Does deepstream Smart Video Record support multi streams?

• Hardware Platform (Jetson / CPU)
• DeepStream 5.1
• Issue Type( questions)

I can run /opt/nvidia/deepstream/deepstream-5.1/sources/apps/sample_apps/deepstream-testsr to implement Smart Video Record, but now I would like to ask if Smart Video Record supports multi streams?

Surely it can. There are deepstream-app sample codes to show how to implement smart recording with multiple streams. Smart Video Record — DeepStream 6.1.1 Release documentation
DeepStream Reference Application - deepstream-app — DeepStream 6.1.1 Release documentation

deepstream-testsr is to show the usage of smart recording interfaces. If you are familiar with gstreamer programming, it is very easy to add multiple streams.

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Thanks for ur reply! I’ve already run the program with multi streams input while there’s another question I’d like to ask. I’ve configured “smart-record=2” as the document said, using local event to start or end video-recording. What should I do if I want to set a self event to control the record? For example, the record starts when there’s an object being detected in the visual field. Do I need to add a callback function or something else? Thanks again.

Adding a callback is a possible way. You can design your own application functions. DeepStream is only a SDK which provide HW accelerated APIs for video inferencing, video decoding, video processing, etc. It will not conflict to any other functions in your application. When to start smart recording and when to stop smart recording depend on your design.

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do you need to pass different session ids when recording from different sources? because recording might be started while the same session is actively recording for another source…

What is the correct way to do this? because when I try deepstream-app with smart-recording configured for 1 source, the behaviour is perfect. However, when configuring smart-record for multiple sources the duration of the videos are no longer consistent (different duration for each video).
How to extend this to work with multiple sources?

Hi a7med.hish,

Please help to open a new topic if still an issue to support.
