Devkit USB-C connect to PC device management: L4T-README

Compare with Devkit, we found the Devkit that connected to PC will show L4T-README in device management on PC when enter into linux OS, but our custom carrier board has no HW device found in device management on PC. Our carrier board is designed with device mode only, that is mean it could be roled as u-disk etc. how to realize that feature?

the snapshot of Devkit in device management as follow:


Is there any fix information could be geted from NV?


Are you talking about your custom board won’t have usb device mode as devkit?

yes, no response in device management on PC side.

we use USB3.0 switch for TX/RX switch IC and set the swith into device mode in design, and idealy the carrier board will be like U-disk etc and the PC will recognize it at least for a hardware device or unkown device.

how to make sure NV USB_SS1 is running in host or device mode? The USB0_VBUS_DET_N is switched from high to low when plugged on PC.

USB Type C.pdf (26.0 KB)


Are you using rel-36 or rel-35?


please refer to this document to modify the device tree DT to match your board design for USB part.

we don’t have id pin, my question is how to set NV module into device mode(not Host,not OTG),please clarify more on Orin Nano/NX platform, thanks!

文件上都有寫你需要的東西. 沒有id pin這種設計也是ok的…

總之你需要改device tree. 如果要提問請真的讀過文件之後再問.
現在問的問題感覺沒什麼太大的意義. 改完DT之後自然會進入device mode.

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