DeepStream SDK FAQ

[DS5.0 xx_All_App] For DS 5.0 DP: how to integrate nvdsanalytics plugin in C deepstream-app

  1. User need to create analytics bin in /opt/nvidia/deepstream/deepstream-5.0/sources/apps/apps-common/src
  2. Refer deepstream_dsexample.c and similarly create deepstream_nvdsanalytics.c
  3. deepstream_app.h should be modified to add the instance of nvdsanalytics bin and config in the structures
  4. deepstream_config_file_parser.c needs to updated for parsing of nvdsanalytics config from configuration file
  5. deepstream_app.c should be updated for adding the nvdsanalytics bin in the pipeline, ideally location is after the tracker
  6. Create a new cpp file with process_meta function declared with extern “C”, this will parse the meta for nvdsanalytics, refer sample nvdanalytics test app probe call for creation of the function
  7. Add the probe in deepstream_app_main.c after nvdsanalytics bin
  8. Modify Makefile to compile the cpp and deepstream_app_main.c using g++ with -fpermisive flag and link deepstream-app using g++

These are rough steps, but additional modifications in header files required

For DS 5.0 GA we would be adding the support for meta access