Deploy caffe resnet10_ssd with deepstream on TX2

Please provide complete information as applicable to your setup.

**Jetson TX2
**• DeepStream 4.0
**• JetPack Version 4.3
**• TensorRT Version 6.0

I trained my object detector in caffe and wanted to deploy the trained model with deepstream on tx2, but failed to parse the output.

I modified the .protoctxt file according to :
Edit the deploy.prototxt file and change all the Flatten layers to Reshape operations with the following parameters:
reshape_param {
shape {
dim: 0
dim: -1
dim: 1
dim: 1
Update the detection_out layer by adding the keep_count output, for example, add:
top: “keep_count”
Rename the deploy.prototxt file to ssd.prototxt and run the sample.

custom-lib-path =

I also modified the nvdsinfer_custombboxparser.cpp (
"conv2d_bbox" ---"detection_out"
"conv2d_cov/Sigmoid" ---"keep_count"

the outputs are many rectangles with height of 1, which are totally lines. I don't know how to solve this problem


Are you using a SSD-based model?
If yes, please check this sample for more information:


Please make sure you are using the following bounding box parser for SSD:



I trained my resnet10_ssd detector in Caffe and I think the deplo.protoctxt is different from the resnet10.protoctxt in /opt/nvidia/deepstream/deepstream-4.0/sources/objectDetector_SSD

Where should I change in order to parser the bounding boxes?


In general, resnet10_ssd indicates using ResNet as feature extractor and SSD as detector.

Since bounding box parser is related to the detector output.
For resnet10_ssd, you will need a ssd-based parser.

You can find such parser in this sample:




Deepstream 5.0 is released.
It’s recommended to upgrade your environment to Deepstream5.0 with JetPack4.4 to get the overall performance improvment.
