchnorm/add/y, expect fall back to non-int8 implementation for any layer consuming or producing given tensor
WARNING: [TRT]: Missing scale and zero-point for tensor block_4b_bn_shortcut/gamma, expect fall back to non-int8 implementation for any layer consuming or producing given tensor
WARNING: [TRT]: Missing scale and zero-point for tensor block_4b_bn_shortcut/Reshape_3/shape, expect fall back to non-int8 implementation for any layer consuming or producing given tensor
WARNING: [TRT]: Missing scale and zero-point for tensor block_4b_bn_shortcut/beta, expect fall back to non-int8 implementation for any layer consuming or producing given tensor
WARNING: [TRT]: Missing scale and zero-point for tensor block_4b_bn_shortcut/Reshape_2/shape, expect fall back to non-int8 implementation for any layer consuming or producing given tensor
WARNING: [TRT]: Missing scale and zero-point for tensor block_4b_bn_shortcut/moving_mean, expect fall back to non-int8 implementation for any layer consuming or producing given tensor
WARNING: [TRT]: Missing scale and zero-point for tensor block_4b_bn_shortcut/Reshape/shape, expect fall back to non-int8 implementation for any layer consuming or producing given tensor
WARNING: [TRT]: Missing scale and zero-point for tensor output_bbox/kernel, expect fall back to non-int8 implementation for any layer consuming or producing given tensor
WARNING: [TRT]: Missing scale and zero-point for tensor output_cov/kernel, expect fall back to non-int8 implementation for any layer consuming or producing given tensor
WARNING: [TRT]: Missing scale and zero-point for tensor output_cov/bias, expect fall back to non-int8 implementation for any layer consuming or producing given tensor
0:09:54.343808094 41545 0xaaaaf62f0600 INFO nvinfer gstnvinfer.cpp:682:gst_nvinfer_logger:<primary-infer-engine1> NvDsInferContext[UID 1]: Info from NvDsInferContextImpl::buildModel() <nvdsinfer_context_impl.cpp:2034> [UID = 1]: serialize cuda engine to file: /home/ata/Projects/deepstream_tao_apps/models/facenet/facenet.etlt_b1_gpu0_int8.engine successfully
INFO: [Implicit Engine Info]: layers num: 3
0 INPUT kFLOAT input_1 3x416x736
1 OUTPUT kFLOAT output_bbox/BiasAdd 4x26x46
2 OUTPUT kFLOAT output_cov/Sigmoid 1x26x46
0:09:55.696838497 41545 0xaaaaf62f0600 INFO nvinfer gstnvinfer_impl.cpp:328:notifyLoadModelStatus:<primary-infer-engine1> [UID 1]: Load new model:../../../configs/nvinfer/facial_tao/config_infer_primary_facenet.txt sucessfully
Segmentation fault (core dumped)
I wonder why there’s no model conversion for gazenet. There’s only file gazenet_facegrid.etlt.