Does the officially compiled deepstram-app -c support image segmentation?

  • deepstream-app version 6.1.0
  • DeepStreamSDK 6.1.0
  • CUDA Driver Version: 11.4
  • CUDA Runtime Version: 11.6
  • TensorRT Version: 8.2
  • cuDNN Version: 8.4
  • libNVWarp360 Version: 2.0.1d3

Does the officially compiled deepstram-app -c support image segmentation?
If so ,how should I set it up?
I see that the demo given is a vision example for classification detection.

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There are two types of segmentation models - segmentation model and instance segmentation model, GitHub - NVIDIA-AI-IOT/deepstream_tao_apps: Sample apps to demonstrate how to deploy models trained with TAO on DeepStream

The original deepstream-app can only support instance segmentation model. deepstream_reference_apps/deepstream_app_tao_configs at master · NVIDIA-AI-IOT/deepstream_reference_apps · GitHub while there is no visual output of the segmentations.

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