Deepstream supports wsl2 ubuntu20.04 now?

I get message cuda on WSL is ok now from this:

so for deepstream? wsl2 ubuntu is so convenient for development

I confirm that it works pretty well !

With minor modification in the nvdsgst-infer plugin to work-around lack of EGL symbols in the cuda library (to enable inference debugging/execution and visualization on host).

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is it possible to get nvv4l2decoder and nvv4l2h264enc working? could anyone from NVIDIA confirm if there might be support for this in the future? currently it’s complaining about /dev/nvidia0 missing. Thanks!

I’m seeing a number of threads/questions around Deepstream & WSL… and the typical ‘solution’ is that it is not supported.

Whilst the answer is technically correct (not officially supported/tested by nVidia), it does not mean it cannot work.

Deepstream can quite easily be used within WSL.
It works with 6.0.1 & now even with 6.2.

Only minor adjustments are required to do so (recompile 1 or 2 plugins + adapt pipeline).

see deepstream_wsl (for DS 6.2)

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