Does Jetson need the CAN bus transceivers to transmit message using CAN communication?


I’m trying to make a system that sends a CAN signal when a PWM signal is received. When I looked for CAN communication using CAN pin of Jetson Xavier AGX, I saw that additional hardware was required. Is an additional device necessary for can communication using Jetson?

Enabling CAN on Nvidia Jetson Xavier Developer Kit | by Ramin Nabati | Medium

Hi qkrdnfyd1,

Are you using the devkit or custom board for AGX Xavier?
What’s your Jetpack version in use?

Yes, the CAN transceiver is necessary for CAN communication.
You could refer to our setup and verification on the AGX Xavier devkit.
Jetson AGX Xavier Developer Kit CAN commmunication error - #8 by KevinFFF


Jetpack: 4.6.1

You need a suitable transceiver (recommendation: dual voltage transceiver like MCP2558FD with VIO on Pin 5)

You need a bus with proper termination.
And you need a known good CAN node on the bus. You will get errors if your device is alone on the bus. You need a second device that will acknowdege your frames, and this device should be guaranteed to be working.

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