DRIVE AGX : Falshing Failed

Please provide the following info (check/uncheck the boxes after clicking “+ Create Topic”):
Software Version
DRIVE OS Linux 5.2.0
DRIVE OS Linux 5.2.0 and DriveWorks 3.5
[*] NVIDIA DRIVE™ Software 10.0 (Linux)
NVIDIA DRIVE™ Software 9.0 (Linux)
other DRIVE OS version

Target Operating System
[*] Linux

Hardware Platform
[*] NVIDIA DRIVE™ AGX Xavier DevKit (E3550)
NVIDIA DRIVE™ AGX Pegasus DevKit (E3550)

SDK Manager Version
[*] other =>

Host Machine Version
[*] native Ubuntu 18.04

Hello, I failed to install Drive Software 10.0 with DRIVE AGX developer kit.
And I can’t take any hint for solution from error message.

Please, check the logs !!!

SDKM_logs_DRIVE_Software_10.0_(rev.2) (1.5 MB)

18:11:16 INFO: Flash Xavier A+B in parallel - flash: '` dialout
18:11:16 INFO: Flash Xavier A+B in parallel - flash: exec_command: sudo chmod a+rw /dev/ttyUSB*
18:11:16 INFO: Flash Xavier A+B in parallel - flash: exec_command: cd pdkinstaller && ./pdkinstaller --installtype bindflash --boardtype ES --pdkinstalledpath /home/nvidia/nvidia/nvidia_sdk/DRIVE_Software_10.0_Linux_OS_DDPX/DRIVEOS --configjson ./manifests/install_pdk_config/av_ddp_pegasus_hyp71_linux_tegraAB_install_config.json --consoleout enable
18:13:17 INFO: Flash Xavier A+B in parallel - flash: Password for nvidia:
18:13:17 INFO: Flash Xavier A+B in parallel - flash: Aurix port /dev/ttyUSB3 found. Fetching board revision from InfoROM ...
18:13:26 INFO: Flash Xavier A+B in parallel - flash: BOARD SKU : 940-63550-2000-100
18:13:26 INFO: Flash Xavier A+B in parallel - flash: Executing bind cmd make -f Makefile.bind PCT=linux BOARD=e3550b03-t194a PCT_VARIANT=dev_nonrt
18:13:29 INFO: Flash Xavier A+B in parallel - flash: Executing bind cmd make -f Makefile.bind PCT=linux BOARD=e3550b03-t194b PCT_VARIANT=dev_nonrt
18:13:32 INFO: Flash Xavier A+B in parallel - flash: Bind partitions done!
18:13:32 INFO: Flash Xavier A+B in parallel - flash: Processor found in ttyUSB3
18:13:40 INFO: Flash Xavier A+B in parallel - flash: BOARD SKU : 940-63550-2000-100
18:13:40 INFO: Flash Xavier A+B in parallel - flash: Running flash command: sudo -E /home/nvidia/nvidia/nvidia_sdk/DRIVE_Software_10.0_Linux_OS_DDPX/DRIVEOS/drive-t186ref-foundation//tools/host/flashtools/bootburn_t19x/ -b e3550b03-t194 -B qspi -x /dev/ttyUSB3 --updtcfga gos1-fs:dirname:/home/nvidia/nvidia/nvidia_sdk/DRIVE_Software_10.0_Linux_OS_DDPX/DRIVEOS/drive-t186ref-linux/targetfs_a --updtcfgb gos1-fs:dirname:/home/nvidia/nvidia/nvidia_sdk/DRIVE_Software_10.0_Linux_OS_DDPX/DRIVEOS/drive-t186ref-linux/targetfs_b -w
18:14:05 INFO: Flash Xavier A+B in parallel - flash:
18:14:05 INFO: Flash Xavier A+B in parallel - flash:
18:14:05 INFO: Flash Xavier A+B in parallel - flash: '/home/nvidia/nvidia/nvidia_sdk/DRIVE_Software_10.0_Linux_OS_DDPX/DRIVEOS/drive-t186ref-foundation/tools/host/flashtools/bootburn_t19x/../../../..//firmwares/bin/t19x/mb1/mb1_t194_prod.bin' -> '/home/nvidia/nvidia/nvidia_sdk/DRIVE_Software_10.0_Linux_OS_DDPX/DRIVEOS/drive-t186ref-foundation/tools/host/flashtools/bootburn_t19x/_temp_dump/_temp_dump_8M1QUC4N2C/rcm-flash/mb1.bin'
18:14:06 INFO: Flash Xavier A+B in parallel - flash:
18:14:07 INFO: Flash Xavier A+B in parallel - flash: ==> /home/nvidia/nvidia/nvidia_sdk/DRIVE_Software_10.0_Linux_OS_DDPX/DRIVEOS/drive-t186ref-foundation/tools/host/flashtools/bootburn_t19x/_temp_dump/TegraBLog_KLgVk1TWta.txt <==
18:14:07 INFO: Flash Xavier A+B in parallel - flash: Distributor ID: Ubuntu
18:14:07 INFO: Flash Xavier A+B in parallel - flash:
18:14:07 INFO: Flash Xavier A+B in parallel - flash: Config file:/home/nvidia/nvidia/nvidia_sdk/DRIVE_Software_10.0_Linux_OS_DDPX/DRIVEOS/drive-t186ref-foundation/out/e3550b03-t194a/global_storage_qspi.cfg
18:14:08 INFO: Flash Xavier A+B in parallel - flash: ==> /home/nvidia/nvidia/nvidia_sdk/DRIVE_Software_10.0_Linux_OS_DDPX/DRIVEOS/drive-t186ref-foundation/tools/host/flashtools/bootburn_t19x/_temp_dump/TegraBLog_KLgVk1TWta.txt <==
18:14:09 INFO: Flash Xavier A+B in parallel - flash:
18:14:09 INFO: Flash Xavier A+B in parallel - flash: Wait 1 second after rebooting recovery
18:14:14 INFO: Flash Xavier A+B in parallel - flash: ==> /home/nvidia/nvidia/nvidia_sdk/DRIVE_Software_10.0_Linux_OS_DDPX/DRIVEOS/drive-t186ref-foundation/tools/host/flashtools/bootburn_t19x/_temp_dump/TegraBLog_KLgVk1TWta.txt <==
18:14:14 INFO: Flash Xavier A+B in parallel - flash: [... ] 025% [... ] 028%
18:14:14 INFO: Flash Xavier A+B in parallel - flash: ==> /home/nvidia/nvidia/nvidia_sdk/DRIVE_Software_10.0_Linux_OS_DDPX/DRIVEOS/drive-t186ref-foundation/tools/host/flashtools/bootburn_t19x/_temp_dump/TegraALog_rwXiX6BOPD.txt <==
18:14:16 INFO: Flash Xavier A+B in parallel - flash: ==> /home/nvidia/nvidia/nvidia_sdk/DRIVE_Software_10.0_Linux_OS_DDPX/DRIVEOS/drive-t186ref-foundation/tools/host/flashtools/bootburn_t19x/_temp_dump/TegraALog_rwXiX6BOPD.txt <==
18:14:16 INFO: Flash Xavier A+B in parallel - flash: [... ] 091%
18:14:16 INFO: Flash Xavier A+B in parallel - flash: ==> /home/nvidia/nvidia/nvidia_sdk/DRIVE_Software_10.0_Linux_OS_DDPX/DRIVEOS/drive-t186ref-foundation/tools/host/flashtools/bootburn_t19x/_temp_dump/TegraALog_rwXiX6BOPD.txt <==
18:14:18 INFO: Flash Xavier A+B in parallel - flash: '/home/nvidia/nvidia/nvidia_sdk/DRIVE_Software_10.0_Linux_OS_DDPX/DRIVEOS/drive-t186ref-foundation/tools/host/flashtools/bootburn_t19x/../../../..//firmwares/bin/t19x/mts/mts_c10_prod_cr.bin' -> '/home/nvidia/nvidia/nvidia_sdk/DRIVE_Software_10.0_Linux_OS_DDPX/DRIVEOS/drive-t186ref-foundation/tools/host/flashtools/bootburn_t19x/_temp_dump/_temp_dump_8M1QUC4N2C/flash-images/mts_c10_cr.bin'
18:14:18 INFO: Flash Xavier A+B in parallel - flash: '/home/nvidia/nvidia/nvidia_sdk/DRIVE_Software_10.0_Linux_OS_DDPX/DRIVEOS/drive-t186ref-foundation/tools/host/flashtools/bootburn_t19x/../../../..//platform-config/bpmp_dt/t19x/tegra194-a02-bpmp-e3550-0001-b01-B.dtb' -> '/home/nvidia/nvidia/nvidia_sdk/DRIVE_Software_10.0_Linux_OS_DDPX/DRIVEOS/drive-t186ref-foundation/tools/host/flashtools/bootburn_t19x/_temp_dump/_temp_dump_8M1QUC4N2C/flash-images/bpmp.dtb'
18:14:18 INFO: Flash Xavier A+B in parallel - flash: ==> /home/nvidia/nvidia/nvidia_sdk/DRIVE_Software_10.0_Linux_OS_DDPX/DRIVEOS/drive-t186ref-foundation/tools/host/flashtools/bootburn_t19x/_temp_dump/TegraALog_rwXiX6BOPD.txt <==
18:16:18 INFO: Flash Xavier A+B in parallel - flash: [........................................ ] 081%
18:22:27 INFO: Flash Xavier A+B in parallel - flash: '/home/nvidia/nvidia/nvidia_sdk/DRIVE_Software_10.0_Linux_OS_DDPX/DRIVEOS/drive-t186ref-foundation/tools/host/flashtools/bootburn_t19x/../../../..//firmwares/bin/t19x/nvtboot.bin' -> '/home/nvidia/nvidia/nvidia_sdk/DRIVE_Software_10.0_Linux_OS_DDPX/DRIVEOS/drive-t186ref-foundation/tools/host/flashtools/bootburn_t19x/_temp_dump/_temp_dump_9v17kREfsS/flash-images/nvtboot.bin'
18:22:27 INFO: Flash Xavier A+B in parallel - flash: Flashing-Images started
18:22:28 INFO: Flash Xavier A+B in parallel - flash: (Size: 140048 bytes, Time: 1.757 seconds)
18:24:14 INFO: Flash Xavier A+B in parallel - flash: ==> /home/nvidia/nvidia/nvidia_sdk/DRIVE_Software_10.0_Linux_OS_DDPX/DRIVEOS/drive-t186ref-foundation/tools/host/flashtools/bootburn_t19x/_temp_dump/TegraBLog_KLgVk1TWta.txt <==
18:24:14 INFO: Flash Xavier A+B in parallel - flash: Sending MB1 & Applet
18:24:14 INFO: Flash Xavier A+B in parallel - flash: ###############################################
18:24:14 INFO: Flash Xavier A+B in parallel - flash: Sending blob
18:24:14 INFO: Flash Xavier A+B in parallel - flash: Appending Qb DTB to Qb binary
18:24:14 INFO: Flash Xavier A+B in parallel - flash: no parameters for overriding mb1-bct cfg
18:24:15 INFO: Flash Xavier A+B in parallel - flash: Chip Sample: non es
18:24:15 INFO: Flash Xavier A+B in parallel - flash: '/home/nvidia/nvidia/nvidia_sdk/DRIVE_Software_10.0_Linux_OS_DDPX/DRIVEOS/drive-t186ref-foundation/tools/host/flashtools/bootburn_t19x/../../../..//tools/host/flashtools/flash/t18x/rcmkernel/tegra194-e3550-0001-b03-B-flashing-base.dtb' -> '/home/nvidia/nvidia/nvidia_sdk/DRIVE_Software_10.0_Linux_OS_DDPX/DRIVEOS/drive-t186ref-foundation/tools/host/flashtools/bootburn_t19x/_temp_dump/_temp_dump_8M1QUC4N2C/rcm-flash/linux.dtb'
18:24:15 INFO: Flash Xavier A+B in parallel - flash: Sending blob
18:24:15 INFO: Flash Xavier A+B in parallel - flash: '/home/nvidia/nvidia/nvidia_sdk/DRIVE_Software_10.0_Linux_OS_DDPX/DRIVEOS/drive-t186ref-foundation/tools/host/flashtools/bootburn_t19x/../../../..//firmwares/bin/t19x/mts/mce_c10_prod_cr.bin' -> '/home/nvidia/nvidia/nvidia_sdk/DRIVE_Software_10.0_Linux_OS_DDPX/DRIVEOS/drive-t186ref-foundation/tools/host/flashtools/bootburn_t19x/_temp_dump/_temp_dump_8M1QUC4N2C/flash-images/mce_c10_cr.bin'
18:24:15 INFO: Flash Xavier A+B in parallel - flash: Flashing for Partition A_1_pt (Size: 261120 bytes, Time: 0.503 seconds)
18:24:15 ERROR: Flash Xavier A+B in parallel - flash: command terminated with error
18:24:15 SUMMARY: Flash Xavier A+B in parallel - flash: First Error: Installation failed.

Dear @insung.ok,
May I know which DRIVE release was on target before flashing DRIVE SW 10.0? Does the target has any issue before flashing?


I checked version on Xavier A, after trying flash.

$ cat /etc/nvidia/version-ubuntu-rootfs.txt

And I can’t get any display output from Xavier B.

So, I tried tegrareset x1 and x2.
These are boot logs.

Xavier A :

[0000.022] I> MB1 (prd-version: s_1.6.0.0-t194-41334769-fac5b753)
[0000.028] I> Boot-mode: Coldboot
[0000.031] I> Chip revision : A02P
[0000.034] I> Bootrom patch version : 15 (correctly patched)
[0000.039] I> ATE fuse revision : 0x200
[0000.042] I> Ram repair fuse : 0x0
[0000.045] I> Ram Code : 0x1
[0000.048] I> rst_source : 0x0
[0000.051] I> rst_level : 0x0
[0000.054] I> Boot-device: QSPI
[0000.057] I> Qspi flash params source = brbct
[0000.061] I> Qspi using bpmp-dma
[0000.064] I> Qspi clock source : pllp
[0000.067] W> DEVICE_PROD: device prod is not initialized.
[0000.072] I> QSPI Flash Size = 64 MB
[0000.076] I> Qspi initialized successfully
[0000.079] I> Active Boot chain : 0
[0000.083] I> Boot-device: QSPI
[0000.085] I> Qspi flash params source = brbct
[0000.091] E> MB1_PLATFORM_CONFIG: device prod data is empty in MB1 BCT.
[0000.097] E> MB1_PLATFORM_CONFIG: Failed to initialize device prod.
[0000.105] I> Temperature = 27000
[0000.108] W> Skipping boost for clk: AON_CPU_NIC
[0000.112] W> Skipping boost for clk: CAN1
[0000.116] W> Skipping boost for clk: CAN2
[0000.120] I> Boot-device: QSPI
[0000.123] I> Qspi flash params source = mb1bct
[0000.127] I> Qspi using bpmp-dma
[0000.130] I> Qspi clock source : pllc_out0
[0000.133] W> DEVICE_PROD: device prod is not initialized.
[0000.138] I> Qspi reinitialized
[0000.144] I> Qspi flash params source = mb1bct
[0000.149] I> ECC region[0]: Start:0x0, End:0x0
[0000.153] I> ECC region[1]: Start:0x0, End:0x0
[0000.157] I> ECC region[2]: Start:0x0, End:0x0
[0000.161] I> ECC region[3]: Start:0x0, End:0x0
[0000.165] I> ECC region[4]: Start:0x0, End:0x0
[0000.169] I> Non-ECC region[0]: Start:0x80000000, End:0x880000000
[0000.175] I> Non-ECC region[1]: Start:0x0, End:0x0
[0000.179] I> Non-ECC region[2]: Start:0x0, End:0x0
[0000.184] I> Non-ECC region[3]: Start:0x0, End:0x0
[0000.188] I> Non-ECC region[4]: Start:0x0, End:0x0
[0000.194] W> DEVICE_PROD: device prod is not initialized.
[0000.200] W> DEVICE_PROD: device prod is not initialized.
[0000.206] W> MB1_PLATFORM_CONFIG: Rail ID 7 not found in pmic rail config table.
[0000.213] E> FAILED: MEMIO rail config
[0000.225] I> scrub mode: full dram
[0000.230] I> Boot-device: QSPI
[0000.233] I> Qspi flash params source = mb1bct
[0000.290] E> MB1_PLATFORM_CONFIG: Bootrom mmio i2c table is empty in MB1 BCT.
[0000.299] W> MB1_PLATFORM_CONFIG: Rail ID 8 not found in pmic rail config table.
[0000.321] I> MB1 done

����main enter
SPE VERSION #: R01.00.16 Created: Dec  7 2018 @ 15:56:21
HW Function test
Start Scheduler.
in late init
  I> Welcome to MB2(TBoot-BPMP) (version: 00.00.2018.32-embedded-8357db87)
I> DMA Heap @ [0x526fa000 - 0x52ffa000]
I> Default Heap @ [0xd486400 - 0xd48a400]
E> DEVICE_PROD: Invalid value data = 70020000, size = 0.
W> device prod register failed
I> Boot-device: QSPI
I> Boot_device: QSPI_FLASH instance: 0
I> QSPI Flash Size = 64 MB
I> Qspi initialized successfully
I> qspi flash-0 params source = boot args
I> Boot-device: QSPI
I> Found 21 partitions in QSPI_FLASH (instance 0)
I> GR Blob not found or corrupted. Skipping GR Dump for MB1 Stage
E> CLK_RST: instance 0 not found in module 23.
E> CLK_RST: instance 0 not found in module 22.
E> CLK_RST: instance 0 not found in module 24.
I> Active Boot chain : 0
I> Relocating BR-BCT
I> EKS detected (length: 0x610) @ VA:0x526fba00
I> GR Blob not found or corrupted. Skipping GR Dump for MB2 Stage
��NOTICE:  BL31: v1.4(release):b51ed9ce7
NOTICE:  BL31: Built : 04:56:26, Sep  6 2019
[0x0000000000FDC291] : [  LOG  ] : SCE Booted:VERSION:00.03.04
[0x0000000000FDFEA3] : [  LOG  ] : 3LSS Version : 1.0.0
[0x0000000000FE3F01] : [  LOG  ] : Initializing SEC Threshold Done
[0x0000000000FE863F] : [ INFO  ] : NOC Bist : Passed��] ��������DRIVE Hypervisor
�D-S> ��        Starting TrustZone Server...
��platform_guest_warm_boot: guest warm reboot
platform_guest_warm_boot: guest warm reboot
platform_guest_warm_boot: guest warm reboot
platform_guest_warm_boot: guest warm reboot
platform_guest_warm_boot: guest warm reboot
platform_guest_warm_boot: guest warm reboot
����/dev/ivc89: No such file or directory
main: CmdRespExec_L0_Init failed 
��[    0.000000] Booting Linux on physical CPU 0x100
[    0.000000] Linux version 4.14.102-rt53-tegra (buildbrain@mobile-u64-3172) (gcc version 7.3.1 209
[    0.000000] Boot CPU: AArch64 Processor [4e0f0040]
[    0.000000] OF: fdt: memory scan node memory@80000000, reg size 32,
[    0.000000] OF: fdt:  - 80000000 ,  7ff00000
[    0.000000] OF: fdt:  - 100000000 ,  6b8000000
[    0.000000] Machine model: e3550_t194a
[    0.000000] earlycon: uart8250 at MMIO32 0x000000000c280000 (options '')
��ivc id max is 999: Invalid argument
��platform_guest_warm_boot: guest warm reboot
����[    1.091] Start VM0(Guest OS) to VM_STATE_UNHALT
[    1.097] End VM0(Guest OS) to VM_STATE_UNHALT
[    1.100] Start VM1(Safety service) to VM_STATE_UNHALT
[    1.106] End VM1(Safety service) to VM_STATE_UNHALT
��NVG write denied!
All ClockCycles offsets within tolerance
Starting Safety
Starting pipe manager...
��platform_guest_warm_boot: guest warm reboot
����[    0.000000] bootconsole [uart8250] enabled
[    0.000000] OF: fdt: Reserved memory: failed to reserve memory for node 'fb0_carveout': base 0x0B
[    0.000000] OF: fdt: Reserved memory: failed to reserve memory for node 'fb0_carveout': base 0x0B
[    0.000000] OF: fdt: Reserved memory: failed to reserve memory for node 'fb1_carveout': base 0x0B
[    0.000000] OF: fdt: Reserved memory: failed to reserve memory for node 'fb1_carveout': base 0x0B
[    0.000000] OF: fdt: Reserved memory: failed to reserve memory for node 'fb2_carveout': base 0x0B
[    0.000000] OF: fdt: Reserved memory: failed to reserve memory for node 'fb2_carveout': base 0x0B
[    0.000000] OF: fdt: Reserved memory: failed to reserve memory for node 'fb3_carveout': base 0x0B
[    0.000000] OF: fdt: Reserved memory: failed to reserve memory for node 'fb3_carveout': base 0x0B
[    0.000000] OF: reserved mem: initialized node ramoops_carveout, compatible id nvidia,ramoops
[    0.000000] OF: reserved mem: initialized node carveout0, compatible id nvidia,ivm_carveout
[    0.000000] OF: reserved mem: initialized node generic_carveout, compatible id nvidia,generic_cat
[    0.000000] cma: Reserved 512 MiB at 0x000000009fc00000
[    0.000000] psci: probing for conduit method from DT.
[    0.000000] psci: PSCIv1.0 detected in firmware.
[    0.000000] psci: Using standard PSCI v0.2 function IDs
[    0.000000] psci: MIGRATE_INFO_TYPE not supported.
[    0.000000] psci: SMC Calling Convention v1.0
[    0.000000] random: get_random_bytes called from start_kernel+0xb0/0x418 with crng_init=0
[    0.000000] percpu: Embedded 23 pages/cpu @ffffffc737da3000 s54144 r8192 d31872 u94208
[    0.000000] Built 1 zonelists, mobility grouping on.  Total pages: 7192332
[    0.000000] Kernel command line: fbcon=map:9 aurixfw=AFW root=/dev/vblkdev0p1 gpt rootwait ip=of0
[    0.000000] PID hash table entries: 4096 (order: 3, 32768 bytes)
[    0.000000] Dentry cache hash table entries: 4194304 (order: 14, 67108864 bytes)
[    0.000000] Inode-cache hash table entries: 2097152 (order: 12, 16777216 bytes)
[    0.000000] software IO TLB: mapped [mem 0x9bc00000-0x9fc00000] (64MB)
[    0.000000] Memory: 28057860K/29225984K available (14014K kernel code, 2656K rwdata, 5020K rodat)
[    0.000000] Virtual kernel memory layout:
[    0.000000]     modules : 0xffffff8000000000 - 0xffffff8008000000   (   128 MB)
[    0.000000]     vmalloc : 0xffffff8008000000 - 0xffffffbebfff0000   (   250 GB)
[    0.000000]       .text : 0xffffff8008080000 - 0xffffff8008e30000   ( 14016 KB)
[    0.000000]     .rodata : 0xffffff8008e30000 - 0xffffff8009320000   (  5056 KB)
[    0.000000]       .init : 0xffffff8009320000 - 0xffffff8009a20000   (  7168 KB)
[    0.000000]       .data : 0xffffff8009a20000 - 0xffffff8009cb8008   (  2657 KB)
[    0.000000]        .bss : 0xffffff8009cb8008 - 0xffffff8009d47818   (   575 KB)
[    0.000000]     fixed   : 0xffffffbefe7fd000 - 0xffffffbefec00000   (  4108 KB)
[    0.000000]     PCI I/O : 0xffffffbefee00000 - 0xffffffbeffe00000   (    16 MB)
[    0.000000]     vmemmap : 0xffffffbf00000000 - 0xffffffc000000000   (     4 GB maximum)
[    0.000000]               0xffffffbf00000000 - 0xffffffbf1ce00000   (   462 MB actual)
[    0.000000]     memory  : 0xffffffc000000000 - 0xffffffc738000000   ( 29568 MB)
[    0.000000] SLUB: HWalign=64, Order=0-3, MinObjects=0, CPUs=6, Nodes=1
[    0.000000] ftrace: allocating 43521 entries in 171 pages
[    0.000000] Preemptible hierarchical RCU implementation.
[    0.000000]  RCU event tracing is enabled.
[    0.000000]  RCU restricting CPUs from NR_CPUS=64 to nr_cpu_ids=6.
[    0.000000]  RCU priority boosting: priority 1 delay 500 ms.
[    0.000000]  No expedited grace period (rcu_normal_after_boot).
[    0.000000]  Tasks RCU enabled.
[    0.000000] RCU: Adjusting geometry for rcu_fanout_leaf=16, nr_cpu_ids=6
[    0.000000] NR_IRQS: 64, nr_irqs: 64, preallocated irqs: 0
[    0.000000] arch_timer: cp15 timer(s) running at 31.25MHz (virt).
[    0.000000] clocksource: arch_sys_counter: mask: 0xffffffffffffff max_cycles: 0xe6a171046, max_is
[    0.000004] sched_clock: 56 bits at 31MHz, resolution 32ns, wraps every 4398046511088ns
[    0.000359] Console: colour dummy device 80x25
[    0.223498] kmemleak: Kernel memory leak detector disabled
[    0.223542] Calibrating delay loop (skipped), value calculated using timer frequency.. 62.50 Bog)
[    0.223549] pid_max: default: 32768 minimum: 301
[    0.224146] Security Framework initialized
[    0.224559] Mount-cache hash table entries: 65536 (order: 7, 524288 bytes)
[    0.224628] Mountpoint-cache hash table entries: 65536 (order: 7, 524288 bytes)
[    0.241413] ASID allocator initialised with 65536 entries
[    0.277547] Hierarchical SRCU implementation.
[    0.305261] tegra-id: chipid=21917.
[    0.307191] tegra-id: opt_subrevision=1.
[    0.309297] Tegra Revision: A02p SKU: 0x90 CPU Process: 0 SoC Process: 0
[    0.312857] DTS File Name: /dvs/git/dirty/git-master_modular/kernel/kernel-4.14/arch/arm64/boot/s
[    0.323094] DTB Build time: Sep 20 2019 16:24:11
[    0.342010] smp: Bringing up secondary CPUs ...
[    0.387527] CPU1: Booted secondary processor [4e0f0040]
[    0.431642] CPU2: Booted secondary processor [4e0f0040]
[    0.475932] CPU3: Booted secondary processor [4e0f0040]
[    0.520482] CPU4: Booted secondary processor [4e0f0040]
[    0.564952] CPU5: Booted secondary processor [4e0f0040]
[    0.565366] smp: Brought up 1 node, 6 CPUs
[    0.581587] SMP: Total of 6 processors activated.
[    0.584081] CPU features: detected feature: Privileged Access Never
[    0.587307] CPU features: detected feature: LSE atomic instructions
[    0.590630] CPU features: detected feature: User Access Override
[    0.593829] CPU features: detected feature: 32-bit EL0 Support
[    0.927823] CPU: All CPU(s) started at EL1
[    0.930116] alternatives: patching kernel code
[    0.935589] CPU5: update max cpu_capacity 1024
[    0.942635] CPU3: update max cpu_capacity 1024
[    0.945546] devtmpfs: initialized
[    0.975171] Initilizing CustomIPI irq domain
[    0.977521] Registered cp15_barrier emulation handler
[    0.980150] Registered setend emulation handler
[    0.982774] clocksource: jiffies: mask: 0xffffffff max_cycles: 0xffffffff, max_idle_ns: 76450417s
[    0.987592] futex hash table entries: 2048 (order: 6, 262144 bytes)
[    0.997454] pinctrl core: initialized pinctrl subsystem
[    1.000495] regulator-dummy: no parameters
[    1.003507] tegra_hv: adding ivc256: rx_base=ffffff800a060000 tx_base = ffffff800a078080 size=18)
[    1.008470] tegra_hv: added ivc256
[    1.010158] tegra_hv: adding ivc257: rx_base=ffffff800a078080 tx_base = ffffff800a060000 size=18)
[    1.015138] tegra_hv: added ivc257
[    1.016871] tegra_hv: adding ivc248: rx_base=ffffff800a050000 tx_base = ffffff800a052080 size=20)
[    1.021677] tegra_hv: added ivc248
[    1.023340] tegra_hv: adding ivc249: rx_base=ffffff800a052080 tx_base = ffffff800a050000 size=20)
[    1.028032] tegra_hv: added ivc249
[    1.029660] tegra_hv: adding ivc246: rx_base=ffffff800a040000 tx_base = ffffff800a042080 size=20)
[    1.034394] tegra_hv: added ivc246
[    1.036150] tegra_hv: adding ivc247: rx_base=ffffff800a042080 tx_base = ffffff800a040000 size=20)
[    1.040949] tegra_hv: added ivc247
[    1.042587] tegra_hv: adding ivc244: rx_base=ffffff800a030000 tx_base = ffffff800a032080 size=20)
[    1.047411] tegra_hv: added ivc244
[    1.049012] tegra_hv: adding ivc245: rx_base=ffffff800a032080 tx_base = ffffff800a030000 size=20)
[    1.053704] tegra_hv: added ivc245
[    1.055315] tegra_hv: adding ivc242: rx_base=ffffff800a020000 tx_base = ffffff800a022080 size=20)
[    1.060147] tegra_hv: added ivc242
[    1.061756] tegra_hv: adding ivc243: rx_base=ffffff800a022080 tx_base = ffffff800a020000 size=20)
[    1.066536] tegra_hv: added ivc243
[    1.068165] tegra_hv: adding ivc240: rx_base=ffffff800a010000 tx_base = ffffff800a012080 size=20)
[    1.072912] tegra_hv: added ivc240
[    1.074509] tegra_hv: adding ivc241: rx_base=ffffff800a012080 tx_base = ffffff800a010000 size=20)
[    1.079279] tegra_hv: added ivc241
[    1.080918] tegra_hv: adding ivc238: rx_base=ffffff800a000000 tx_base = ffffff800a002080 size=20)
[    1.085704] tegra_hv: added ivc238
[    1.087271] tegra_hv: adding ivc239: rx_base=ffffff800a002080 tx_base = ffffff800a000000 size=20)
[    1.092136] tegra_hv: added ivc239
[    1.093708] tegra_hv: adding ivc287: rx_base=ffffff8009fc0000 tx_base = ffffff8009fc0180 size=18)
[    1.098338] tegra_hv: added ivc287
[    1.099974] tegra_hv: adding ivc233: rx_base=ffffff8009f80000 tx_base = ffffff8009f98080 size=18)
[    1.104730] tegra_hv: added ivc233
[    1.106300] tegra_hv: adding ivc13: rx_base=ffffff800a1d0000 tx_base = ffffff800a1d0100 size=100)
[    1.110975] tegra_hv: added ivc13
[    1.112582] tegra_hv: adding ivc12: rx_base=ffffff800a1c0000 tx_base = ffffff800a1c0100 size=100)
[    1.117264] tegra_hv: added ivc12
[    1.118807] tegra_hv: adding ivc11: rx_base=ffffff800a1b0000 tx_base = ffffff800a1b0100 size=100)
[    1.123485] tegra_hv: added ivc11
[    1.125107] tegra_hv: adding ivc10: rx_base=ffffff800a1a0000 tx_base = ffffff800a1a0100 size=100)
[    1.129709] tegra_hv: added ivc10
[    1.131229] tegra_hv: adding ivc9: rx_base=ffffff800a190000 tx_base = ffffff800a190100 size=100 )
[    1.135748] tegra_hv: added ivc9
[    1.137272] tegra_hv: adding ivc8: rx_base=ffffff800a180000 tx_base = ffffff800a180100 size=100 )
[    1.141724] tegra_hv: added ivc8
[    1.143241] tegra_hv: adding ivc7: rx_base=ffffff800a170000 tx_base = ffffff800a170100 size=100 )
[    1.147770] tegra_hv: added ivc7
[    1.149290] tegra_hv: adding ivc6: rx_base=ffffff800a160000 tx_base = ffffff800a160100 size=100 )
[    1.153789] tegra_hv: added ivc6
[    1.155224] tegra_hv: adding ivc5: rx_base=ffffff800a150000 tx_base = ffffff800a150100 size=100 )
[    1.159625] tegra_hv: added ivc5
[    1.161191] tegra_hv: adding ivc4: rx_base=ffffff800a140000 tx_base = ffffff800a140100 size=100 )
[    1.165697] tegra_hv: added ivc4
[    1.167149] tegra_hv: adding ivc3: rx_base=ffffff800a130000 tx_base = ffffff800a130100 size=100 )
[    1.171639] tegra_hv: added ivc3
��f��1.173130] teg��[��r�� ��a�� ��_�� ��h�� ��v:��2�� ��.��a��8��d��0��d��1��i��]��n�� ��g��S�� ���
     ��f800a120100 size=100 irq = 32 (477)
��E��1.178592] tegr��[��a_�� ��hv�� ��:�� �� �� ��ad��2��de��.��d��8�� i��0��v��7��c2��] ��
��8����nd VM2(��[��U�� ��p��  ��d�� ��a��1.��t��1��e��80�� ��7��s��29��e��] ��r��t��v��eg��i��r��c�T
     ��00a110000 tx_base = ffffff800a110100 size=100 irq = 33 (478)
[    1.185821] tegra_hv: added ivc1
[    1.187473] tegra_hv: adding ivc0: rx_base=ffffff800a100000 tx_base = ffffff800a100100 size=100 )
[    1.194278] tegra_hv: added ivc0
[    1.196311] tegra_hv: adding ivc31: rx_base=ffffff800a230000 tx_base = ffffff800a230180 size=180)
[    1.201129] tegra_hv: added ivc31
[    1.202746] tegra_hv: adding ivc30: rx_base=ffffff800a220000 tx_base = ffffff800a220480 size=480)
[    1.207598] tegra_hv: added ivc30
[    1.209250] tegra_hv: adding ivc29: rx_base=ffffff800a210000 tx_base = ffffff800a210280 size=280)
[    1.213929] tegra_hv: added ivc29
[    1.215494] tegra_hv: adding ivc28: rx_base=ffffff800a200000 tx_base = ffffff800a200180 size=180)
[    1.220160] tegra_hv: added ivc28
[    1.221923] tegra_hv: adding ivc110: rx_base=ffffff8009f40000 tx_base = ffffff8009f40100 size=10)
[    1.226680] tegra_hv: added ivc110
[    1.228257] tegra_hv: adding ivc237: rx_base=ffffff800ac50000 tx_base = ffffff800ac51080 size=10)
[    1.233152] tegra_hv: added ivc237
[    1.234802] tegra_hv: adding ivc234: rx_base=ffffff800abc0000 tx_base = ffffff800ac00280 size=40)
[    1.239571] tegra_hv: added ivc234
[    1.241186] tegra_hv: adding ivc231: rx_base=ffffff800ab30000 tx_base = ffffff800ab70280 size=40)
[    1.245924] tegra_hv: added ivc231
[    1.247509] tegra_hv: adding ivc127: rx_base=ffffff800ab20000 tx_base = ffffff800ab21080 size=10)
[    1.252188] tegra_hv: added ivc127
[    1.253816] tegra_hv: adding ivc126: rx_base=ffffff800aa90000 tx_base = ffffff800aad0280 size=40)
[    1.258562] tegra_hv: added ivc126
[    1.260144] tegra_hv: adding ivc118: rx_base=ffffff800aa80000 tx_base = ffffff800aa80100 size=10)
[    1.264818] tegra_hv: added ivc118
[    1.266429] tegra_hv: adding ivc107: rx_base=ffffff800aa70000 tx_base = ffffff800aa70100 size=10)
[    1.271078] tegra_hv: added ivc107
[    1.272689] tegra_hv: adding ivc105: rx_base=ffffff800aa60000 tx_base = ffffff800aa60100 size=10)
[    1.278735] tegra_hv: added ivc105
[    1.280672] tegra_hv: adding ivc104: rx_base=ffffff800aa50000 tx_base = ffffff800aa50100 size=10)
[    1.286661] tegra_hv: added ivc104
[    1.288814] tegra_hv: addi��NVG write ��n��denied!
��g ivc101: rx_base=ffffff800a9c0000 tx_base = ffffff800aa00280 size=40280 irq = 49 (494)
[    1.294137] tegra_hv: added ivc101
[    1.295902] tegra_hv: adding ivc42: rx_base=ffffff800a9b0000 tx_base = ffffff800a9b1080 size=108)
[    1.300514] tegra_h��MMFLAG��v: added ivc42
[    1.301892] tegra_hv: adding ivc39: rx_base=ffffff800a92��S=1
Al��0000 tx_base = ffffff800a960280 size=40280 irq = 51 (496)
[    1.308660] tegra_hv: added ivc39
[    1.310506] tegra_hv: adding ivc38: rx_base=ffffff800a890000 tx_base = ffffff800a8d0280 size=402)
[    1.315305] tegra_hv: added ivc38
[    1.317236] tegra_hv: adding ivc35: rx_base=ffffff800a800000 tx_base = ffffff800a840280 size=402)
[    1.325858] tegra_hv: added ivc35
[    1.327644] tegra_hv: adding ivc76: rx_base=ffffff800a0c0000 tx_base = ffffff800a0d4180 size=141)
[    1.332089] tegra_hv: added ivc76
[    1.333629] tegra_hv: added mempool 0: ipa=7fffa00000 size=400000 peer=4
[    1.336449] tegra_hv: added mempool 1: ipa=7fff200000 size=800000 peer=4
[    1.339386] tegra_hv: added mempool 2: ipa=7fff1f0000 size=10000 peer=4
[    1.342398] tegra_hv: added mempool 3: ipa=7ffec00000 size=400000 peer=3
[    1.345211] tegra_hv: added mempool 5: ipa=7ffebc0000 size=40000 peer=5
[    1.348160] tegra_hv: added mempool 6: ipa=7ffe200000 size=800000 peer=6
[    1.350971] tegra_hv: added mempool 8: ipa=7ffda00000 size=800000 peer=6
[    1.353981] tegra_hv: added mempool 9: ipa=7ffd200000 size=800000 peer=6
[    1.356815] tegra_hv: added mempool 10: ipa=7ffd1c0000 size=40000 peer=7
[    1.359641] tegra_hv: added mempool 11: ipa=7ffd0c0000 size=100000 peer=7
[    1.362725] tegra_hv: added mempool 14: ipa=7ffc800000 size=800000 peer=6
[    1.365424] tegra_hv: added mempool 15: ipa=7ffb800000 size=1000000 peer=6
[    1.368378] tegra_hv: added mempool 47: ipa=7ffb7c0000 size=40000 peer=3
[    1.371353] tegra_hv: added mempool 48: ipa=7ffae00000 size=800000 peer=6
[    1.374168] tegra_hv: added mempool 49: ipa=7ffa600000 size=800000 peer=6
[    1.377102] tegra_hv: added mempool 50: ipa=7ff9e00000 size=800000 peer=6
[    1.379812] tegra_hv: added mempo��l ClockCycles of��ol 52: ipa=7ff9600000 size=800000 peer=6
[    1.382802] tegra_hv: added mempool 53: ipa=7ff8e00000 size=800000 peer=6
[    1.385906] tegra_hv: added mempool 54: ipa=7ff8600000 size=800000 peer=6
[    1.388837] tegra_hv: added mempool 56: ipa=7ff7e00000 size=800000 peer=6
[    1.391860] tegra_hv: added mempool 57: ipa=7ff7600000 size=800000 peer=6
[    1.394525] tegra_hv: added mempool 60: ipa=7ff6600000 size=1000000 peer=6
[    1.397280] tegra_hv: added mempool 70: ipa=7fb6600000 size=40000000 peer=0
[    1.400267] tegra_hv: initialized
[    1.402509] NET: Registered protocol family 16
[    1.412004] pstore: using zlib compression
[    1.416169] console [pstore-1] enabled
[    1.417642] pstore: Registered ramoops as persistent store backend
[    1.420716] ramoops: attached 0x200000@0xffd00000, ecc: 0/0
[    1.424841] cpuidle: using governor menu
[    1.434595] bpmp: mail init ok
[    1.440403] arm-smmu 12000000.iommu: found 2 SMMUs
[    1.444379] arm-smmu 12000000.iommu: probing hardware configuration...
[    1.447741] arm-smmu 12000000.iommu: SMMUv2 with:
[    1.450009] arm-smmu 12000000.iommu:         stage 1 translation
[    1.452852] arm-smmu 12000000.iommu:         23 context banks (0 stage-2 only)
[    1.456429] arm-smmu 12000000.iommu:         Supported page sizes: 0x00001000
[    1.459650] arm-smmu 12000000.iommu:         Stage-1: 48-bit VA -> 48-bit IPA
[    1.472213] vdso: 2 pages (1 code @ ffffff8008e36000, 1 data @ ffffff8009a24000)
[    1.476025] hw-breakpoint: found 6 breakpoint and 4 watchpoint registers.
[    1.481897] DMA: preallocated 256 KiB pool for atomic allocations
[    1.485484] Registering BPMP clocks...
[    1.487712] tegra_bpmp_clk_init: clock init ok (400 clks)
[    1.490400] tegra_bpmp_of_clk_init: EMC proxy not found.
[    1.494023] tegra_powergate_init: DONE
[    1.499310] Tegra reboot handler registered.
[    1.501559] DTS File Name: /dvs/git/dirty/git-master_modular/kernel/kernel-4.14/arch/arm64/boot/s
[    1.511158] DTB Build time: Sep 20 2019 16:24:11
[    1.534293] mc: mapped MMIO address: 0xffffff800a660000 -> 0x2c10000
[    1.537258] mc: mapped MMIO address: 0xffffff800a680000 -> 0x2c20000
[    1.540492] mc: mapped MMIO address: 0xffffff800a6a0000 -> 0x2c30000
[    1.543662] mc: mapped MMIO address: 0xffffff800a6c0000 -> 0x2c40000
[    1.546583] mc: mapped MMIO address: 0xffffff800a6e0000 -> 0x2c50000
[    1.550000] mc: mapped MMIO address: 0xffffff800a700000 -> 0x2b80000
[    1.553087] mc: mapped MMIO address: 0xffffff800a720000 -> 0x2b90000
[    1.555937] mc: mapped MMIO address: 0xffffff800a740000 -> 0x2ba0000
[    1.558848] mc: mapped MMIO address: 0xffffff800a760000 -> 0x2bb0000
[    1.562108] mc: mapped MMIO address: 0xffffff800a780000 -> 0x1700000
[    1.565331] mc: mapped MMIO address: 0xffffff800a7a0000 -> 0x1710000
[    1.568254] mc: mapped MMIO address: 0xffffff800a7c0000 -> 0x1720000
[    1.571482] mc: mapped MMIO address: 0xffffff800a7e0000 -> 0x1730000
[    1.574506] mc: mapped MMIO address: 0xffffff800ac70000 -> 0x1740000
[    1.577497] mc: mapped MMIO address: 0xffffff800ac90000 -> 0x1750000
[    1.580660] mc: mapped MMIO address: 0xffffff800acb0000 -> 0x1760000
[    1.583774] mc: mapped MMIO address: 0xffffff800acd0000 -> 0x1770000
[    1.586845] nv-tegra-mc No mssnvlink node
[    1.589461] mc-err: mcerr ops are set to t19x
[    1.594431] tegra-reset 0.bpmp_reset: registered 189 resets.
[    1.599028] iommu: Adding device d000000.bpmp to group 0
[    1.601717] bpmp d000000.bpmp: Found mempool with id 3
[    1.604117] bpmp d000000.bpmp: ivm 0x0000007ffec00000
[    1.606956] bpmp: ping status is 0
[    1.609000] bpmp d000000.bpmp: firmware tag is ddf097f91d44db78012913d725ee31ce
[    1.622486] bpmp d000000.bpmp: probe ok
[    1.635697] gpiochip_setup_dev: registered GPIOs 288 to 511 on device: gpiochip0 (tegra-gpio)
[    1.650706] gpiochip_setup_dev: registered GPIOs 248 to 287 on device: gpiochip1 (tegra-gpio-aon)
[    1.657605] tegra186-aowake c370000.pmc: WAKE_AOWAKE_CTRL_0 ��fsets within tol��= 3
[    1.660321] tegra186-aowake c370000.pmc: WAKE_AOWAKE_CNTRL_24(PMU_INT) = 256
[    1.666122] arm64_ras arm64_ras: None of the CPUs support RAS
[    1.668726] arm64_ras: probe of arm64_ras failed with error -22
[    1.671628] carmel_ras carmel_ras: Deferring probe, arm64_ras hasnt been probed yet
[    1.677684] vdd_otp: 5000 mV 
[    1.679466] vdd_dummy: 5000 mV 
[    1.681586] vdd_otp_1v8: 1800 mV 
Starting��    1.6�� Update��83460] vdd_otp_3v3: 3300 mV 
[    1.685307] vdd_otp_1v2: 120�� VM
Starting pipe manager...
St��0 mV 
[    1.700317] HugeTLB registered 2.00 MiB page size, pre-allocated 0 pages
[    1.706118] max929x_i2c_client_init: called
[    1.710524] tegra-pmc c360000.pmc: create /sys/kernel/debug/PMC/boot-chain-type
[    1.713930] tegra-pmc: get_secure_pmc_setting: done secure_pmc=0
[    1.716587] tegra-pmc: ### PM��arting Clock init...
Starting dtree-nvhvnet
comms and security are not enabled!
Configuring Static IP on hvnet interface
Starting virtualized QSPI driver ...
Starting SE server driver ...
Starting TIPC driver ...
Starting driveupdate
Starting NvGuard_Layer0_OTA
��C reset source: TEGRA_POWER_ON_RESET
[    1.719273] tegra-pmc: ### PMC reset level: TEGRA_RESET_LEVEL_L0
[    1.721926] tegra-pmc: ### PMC reset status reg: 0x0
[    1.724174] tegra-pmc: PMC Prod config success
[    1.727282] eventlib_kernel: keventlib is initialized, test id: 0
[    1.730388] SCSI subsystem initialized
[    1.732160] usbcore: registered new interface driver usbfs
[    1.734637] usbcore: registered new interface driver hub
[    1.737129] usbcore: registered new device driver usb
[    1.740214] iommu: Adding device 3160000.i2c to group 1
[    1.747023] iommu: Adding device c240000.i2c to group 1
[    1.752683] iommu: Adding device 3180000.i2c to group 1
[    1.757961] iommu: Adding device 3190000.i2c to group 1
[    1.763342] iommu: Adding device 31b0000.i2c to group 1
[    1.768500] iommu: Adding device 31c0000.i2c to group 1
[    1.774138] iommu: Adding device c250000.i2c to group 1
[    ��/dev/ivc87: No such file or directory
# main: CmdRespExec_L0_Init failed 
��1.779963] iommu: Adding device 31e0000.i2c to group 1
[    1.788910] max77620 4-003c: PMIC Version OTP:0x51 and ES:0x1
[    1.794155] max77620 4-003c: Backup battery charging support disabled
[    1.797664] max77620-sd0: supplied by regulator-dummy
[    1.800031] max77620-sd0: at 1000 mV 
[    1.802349] max77620-sd1: supplied by regulator-dummy
[    1.804828] max77620-sd1: at 1800 mV 
[    1.807561] max77620-sd2: supplied by regulator-dummy
[    1.810176] max77620-sd2: at 1800 mV 
[    1.812705] max77620-sd3: supplied by regulator-dummy
[    1.815280] max77620-sd3: at 1800 mV 
[    1.817590] max77620-sd4: supplied by regulator-dummy
[    1.820065] max77620-sd4: at 1100 mV 
[    1.822470] max77620-ldo0: supplied by regulator-dummy
[    1.824910] max77620-ldo0: at 800 mV 
[    1.826891] max77620-ldo1: supplied by regulator-dummy
[    1.829280] max77620-ldo1: at 2375 mV 
[    1.831310] max77620-ldo2: supplied by regulator-dummy
[    1.833937] max77620-ldo2: at 3300 mV 
[    1.836290] max77620-ldo3: supplied by regulator-dummy
[    1.839204] max77620-ldo3: at 3300 mV 
[    1.841225] max77620-ldo4: supplied by regulator-dummy
[    1.844093] max77620-ldo4: at 1587 mV 
[    1.846278] max77620-ldo5: supplied by regulator-dummy
[    1.848722] max77620-ldo5: at 3300 mV 
[    1.850807] max77620-ldo6: supplied by regulator-dummy
[    1.853487] max77620-ldo6: at 3300 mV 
[    1.855727] max77620-ldo7: supplied by regulator-dummy
[    1.858160] max77620-ldo7: at 1200 mV 
[    1.860274] max77620-ldo8: supplied by regulator-dummy
[    1.863048] max77620-ldo8: at 1800 mV 
[    1.865187] gpiochip_setup_dev: registered GPIOs 240 to 247 on device: gpiochip2 (max77620-gpio)
[    1.872409] i2c i2c-4: deserialize_i2c ret -22
[    1.874494] i2c i2c-4: --- message dump for debugging ---
[    1.876611] i2c i2c-4: addr 0x3c flags 0x0 len 2 data:
[    1.878717] i2c i2c-4:  0d
[    1.879869] i2c i2c-4:  ef
[    1.881115] i2c i2c-4: 
[    1.882092] max77620 4-003c: Failed to sync masks in d
[    1.885234] max77620 4-003c: max77620 probe successful
[    1.888034] media: Linux media interface: v0.10
[    1.890202] Linux video capture interface: v2.00
[    1.894837] pps_core: LinuxPPS API ver. 1 registered
[    1.899295] pps_core: Software ver. 5.3.6 - Copyright 2005-2007 Rodolfo Giometti <giometti@linux>
[    1.903611] PTP clock support registered
[    1.911698] trusty trusty: trusty version: Built: 04:58:26 Sep  6 2019 
[    1.915055] trusty trusty: selected api version: 3 (requested 3)
[    1.920733] usb0-vbus: 5000 mV 
[    1.922724] usb1-vbus: 5000 mV 
[    1.924737] usb2-vbus: 5000 mV 
[    1.928926] camchar: rtcpu character device driver loaded
[    1.933696] clocksource: Switched to clocksource arch_sys_counter
[    1.993326] VFS: Disk quotas dquot_6.6.0
[    1.995659] VFS: Dquot-cache hash table entries: 512 (order 0, 4096 bytes)
[    1.998892] nvmap_heap_init: nvmap_heap_init: created heap block cache
[    2.002572] iommu: Adding device 2600000.dma to group 1
[    2.006782] tegra-carveouts tegra-carveouts: generic-0 :dma coherent mem declare 0x00000000bfd004
[    2.010929] tegra-carveouts tegra-carveouts: assigned reserved memory node generic_carveout
[    2.014378] nvmap_populate_ivm_carveout: IVM carveout IPA:0000007fb6600000, size=1073741824, pee1
[    2.017023] tegra-gpcdma 2600000.dma: GPC DMA driver register 20 channels
[    2.021524] tegra-carveouts tegra-carveouts: assigned reserved memory node carveout0
[    2.024766] nvmap: nvmap_select_cache_ops() nvmap cache ops set to scf
[    2.027465] nvmap_page_pool_init: Total RAM pages: 7145537
[    2.029786] thermal thermal_zone0: Registering thermal zone thermal_zone0 for type CPU-therm
[    2.029858] thermal thermal_zone1: Registering thermal zone thermal_zone1 for type GPU-therm
[    2.029945] thermal thermal_zone2: Registering thermal zone thermal_zone2 for type AUX-therm
[    2.030177] thermal thermal_zone3: Registering thermal zone thermal_zone3 for type AO-therm
[    2.030275] thermal thermal_zone4: Registering thermal zone thermal_zone4 for type tj-therm
[    2.030365] thermal thermal_zone5: Registering thermal zone thermal_zone5 for type Tdiode_tegra
[    2.031655] la/ptsa driver initialized.
[    2.032092] NET: Registered protocol family 2
[    2.032775] TCP established hash table entries: 262144 (order: 9, 2097152 bytes)
[    2.033898] TCP bind hash table entries: 65536 (order: 9, 3670016 bytes)
[    2.035484] TCP: Hash tables configured (established 262144 bind 65536)
[    2.035663] UDP hash table entries: 16384 (order: 9, 2097152 bytes)
[    2.036424] UDP-Lite hash table entries: 16384 (order: 9, 2097152 bytes)
[    2.037465] NET: Registered protocol family 1
[    2.038454] RPC: Registered named UNIX socket transport module.
[    2.038458] RPC: Registered udp transport module.
[    2.038461] RPC: Registered tcp transport module.
[    2.038463] RPC: Registered tcp NFSv4.1 backchannel transport module.
[    2.038725] Unpacking initramfs...
[    2.054718] Freeing initrd memory: 4980K
[    2.057015] iommu: Adding device 13e10000.host1x to group 2
[    2.070890] t194_init_regs: Host1x HW syncpt ram init disabled
[    2.072667] host1x 13e10000.host1x: initialized
[    2.074828] hw perfevents: failed to parse interrupt-affinity[6] for arm-pmu
[    2.074834] hw perfevents: /arm-pmu: failed to register PMU devices!
[    2.074851] armv8-pmu: probe of arm-pmu failed with error -22
[    2.075720] audit: initializing netlink subsys (disabled)
[    2.076001] audit: type=2000 audit(2.052:1): state=initialized audit_enabled=0 res=1
[    2.076327] workingset: timestamp_bits=46 max_order=23 bucket_order=0
[    2.086684] squashfs: version 4.0 (2009/01/31) Phillip Lougher
[    2.087743] ntfs: driver 2.1.32 [Flags: R/W].
[    2.092989] Block layer SCSI generic (bsg) driver version 0.4 loaded (major 239)
[    2.097220] io scheduler noop registered (default)
[    2.097343] io scheduler cfq registered
[    2.097346] io scheduler mq-deadline registered
[    2.097349] io scheduler kyber registered
[    2.109589] tegra-pwm c340000.pwm: PWM clk can sleep in ops
[    2.111517] tegra-pwm 32c0000.pwm: PWM clk can sleep in ops
[    2.112313] tegra-pwm 32f0000.pwm: PWM clk can sleep in ops
[    2.116570] tegra_camera_platform tegra-camera-platform: tegra_camera_probe:camera_platform_drive
[    2.116786] misc tegra_camera_ctrl: tegra_camera_isomgr_register isp_iso_bw=2090250, vi_iso_bw=35
[    2.121293] iommu: Adding device 14800000.isp to group 3
[    2.124560] iommu: Adding device 13e10000.host1x:ctx0 to group 4
[    2.124717] iommu_context_dev 13e10000.host1x:ctx0: initialized (streamid=56)
[    2.125565] iommu: Adding device 13e10000.host1x:ctx1 to group 5
[    2.125769] iommu_context_dev 13e10000.host1x:ctx1: initialized (streamid=57)
[    2.126432] iommu: Adding device 13e10000.host1x:ctx2 to group 6
[    2.126555] iommu_context_dev 13e10000.host1x:ctx2: initialized (streamid=58)
[    2.127182] iommu: Adding device 13e10000.host1x:ctx4 to group 7
[    2.127316] iommu_context_dev 13e10000.host1x:ctx4: initialized (streamid=60)
[    2.133517] t194-nvcsi 15a00000.nvcsi: context isolation disabled due to no IOMMU
[    2.134385] t194-nvcsi 15a00000.nvcsi: initialized
[    2.136294] vhost-client 15340000.vic: Creating tegra-iommu group 1
[    2.136698] iommu: Adding device 15340000.vic to group 8
[    2.140664] vhost-client 15340000.vic: initialized
[    2.140819] vhost-client 15380000.nvjpg: Adding to tegra-iommu group 1
[    2.140995] iommu: Adding device 15380000.nvjpg to group 8
[    2.143320] vhost-client 15380000.nvjpg: initialized
[    2.143550] vhost-client 15480000.nvdec: Adding to tegra-iommu group 1
[    2.143656] iommu: Adding device 15480000.nvdec to group 8
[    2.148376] vhost-client 15480000.nvdec: initialized
[    2.148548] vhost-client 15140000.nvdec1: Adding to tegra-iommu group 1
[    2.148734] iommu: Adding device 15140000.nvdec1 to group 8
[    2.152828] vhost-client 15140000.nvdec1: initialized
[    2.153047] vhost-client 154c0000.nvenc: Adding to tegra-iommu group 1
[    2.153170] iommu: Adding device 154c0000.nvenc to group 8
[    2.155124] vhost-client 154c0000.nvenc: initialized
[    2.155315] vhost-client 15a80000.nvenc1: Adding to tegra-iommu group 1
[    2.155427] iommu: Adding device 15a80000.nvenc1 to group 8
[    2.157424] vhost-client 15a80000.nvenc1: initialized
[    2.162719] scare-pigeon 13e10000.host1x:vi-thi@15f00000: context isolation disabled due to no IU
[    2.162905] scare-pigeon 13e10000.host1x:vi-thi@15f00000: initialized
[    2.163094] iommu: Adding device 14b00000.isp-thi to group 3
[    2.163484] scare-pigeon 14b00000.isp-thi: initialized
[    2.164461] iommu: Adding device 16000000.pva0 to group 9
[    2.171440] pva 16000000.pva0: initialized
[    2.172633] iommu: Adding device 16800000.pva1 to group 10
[    2.179790] pva 16800000.pva1: initialized
[    2.180706] nvdla 15880000.nvdla0: Adding to tegra-iommu group 1
[    2.180841] iommu: Adding device 15880000.nvdla0 to group 8
[    2.186905] nvdla 15880000.nvdla0: initialized
[    2.187647] nvdla 158c0000.nvdla1: Adding to tegra-iommu group 1
[    2.187782] iommu: Adding device 158c0000.nvdla1 to group 8
[    2.193665] nvdla 158c0000.nvdla1: initialized
[    2.195041] scrncapt: init (heads:4 wins:6 planes:4)
[    2.195362] tegradccommon 15200000.dc_common: host1x channel mapped
[    2.195371] tegradccommon 15200000.dc_common: dc_common syncpt # 1 allocated
[    2.195394] tegradccommon 15200000.dc_common: dma mapping done
[    2.196078] tegradc 15200000.nvdisplay: disp0 connected to head0->/host1x/sor
[    2.196112] generic_infoframe_type: 0x87
[    2.196185] tegradc 15200000.nvdisplay: DT parsed successfully
[    2.196207] tegradc 15200000.nvdisplay: Display dc.ffffff800be30000 registered with id=0
[    2.199589] tegra-fuse-burn 3820000.efuse:efuse-burn: Fuse burn driver initialized
[    2.201063] kfuse 3830000.kfuse: initialized
[    2.202531] tegra_nvdisp_bandwidth_register_max_config: max config iso bw = 15681600 KB/s
[    2.202535] tegra_nvdisp_bandwidth_register_max_config: max config EMC floor = 1066500000 Hz
[    2.202538] tegra_nvdisp_bandwidth_register_max_config: max config hubclk = 356000000 Hz
[    2.203262] tegradc 15200000.nvdisplay: vblank syncpt # 8 for dc 0
[    2.203269] tegradc 15200000.nvdisplay: vpulse3 syncpt # 9 for dc 0
[    2.207659] tegradc 15200000.nvdisplay: hdmi: board prod-setting covers partial!
[    2.208788] Serial: 8250/16550 driver, 8 ports, IRQ sharing disabled
[    2.211179] iommu: Adding device c280000.serial to group 1
[    2.211505] console [ttyS0] disabled
[    2.212912] tegradc 15200000.nvdisplay: probed
[    2.668360] nvmap_page_pool_init: nvmap page pool size: 893192 pages (3489 MB)
[    2.668620] nvmap_background_zero_thread: PP zeroing thread starting.
[    2.668955] misc nvmap: created heap generic-0 base 0x00000000bfd00000 size (1048576KiB)
[    2.669019] misc nvmap: ivm000001 :dma coherent mem declare 0x0000007fb6600000,1073741824
[    2.669093] misc nvmap: created heap ivm000001 base 0x0000007fb6600000 size (1048576KiB)
[   2.861738] tegradc 15200000.nvdisplay: fb registered
[    2.861770] c280000.serial: ttyS0 at MMIO 0xc280000 (irq = 95, base_baud = 25500000) is a Tegra
[    2.866992] console [ttyS0] enabled
[    2.866992] console [ttyS0] enabled
[    2.867461] gpio tegra-gpio wake60 for gpio=96(M:0)
[    2.867461] gpio tegra-gpio wake60 for gpio=96(M:0)
[    2.867922] tegradc 15210000.nvdisplay: disp1 connected to head1->/host1x/sor1
[    2.867922] tegradc 15210000.nvdisplay: disp1 connected to head1->/host1x/sor1
[    2.867945] generic_infoframe_type: 0x87
[    2.867945] generic_infoframe_type: 0x87
[    2.867997] tegradc 15210000.nvdisplay: DT parsed successfully
[    2.867997] tegradc 15210000.nvdisplay: DT parsed successfully
[    2.868025] tegradc 15210000.nvdisplay: Display dc.ffffff800bfd0000 registered with id=1
[    2.868025] tegradc 15210000.nvdisplay: Display dc.ffffff800bfd0000 registered with id=1
[    2.868302] tegradc 15210000.nvdisplay: vblank syncpt # 11 for dc 1
[    2.868302] tegradc 15210000.nvdisplay: vblank syncpt # 11 for dc 1
[    2.868309] tegradc 15210000.nvdisplay: vpulse3 syncpt # 12 for dc 1
[    2.868309] tegradc 15210000.nvdisplay: vpulse3 syncpt # 12 for dc 1
[    2.871774] tegradc 15210000.nvdisplay: hdmi: board prod-setting covers partial!
[    2.871774] tegradc 15210000.nvdisplay: hdmi: board prod-setting covers partial!
[    2.875524] tegradc 15210000.nvdisplay: probed
[    2.875524] tegradc 15210000.nvdisplay: probed
[    2.914373] bootconsole [uart8250] disabled
[    2.914373] bootconsole [uart8250] disabled
[    2.917660] tegradc 15210000.nvdisplay: fb registered
[    2.918004] gpio tegra-gpio wake63 for gpio=97(M:1)
[    2.918353] tegradc 15220000.nvdisplay: disp2 connected to head2->/host1x/sor2
[    2.918373] generic_infoframe_type: 0x87
[    2.918413] tegradc 15220000.nvdisplay: DT parsed successfully
[    2.918444] tegradc 15220000.nvdisplay: Display dc.ffffff800c8a0000 registered with id=2
[    2.918701] tegradc 15220000.nvdisplay: vblank syncpt # 13 for dc 2
[    2.918706] tegradc 15220000.nvdisplay: vpulse3 syncpt # 14 for dc 2
[    2.921953] tegradc 15220000.nvdisplay: hdmi: board prod-setting covers partial!
[    2.925803] tegradc 15220000.nvdisplay: probed
[    2.942011] tegradc 15220000.nvdisplay: fb registered
[    2.942885] iommu: Adding device 3110000.serial to group 1
[    2.944523] 3110000.serial: ttyTHS1 at MMIO 0x3110000 (irq = 94, base_baud = 0) is a TEGRA_UART
[    2.952554] gpio tegra-gpio wake71 for gpio=98(M:2)
[    2.953207] tegradc 15230000.nvdisplay: disp3 connected to head3->/host1x/sor3
[    2.960716] generic_infoframe_type: 0x87
[    2.963393] tegradc 15230000.nvdisplay: DT parsed successfully
[    2.966993] tegradc 15230000.nvdisplay: Display dc.ffffff800ca90000 registered with id=3
[    2.972303] tegradc 15230000.nvdisplay: vblank syncpt # 15 for dc 3
[    2.975564] tegradc 15230000.nvdisplay: vpulse3 syncpt # 16 for dc 3
[    2.981199] tegradc 15230000.nvdisplay: hdmi: board prod-setting covers partial!
[    2.988134] tegradc 15230000.nvdisplay: probed
[    2.990236] tegradc 15230000.nvdisplay: fb registered
[    2.992830] gpio tegra-gpio wake66 for gpio=99(M:3)
[    2.993306] tegra_hv_vblk tegra_virt_storage0: allocate drvdata buffer
[    2.998401] vblk: send_config wait for ivc channel reset
[    3.000495] tegra_hv_vblk tegra_virt_storage0: send config cmd to ivc #127
[    3.003253] tegra_hv_vblk tegra_virt_storage1: allocate drvdata buffer
[    3.003330] tegra_hv_vblk tegra_virt_storage0: get config data from ivc #127
[    3.006717] Primary GPT is invalid, using alternate GPT.
[    3.006741]  vblkdev0: p1
[    3.012353] vblk: send_config wait for ivc channel reset
[    3.014441] tegra_hv_vblk tegra_virt_storage1: send config cmd to ivc #237
[    3.196065] tegra_hv_vblk tegra_virt_storage2: allocate drvdata buffer
[    3.196139] tegra_hv_vblk tegra_virt_storage1: get config data from ivc #237
[    3.202224] vblk: send_config wait for ivc channel reset
[    3.204336] tegra_hv_vblk tegra_virt_storage2: send config cmd to ivc #42
[    3.207172] tegra_hv_vblk tegra_virt_storage3: allocate drvdata buffer
[    3.207245] tegra_hv_vblk tegra_virt_storage2: get config data from ivc #42
[    3.213277] vblk: send_config wait for ivc channel reset
[    3.215465] tegra_hv_vblk tegra_virt_storage3: send config cmd to ivc #234
[    3.218372] tegra_hv_vblk tegra_virt_storage4: allocate drvdata buffer
[    3.218431] tegra_hv_vblk tegra_virt_storage3: get config data from ivc #234
[    3.218497] tegra_hv_vblk tegra_virt_storage3: IVC frames 1 less than possible max requests 32!
[    3.228011] vblk: send_config wait for ivc channel reset
[    3.230205] tegra_hv_vblk tegra_virt_storage4: send config cmd to ivc #126
[    3.233012] tegra_profiler: version: 1.134, samples/io: 47/26
[    3.233017] tegra_hv_vblk tegra_virt_storage4: get config data from ivc #126
[    3.233106] tegra_hv_vblk tegra_virt_storage4: Setting Max requests to 16, consider increasing m!
[    3.233110] tegra_hv_vblk tegra_virt_storage4: IVC frames 1 less than possible max requests 16!
[    3.245702] tegra_profiler: auth: init
[    3.249024] libphy: Fixed MDIO Bus: probed
[    3.250955] tun: Universal TUN/TAP device driver, 1.6
[    3.253215] e1000e: Intel(R) PRO/1000 Network Driver - 3.2.6-k
[    3.255585] e1000e: Copyright(c) 1999 - 2015 Intel Corporation.
[    3.258006] igb: Intel(R) Gigabit Ethernet Network Driver - version 5.4.0-k
[    3.260726] igb: Copyright (c) 2007-2014 Intel Corporation.
[    3.263214] eqos 2490000.ether_qos: Creating tegra-iommu group 2
[    3.266046] iommu: Adding device 2490000.ether_qos to group 11
[    3.268971] eqos 2490000.ether_qos: no PHY interrupt found
[    3.271222] eqos 2490000.ether_qos: no PHY reset gpio found
[    3.279426] eqos 2490000.ether_qos: Setting local MAC: 0 4 4b f6 63 13
[    3.284484] PPP generic driver version 2.4.2
[    3.286436] PPP BSD Compression module registered
[    3.288505] PPP Deflate Compression module registered
[    3.290732] PPP MPPE Compression module registered
[    3.292739] usbcore: registered new interface driver r8152
[    3.295055] usbcore: registered new interface driver asix
[    3.297267] usbcore: registered new interface driver ax88179_178a
[    3.299731] usbcore: registered new interface driver cdc_ether
[    3.302094] usbcore: registered new interface driver net1080
[    3.304341] usbcore: registered new interface driver cdc_subset
[    3.306750] usbcore: registered new interface driver zaurus
[    3.308984] usbcore: registered new interface driver cdc_ncm
[    3.311512] tegra_hv_net tegra_hv_net@0: Reserved IVC channel #233 - frame_size=1536
[    3.314604] tegra_hv_net tegra_hv_net@0: No valid mac-address found, using fixed local address
[    3.318989] tegra_hv_net tegra_hv_net@0: ready
[    3.321250] ehci_hcd: USB 2.0 'Enhanced' Host Controller (EHCI) Driver
[    3.323909] ehci-pci: EHCI PCI platform driver
[    3.325786] ohci_hcd: USB 1.1 'Open' Host Controller (OHCI) Driver
[    3.328263] ohci-pci: OHCI PCI platform driver
[    3.330175] ohci-platform: OHCI generic platform driver
[    3.333405] iommu: Adding device 3610000.xhci to group 12
[    3.340694] tegra-xusb 3610000.xhci: No USB port has OTG_CAP
[    3.346953] usbcore: registered new interface driver uas
[    3.349061] tegra-xusb 3610000.xhci: Firmware timestamp: 2018-03-29 14:24:42 UTC, Version: 60.05e
[    3.349697] usbcore: registered new interface driver usb-storage
[    3.351132] iommu: Adding device 3550000.xudc to group 13
[    3.352872] Could not get extcon-dev /xudc@3550000:vbus(0)
[    3.353312] mousedev: PS/2 mouse device common for all mice
[    3.353347] usbcore: registered new interface driver xpad
[    3.354984] i2c i2c-4: deserialize_i2c ret -22
[    3.354989] i2c i2c-4: --- message dump for debugging ---
[    3.354994] i2c i2c-4: addr 0x3c flags 0x0 len 2 data:
[    3.354999] i2c i2c-4:  0d
[    3.355004] i2c i2c-4:  e7
[    3.355008] i2c i2c-4: 
[    3.355017] max77620 4-003c: Failed to sync masks in d
[    3.355512] i2c i2c-4: deserialize_i2c ret -22
[    3.355516] i2c i2c-4: --- message dump for debugging ---
[    3.355521] i2c i2c-4: addr 0x68 flags 0x0 len 2 data:
[    3.355524] i2c i2c-4:  02
[    3.355528] i2c i2c-4:  03
[    3.355531] i2c i2c-4: 
[    3.355538] max77686-rtc max77620-rtc: _regmap_bulk_write() failed, e -22
[    3.355541] max77686-rtc max77620-rtc: Fail to write controlm reg(-22)
[    3.355545] max77686-rtc max77620-rtc: Failed to initialize RTC reg:-22
[    3.356051] i2c i2c-4: deserialize_i2c ret -22
[    3.356055] i2c i2c-4: --- message dump for debugging ---
[    3.356060] i2c i2c-4: addr 0x3c flags 0x0 len 2 data:
[    3.356064] i2c i2c-4:  0d
[    3.356068] i2c i2c-4:  ef
[    3.356071] i2c i2c-4: 
[    3.356075] max77620 4-003c: Failed to sync masks in d
[    3.356859] i2c i2c-4: deserialize_i2c ret -22
[    3.356863] i2c i2c-4: --- message dump for debugging ---
[    3.356867] i2c i2c-4: addr 0x3c flags 0x0 len 2 data:
[    3.356871] i2c i2c-4:  0d
[    3.356875] i2c i2c-4:  ef
[    3.356878] i2c i2c-4: 
[    3.356883] max77620 4-003c: Failed to sync masks in d
[    3.357404] max77686-rtc: probe of max77620-rtc failed with error -22
[    3.357648] i2c /dev entries driver
[    3.358972] IR NEC protocol handler initialized
[    3.358975] IR RC5(x/sz) protocol handler initialized
[    3.358978] IR RC6 protocol handler initialized
[    3.358981] IR JVC protocol handler initialized
[    3.358985] IR Sony protocol handler initialized
[    3.358988] IR SANYO protocol handler initialized
[    3.358991] IR Sharp protocol handler initialized
[    3.358994] IR MCE Keyboard/mouse protocol handler initialized
[    3.358997] IR XMP protocol handler initialized
[    3.359454] max77620-power max20024-power: Event recorder REG_NVERC : 0x0
[    3.361503] tegra-bpmp-thermal d000000.bpmp:bpmpthermal: zone 0 not supported
[    3.362032] tegra-bpmp-thermal d000000.bpmp:bpmpthermal: zone 2 not supported
[    3.366842] device-mapper: uevent: version 1.0.3
[    3.367178] device-mapper: ioctl: 4.37.0-ioctl (2017-09-20) initialised:
[    3.367883] sdhci: Secure Digital Host Controller Interface driver
[    3.367886] sdhci: Copyright(c) Pierre Ossman
[    3.367912] sdhci-pltfm: SDHCI platform and OF driver helper
[    3.368540] iommu: Adding device 3400000.sdhci to group 14
[    3.368804] sdhci-tegra 3400000.sdhci: runtime pm disabled
[    3.369472] hidraw: raw HID events driver (C) Jiri Kosina
[    3.370147] usbcore: registered new interface driver usbhid
[    3.370150] usbhid: USB HID core driver
[    3.370776] iommu: Adding device bc00000.rtcpu to group 15
[    3.373189] sdhci-tegra 3400000.sdhci: Client registration for eMC Successful
[    3.374390] tegra186-cam-rtcpu bc00000.rtcpu: deferring, 14800000.isp is not probed
[    3.375922] iommu: Adding device c1a0000.aon to group 16
[    3.377834] tegra_aon c1a0000.aon: tegra aon driver probe OK
[    3.378330] tegra186-aondbg aondbg: aondbg driver probe() OK
[    3.386118] denver_knobs_init:MTS_VERSION:45309758
[    3.386652] t19x_cache tegra-cache: probed
[    3.387883] misc nvmap: cvsram :dma coherent mem declare 0x0000000050000000,3145728
[    3.387909] misc nvmap: created heap cvsram base 0x0000000050000000 size (3072KiB)
[    3.389213] trusty-irq trusty:irq: trusty_irq_create_irq_mapping failed (-75)
[    3.389218] trusty-irq trusty:irq: failed to initialize irq 449, irq will be ignored
[    3.390560] trusty-virtio trusty:virtio: initializing
[    3.390976] trusty_ipc virtio0: vring0: va(pa)  ffffffc711f76000(0) qsz 32 notifyid 1
[    3.391014] trusty_ipc virtio0: vring1: va(pa)  ffffffc711f78000(0) qsz 32 notifyid 2
[    3.392093] trusty_ipc virtio0: is online
[    3.392396] trusty-virtio trusty:virtio: initializing done
[    3.394197] tegra_hv_pm_ctl tegra_hv_pm_ctl: tegra_hv_pm_ctl_probe: Probed
[    3.407925] u32 classifier
[    3.407932]     Actions configured
[    3.408043] Initializing XFRM netlink socket
[    3.408637] NET: Registered protocol family 10
[    3.409913] Segment Routing with IPv6
[    3.409953] NET: Registered protocol family 17
[    3.409968] NET: Registered protocol family 15
[    3.410022] bridge: filtering via arp/ip/ip6tables is no longer available by default. Update you.
[    3.410041] 9pnet: Installing 9P2000 support
[    3.410055] Key type dns_resolver registered
[    3.412287] registered taskstats version 1
[    3.413012] iommu: Adding device 14180000.pcie to group 17
[    3.413479] tegra-pcie-dw 14180000.pcie: Setting init speed to max speed
[    3.416288] OF: PCI: host bridge /pcie@14180000 ranges:
[    3.416302] OF: PCI:    IO 0x38100000..0x381fffff -> 0x38100000
[    3.416311] OF: PCI:   MEM 0x38200000..0x39ffffff -> 0x38200000
[    3.416336] OF: PCI:   MEM 0x1800000000..0x1bffffffff -> 0x1800000000
[    3.421698] mmc0: SDHCI controller on 3400000.sdhci [3400000.sdhci] using ADMA 64-bit
[    3.465402] mmc0: Switching to 1.8V signalling voltage failed
[    3.474052] mmc0: new DDR MMC card at address 0001
[    3.474558] mmcblk0: mmc0:0001 008G30 7.28 GiB 
[    3.474777] mmcblk0boot0: mmc0:0001 008G30 partition 1 8.00 MiB
[    3.475003] mmcblk0boot1: mmc0:0001 008G30 partition 2 8.00 MiB
[    3.475192] mmcblk0rpmb: mmc0:0001 008G30 partition 3 4.00 MiB
[    3.525659] tegra-pcie-dw 14180000.pcie: link is up
[    3.525834] tegra-pcie-dw 14180000.pcie: PCI host bridge to bus 0000:00
[    3.525870] pci_bus 0000:00: root bus resource [bus 00-ff]
[    3.525886] pci_bus 0000:00: root bus resource [io  0x0000-0xfffff] (bus address [0x38100000-0x3)
[    3.525891] pci_bus 0000:00: root bus resource [mem 0x38200000-0x39ffffff]
[    3.525897] pci_bus 0000:00: root bus resource [mem 0x1800000000-0x1bffffffff pref]
[    3.527270] pci 0000:01:00.0: enabling Extended Tags
[    3.530492] pci 0000:01:00.1: enabling Extended Tags
[    3.532198] pci 0000:01:00.0: bridge configuration invalid ([bus 00-00]), reconfiguring
[    3.533699] pci 0000:02:00.0: enabling Extended Tags
[    3.536523] pci 0000:02:01.0: enabling Extended Tags
[    3.539036] pci 0000:02:00.0: bridge configuration invalid ([bus 00-00]), reconfiguring
[    3.539170] pci 0000:02:01.0: bridge configuration invalid ([bus 00-00]), reconfiguring
[    3.541457] pci 0000:04:00.0: enabling Extended Tags
[    3.545653] pci 0000:00:00.0: BAR 15: assigned [mem 0x1800000000-0x1805ffffff 64bit pref]
[    3.545678] pci 0000:00:00.0: BAR 14: assigned [mem 0x38200000-0x389fffff]
[    3.545684] pci 0000:00:00.0: BAR 13: assigned [io  0x1000-0x2fff]
[    3.545694] pci 0000:01:00.1: BAR 4: assigned [mem 0x1800000000-0x1803ffffff 64bit pref]
[    3.545877] pci 0000:01:00.1: BAR 0: assigned [mem 0x1804000000-0x18043fffff 64bit pref]
[    3.546105] pci 0000:01:00.1: BAR 2: assigned [mem 0x1804400000-0x18047fffff 64bit pref]
[    3.546314] pci 0000:01:00.0: BAR 14: assigned [mem 0x38200000-0x389fffff]
[    3.546320] pci 0000:01:00.0: BAR 15: assigned [mem 0x1804800000-0x1804bfffff 64bit pref]
[    3.546325] pci 0000:01:00.0: BAR 13: assigned [io  0x1000-0x2fff]
[    3.546334] pci 0000:02:01.0: BAR 14: assigned [mem 0x38200000-0x387fffff]
[    3.546339] pci 0000:02:00.0: BAR 14: assigned [mem 0x38800000-0x389fffff]
[    3.546363] pci 0000:02:00.0: BAR 15: assigned [mem 0x1804800000-0x18049fffff 64bit pref]
[    3.546369] pci 0000:02:01.0: BAR 15: assigned [mem 0x1804a00000-0x1804bfffff 64bit pref]
[    3.546373] pci 0000:02:00.0: BAR 13: assigned [io  0x1000-0x1fff]
[    3.546378] pci 0000:02:01.0: BAR 13: assigned [io  0x2000-0x2fff]
[    3.546399] pci 0000:02:00.0: PCI bridge to [bus 03]
[    3.546420] pci 0000:02:00.0:   bridge window [io  0x1000-0x1fff]
[    3.546580] pci 0000:02:00.0:   bridge window [mem 0x38800000-0x389fffff]
[    3.546774] pci 0000:02:00.0:   bridge window [mem 0x1804800000-0x18049fffff 64bit pref]
[    3.547085] pci 0000:04:00.0: BAR 4: assigned [mem 0x38400000-0x387fffff 64bit]
[    3.547208] pci 0000:04:00.0: BAR 6: assigned [mem 0x38200000-0x3823ffff pref]
[    3.547215] pci 0000:04:00.0: BAR 0: assigned [mem 0x38240000-0x3824ffff 64bit]
[    3.547347] pci 0000:04:00.0: BAR 2: assigned [mem 0x38250000-0x38250fff 64bit]
[    3.547465] pci 0000:02:01.0: PCI bridge to [bus 04]
[    3.547486] pci 0000:02:01.0:   bridge window [io  0x2000-0x2fff]
[    3.547642] pci 0000:02:01.0:   bridge window [mem 0x38200000-0x387fffff]
[    3.547836] pci 0000:02:01.0:   bridge window [mem 0x1804a00000-0x1804bfffff 64bit pref]
[    3.548143] pci 0000:01:00.0: PCI bridge to [bus 02-04]
[    3.548169] pci 0000:01:00.0:   bridge window [io  0x1000-0x2fff]
[    3.548250] pci 0000:01:00.0:   bridge window [mem 0x38200000-0x389fffff]
[    3.548412] pci 0000:01:00.0:   bridge window [mem 0x1804800000-0x1804bfffff 64bit pref]
[    3.548672] pci 0000:00:00.0: PCI bridge to [bus 01-ff]
[    3.548678] pci 0000:00:00.0:   bridge window [io  0x1000-0x2fff]
[    3.548701] pci 0000:00:00.0:   bridge window [mem 0x38200000-0x389fffff]
[    3.548707] pci 0000:00:00.0:   bridge window [mem 0x1800000000-0x1805ffffff 64bit pref]
[    3.548722] pci 0000:00:00.0: Max Payload Size set to  128/ 256 (was  256), Max Read Rq  512
[    3.548804] pci 0000:01:00.0: Max Payload Size set to  128/ 512 (was  128), Max Read Rq  128
[    3.548887] pci 0000:02:00.0: Max Payload Size set to  128/ 512 (was  128), Max Read Rq  128
[    3.548969] pci 0000:02:01.0: Max Payload Size set to  128/ 512 (was  128), Max Read Rq  128
[    3.549051] pci 0000:04:00.0: Max Payload Size set to  128/ 512 (was  128), Max Read Rq  512
[    3.549133] pci 0000:01:00.1: Max Payload Size set to  128/ 512 (was  128), Max Read Rq  512
[    3.549403] iommu: Adding device 0000:00:00.0 to group 17
[    3.549961] pcieport 0000:00:00.0: Signaling PE with IRQ 78
[    3.550302] pcieport 0000:00:00.0: AER enabled with IRQ 78
[    3.550744] iommu: Adding device 0000:01:00.0 to group 17
[    3.550878] pcieport 0000:01:00.0: enabling device (0000 -> 0003)
[    3.553299] iommu: Adding device 0000:02:00.0 to group 17
[    3.553423] pcieport 0000:02:00.0: enabling device (0000 -> 0003)
[    3.556154] iommu: Adding device 0000:02:01.0 to group 17
[    3.556305] pcieport 0000:02:01.0: enabling device (0000 -> 0003)
[    3.559551] iommu: Adding device 14100000.pcie to group 18
[    3.560004] tegra-pcie-dw 14100000.pcie: Setting init speed to max speed
[    3.562935] OF: PCI: host bridge /pcie@14100000 ranges:
[    3.562959] OF: PCI:    IO 0x30100000..0x301fffff -> 0x30100000
[    3.562972] OF: PCI:   MEM 0x30200000..0x31ffffff -> 0x30200000
[    3.562982] OF: PCI:   MEM 0x1200000000..0x123fffffff -> 0x1200000000
[    4.074885] tegra-pcie-dw 14100000.pcie: link is down
[    4.075072] tegra-pcie-dw 14100000.pcie: PCI host bridge to bus 0001:00
[    4.075107] pci_bus 0001:00: root bus resource [bus 00-ff]
[    4.075118] pci_bus 0001:00: root bus resource [io  0x100000-0x1fffff] (bus address [0x30100000-)
[    4.075123] pci_bus 0001:00: root bus resource [mem 0x30200000-0x31ffffff]
[    4.075128] pci_bus 0001:00: root bus resource [mem 0x1200000000-0x123fffffff pref]
[    4.075700] pci 0001:00:00.0: PCI bridge to [bus 01-ff]
[    4.075724] pci 0001:00:00.0: Max Payload Size set to  256/ 256 (was  256), Max Read Rq  512
[    4.075989] iommu: Adding device 0001:00:00.0 to group 18
[    4.076535] pcieport 0001:00:00.0: Signaling PME with IRQ 80
[    4.076864] pcieport 0001:00:00.0: AER enabled with IRQ 80
[    4.077567] iommu: Adding device 14160000.pcie to group 19
[    4.078124] tegra-pcie-dw 14160000.pcie: Setting init speed to max speed
[    4.081049] OF: PCI: host bridge /pcie@14160000 ranges:
[    4.081073] OF: PCI:    IO 0x36100000..0x361fffff -> 0x36100000
[    4.081093] OF: PCI:   MEM 0x36200000..0x37ffffff -> 0x36200000
[    4.081106] OF: PCI:   MEM 0x1400000000..0x17ffffffff -> 0x1400000000
[    4.189644] tegra-pcie-dw 14160000.pcie: link is up
[    4.189805] tegra-pcie-dw 14160000.pcie: PCI host bridge to bus 0004:00
[    4.189817] pci_bus 0004:00: root bus resource [bus 00-ff]
[    4.189847] pci_bus 0004:00: root bus resource [io  0x200000-0x2fffff] (bus address [0x36100000-)
[    4.189853] pci_bus 0004:00: root bus resource [mem 0x36200000-0x37ffffff]
[    4.189858] pci_bus 0004:00: root bus resource [mem 0x1400000000-0x17ffffffff pref]
[    4.190743] pci 0004:01:00.0: enabling Extended Tags
[    4.192726] pci 0004:00:00.0: BAR 14: assigned [mem 0x36200000-0x367fffff]
[    4.192757] pci 0004:01:00.0: BAR 4: assigned [mem 0x36400000-0x367fffff 64bit]
[    4.192813] pci 0004:01:00.0: BAR 6: assigned [mem 0x36200000-0x3623ffff pref]
[    4.192820] pci 0004:01:00.0: BAR 0: assigned [mem 0x36240000-0x3624ffff 64bit]
[    4.192866] pci 0004:01:00.0: BAR 2: assigned [mem 0x36250000-0x36250fff 64bit]
[    4.192919] pci 0004:00:00.0: PCI bridge to [bus 01-ff]
[    4.192927] pci 0004:00:00.0:   bridge window [mem 0x36200000-0x367fffff]
[    4.192942] pci 0004:00:00.0: Max Payload Size set to  256/ 256 (was  256), Max Read Rq  512
[    4.19298] pci 0004:01:00.0: Max Payload Size set to  256/ 512 (was  128), Max Read Rq  512
[    4.193207] iommu: Adding device 0004:00:00.0 to group 19
[    4.193833] pcieport 0004:00:00.0: Signaling PME with IRQ 82
[    4.194140] pcieport 0004:00:00.0: AER enabled with IRQ 82
[    4.199483] carmel_ras carmel_ras: Deferring probe, arm64_ras hasnt been probed yet
[    4.203299] tegra194-isp5 14800000.isp: initialized
[    4.218039] tegra194-vi5 context isolation disabled due to no IOMMU
[    4.218305] tegra194-vi5 initialized
[    4.229008] tegra-xudc 3550000.xudc: device count: 1
[    4.230085] tegra-xudc 3550000.xudc: vbus state: 0
[    4.231113] tegra186-cam-rtcpu bc00000.rtcpu: Trace buffer configured at IOVA=0xbff00000
[    4.231425] tegra-xudc 3550000.xudc: entering ELPG
[    4.232245] tegra-xudc 3550000.xudc: entering ELPG done
[    4.240331] tegra-ivc-bus bc00000.rtcpu:ivc-bus: region 0: iova=0xbfec0000-0xbfedffff size=131072
[    4.240403] tegra-ivc-bus bc00000.rtcpu:ivc-bus:echo@0: echo: ver=0 grp=1 RX[16x64]=0x1000-0x1480
[    4.240647] tegra-ivc-bus bc00000.rtcpu:ivc-bus:dbg@1: dbg: ver=0 grp=1 RX[1x384]=0x1900-0x1b00 0
[    4.240837] tegra-ivc-bus bc00000.rtcpu:ivc-bus:dbg@2: dbg: ver=0 grp=1 RX[1x8192]=0x1d00-0x3d800
[    4.241274] tegra-ivc-bus bc00000.rtcpu:ivc-bus:ivccontrol@3: ivccontrol: ver=0 grp=1 RX[64x320]0
[    4.241381] tegra-ivc-bus bc00000.rtcpu:ivc-bus:ivccapture@4: ivccapture: ver=0 grp=1 RX[512x64]0
[    4.242323] tegra186-cam-rtcpu bc00000.rtcpu: using cam RTCPU IRQ (110)
[    4.242328] tegra186-cam-rtcpu bc00000.rtcpu: tegra_camrtc_mon_create is successful
[    4.244375] tegra186-cam-rtcpu bc00000.rtcpu: firmware version cpu=rce cmd=6 sha1=332f1d20575641f
[    4.244482] carmel_ras carmel_ras: Deferring probe, arm64_ras hasnt been probed yet
[    4.245348] hctosys: unable to open rtc device (rtc1)
[    4.246706] hvc_sysfs: log is available
[    4.246718] hvc_sysfs: pct is unavailable
[    4.252000] usb0-vbus: disabling
[    4.252010] usb1-vbus: disabling
[    4.252017] usb2-vbus: disabling
[    4.777296] tegra-xusb 3610000.xhci: xHCI Host Controller
[    4.779451] tegra-xusb 3610000.xhci: new USB bus registered, assigned bus number 1
[    4.783432] tegra-xusb 3610000.xhci: hcc params 0x0184ff25 hci version 0x110 quirks 0x00000000000
[    4.787440] tegra-xusb 3610000.xhci: irq 497, io mem 0x03610000
[    4.789885] usb usb1: New USB device found, idVendor=1d6b, idProduct=0002
[    4.791027] Freeing unusd kernel memory: 7168K
[    4.933446] usb usb1: New USB device strings: Mfr=3, Product=2, SerialNumber=1
[    4.933453] usb usb1: Product: xHCI Host Controller
[    4.933466] usb usb1: Manufacturer: Linux 4.14.102-rt53-tegra xhci-hcd
[    4.933470] usb usb1: SerialNumber: 3610000.xhci
[    4.934174] hub 1-0:1.0: USB hub found
[    4.934227] hub 1-0:1.0: 4 ports detected
[    4.934825] carmel_ras carmel_ras: Deferring probe, arm64_ras hasnt been probed yet
[    4.949668] tegra-xusb 3610000.xhci: xHCI Host Controller
[    4.951848] tegra-xusb 3610000.xhci: new USB bus registered, assigned bus number 2
[    4.954869] tegra-xusb 3610000.xhci: Host supports USB 3.1 Enhanced SuperSpeed
[    4.957493] INITRAMFS STARTS 
[    4.959038] usb usb2: New USB device found, idVendor=1d6b, idProduct=0003
[    4.961795] usb usb2: New USB device strings: Mfr=3, Product=2, SerialNumber=1
[    4.964594] usb usb2: Product: xHCI Host Controller
[    4.966590] usb usb2: Manufacturer: Linux 4.14.102-rt53-tegra xhci-hcd
[    4.969126] usb usb2: SerialNumber: 3610000.xhci
[    4.971627] hub 2-0:1.0: USB hub found
[    4.973224] hub 2-0:1.0: 4 ports detected
[    5.041921] usb usb1: usb_suspend_both: status 0
Getting target_board from device-tree  ...
[    5.258842] EXT4-fs (vblkdev0p1): warning: maximal mount count reached, running e2fsck is recommd
[    5.264466] EXT4-fs (vblkdev0p1): 4 orphan inodes deleted
[    5.266492] EXT4-fs (vblkdev0p1): recovery complete
[    5.278941] EXT4-fs (vblkdev0p1): mounted filesystem with ordered data mode. Opts: (null)
[    5.374338] Trying chroot to /new_root
[    5.376159] INITRAMFS END
��# ��[    5.522183] systemd[1]: System time before build time, advancing clock.
[    5.558665] ip_tables: (C) 2000-2006 Netfilter Core Team
[    5.585244] systemd[1]: systemd 237 running in system mode. (+PAM +AUDIT +SELINUX +IMA +APPARMOR)
[    5.594657] systemd[1]: Detected architecture arm64.

Welcome to Ubuntu 18.04.2 LTS!

[    5.613815] systemd[1]: Set hostname to <tegra-ubuntu>.
[    5.770657] systemd[1]: File /lib/systemd/system/systemd-udevd.service:34 configures an IP firew.
[    5.777305] systemd[1]: Proceeding WITHOUT firewalling in effect! (This warning is only shown fo)
[    5.809130] systemd[1]: nv_drive_mods.service: Service lacks both ExecStart= and ExecStop= setti.
[    5.949905] systemd[1]: nv_drive_mods.service: Cannot add dependency job, ignoring: Unit nv_driv.
[    5.958090] random: systemd: uninitialized urandom read (16 bytes read)
[    5.960902] systemd[1]: Reached target Swap.
[  OK  ] Reached target Swap.
[    5.964874] random: systemd: uninitialized urandom read (16 bytes read)
[    5.968135] systemd[1]: Set up automount Arbitrary Executable File Formats File System Automount.
[  OK  ] Set up automount Arbitrary Executab��…rmats File System Automount Point.
[    5.974832] random: systemd: uninitialized urandom read (16 bytes read)
[    5.978560] systemd[1]: Created slice System Slice.
[  OK  ] Created slice System Slice.
[  OK  ] Created slice system-serial\x2dgetty.slice.
[  OK  ] Listening on Journal Socket (/dev/log).
[  OK  ] Listening on Journal Socket.
[  OK  ] Listening on Journal Audit Socket.
[  OK  ] Listening on udev Kernel Socket.
         Mounting RPC Pipe File System...
         Mounting Kernel Debug File System...
[  OK  ] Listening on Syslog Socket.
         Starting Journal Service...
         Starting Nameserver information manager...
         Mounting POSIX Message Queue File System...
[  OK  ] Started Dispatch Password Requests to Console Directory Watch.
         Starting Remount Root and Kernel File Systems...
[  OK  ] Listening on RPCbind Server Activation Socket.
[  OK  ] Created slice system-getty.slice.
         Starting Set CPUs online service...
         Starting Create list of required st��…ce nodes for the current kernel...
         Mounting Huge Pages File System...
[  OK  ] Reached target User and Group Name Lookups.
[  OK  ] Listening on Network Service Netlink Socket.
[  OK  ] Listening on udev Control Socket.
         Starting udev Coldplug all Devices...
[  OK  ] Started Forward Password Requests to Wall Directory Watch.
[  OK  ] Reached target Local Encrypted Volumes.
         Starting Load Kernel Modules...
[  OK  ] Listening on /dev/initctl Compatibility Named Pipe.
[  OK  ] Created slice User and Session Slice.
[  OK  ] Reached target Slices.
[  OK  ] Mounted RPC Pipe File System.
[  OK  ] Mounted Kernel Debug File System.
[  OK  ] Mounted POSIX Message Queue File System.
[  OK  ] Started Remount Root and Kernel File Systems.
[    6.157798] usbcore: registered new interface driver rndis_host
[  OK  ] Started Set CPUs online service.
[  OK  ] Started Create list of required sta��…vice nodes for the current kernel.
[  OK  ] Mounted Huge Pages File System.
[  OK  ] Started Nameserver information manager.
[  OK  ] Reached target Network (Pre).
[    6.212196] iommu: Adding device 0000:04:00.0 to group 17
[    6.215719] atlantic 0000:04:00.0: enabling device (0000 -> 0002)
         Starting Create Static Device Nodes in /dev...
         Starting Reset time to FS install time...
         Starting Load/Save Random Seed...
[  OK  ] Started Create Static Device Nodes in /dev.
[  OK  ] Started Reset time to FS install time.
[  OK  ] Started Load/Save Random Seed.
         Starting udev Kernel Device Manager...
[  OK  ] Reached target Local File Systems (Pre).
[  OK  ] Started Journal Service.
         Starting Flush Journal to Persistent Storage...
[    6.391558] systemd-journald[479]: Received request to flush runtime journal from PID 1
[  OK  ] Started Flush Journal to Persistent Storage.
[  OK  ] Started udev Kernel Device Manager.
[    6.900311] carmel_ras carmel_ras: Deferring probe, arm64_ras hasnt been probed yet
[    6.901959] iommu: Adding device 0004:01:00.0 to group 19
[    6.907028] atlantic 0004:01:00.0: enabling device (0000 -> 0002)
[    7.567048] carmel_ras carmel_ras: Deferring probe, arm64_ras hasnt been probed yet
[    7.829867] nvgpu: 17810000.vgpu                  gv11b_vgpu_probe:70   [INFO]  syncpt_unit_base0
[    7.829867] 
[    8.071601] carmel_ras carmel_ras: Deferring probe, arm64_ras hasnt been probed yet
[    8.196189] atlantic 0004:01:00.0 enP4p1s0: renamed from eth2
[    8.223655] loop: module loaded
[    8.245971] atlantic 0000:04:00.0 enp4s0: renamed from eth1
[FAILED] Failed to start Load Kernel Modules.
See 'systemctl status systemd-modules-load.service' for details.
         Mounting Kernel Configuration File System...
         Starting Apply Kernel Variables...
[  OK  ] Mounted Kernel Configuration File System.
[  OK  ] Started Apply Kernel Variables.
         Starting Network Service...
[  OK  ] Started Network Service.
         Starting Wait for Network to be Configured...
         Starting Reset time to FS install time...
         Starting Load Kernel Modules...
         Starting Set CPUs online service...
[  OK  ] Started Reset time to FS install time.
[FAILED] Failed to start Load Kernel Modules.
See 'systemctl status systemd-modules-load.service' for details.
[  OK  ] Started Set CPUs online service.
[  OK  ] Found device /dev/ttyS0.
[  OK  ] Started udev Coldplug all Devices.
[  OK  ] Found device /dev/disk/by-uuid/e97648c3-274a-420f-b0b7-e7c7c293acea.
         Mounting /home/tegra-a/data...
[  OK  ] Mounted /home/tegra-a/data.
[  OK  ] Reached target Local File Systems.
         Starting Enable support for additional executable binary formats...
         Starting Preprocess NFS configuration...
         Starting Create Volatile Files and Directories...
[  OK  ] Started Preprocess NFS configuration.
[  OK  ] Started Create Volatile Files and Directories.
[  OK  ] Listening on Load/Save RF Kill Switch Status /dev/rfkill Watch.
         Mounting Arbitrary Executable File Formats File System...
         Starting Update UTMP about System Boot/Shutdown...
         Starting Network Name Resolution...
         Starting RPC bind portmap service...
[  OK  ] Reached target NFS client services.
[  OK  ] Mounted Arbitrary Executable File Formats File System.
[  OK  ] Started Enable support for additional executable binary formats.
[  OK  ] Started Update UTMP about System Boot/Shutdown.
[  OK  ] Reached target System Initialization.
[  OK  ] Started Daily Cleanup of Temporary Directories.
[FAILED] Failed to listen on CUPS Scheduler.
See 'systemctl status cups.socket' for details.
[  OK  ] Listening on D-Bus System Message Bus Socket.
[  OK  ] Started Message of the Day.
         Starting Socket activation for snappy daemon.
[  OK  ] Listening on Avahi mDNS/DNS-SD Stack Activation Socket.
[FAILED] Failed to start CUPS Scheduler.
See 'systemctl status cups.path' for details.
[  OK  ] Started resolvconf-pull-resolved.path.
[  OK  ] Started Run Logrotate daemon a minute after boot.
[  OK  ] Reached target Paths.
[  OK  ] Started RPC bind portmap service.
[  OK  ] Listening on Socket activation for snappy daemon.
[  OK  ] Reached target Sockets.
[  OK  ] Reached target Basic System.
         Starting Modem Manager...
         Starting Accounts Service...
         Starting NV_GPS2SYS...
         Starting System Logging Service...
         Starting mnand refresh daemon service...
[   13.202732] bash[761]: tegra_gps2sys : GPS Device(/dev/ttyACM0) Check FAIL
         Starting Logcontrol daemon service...
[   13.206756] bash[761]: tegra_gps2sys : GPS DAEMON(/usr/sbin/gpsd) Check FAIL
         Starting Disk Manager...
[   13.212473] bash[761]: tegra_gps2sys : gpspipe (/usr/bin/gpspipe) Check FAIL
[   13.217575] bash[761]: tegra_gps2sys : [attempts=1] Set GPS Acquired date time FAIL (ttyACM_Chec)
[  OK  ] Started D-Bus System Message Bus.
Starting mnand-rfsh demon for vblkdev0 ...
Starting mnand-rfsh demon for vblkdev2 ...
Starting mnand-rfsh demon for vblkdev4 ...
Starting mnand-rfsh demon for mmcblk0 ...
[  OK  ] Started Hypervisor initiated Shutdown Service.
         Starting Restore /etc/resolv.conf i��…fore the ppp link was shut down...
         Starting network_eth0_disable_tso.service...
         Starting LSB: Mount persistent filesystem for AV....
         Starting Dispatcher daemon for systemd-networkd...
[  OK  ] Started Regular background program processing daemon.
[  OK  ] Started nv_tos_daemon_service assis��…re storage TA with FS operations..
         Starting WPA supplicant...
         Starting Board specific initialization...
         Starting Avahi mDNS/DNS-SD Stack...
Starting board specific init  ...
         Starting Initialization of TACP...
[  OK  ] Started DRIVE OTA VM Client service.
         Starting Login Service...
         Starting Snappy daemon...
Getting target_board from device-tree  ...
[  OK  ] Started Check and update firmware v��…AQC100 and AQC107 network devices.
[  OK  ] Reached target Remote File Systems (Pre).
[  OK  ] Reached target Remote File Systems.
         Starting LSB: automatic crash report generation...
[  OK  ] Reached target RPC Port Mapper.
[  OK  ] Started System Logging Service.
[  OK  ] Started Network Name Resolution.
[  OK  ] Started NV_GPS2SYS.
[  OK  ] Started mnand refresh daemon service.
[FAILED] Failed to start Logcontrol daemon service.
See 'systemctl status logcontrol.service' for details.
[  OK  ] Started Restore /etc/resolv.conf if��…before the ppp link was shut down.
[  OK  ] Started LSB: Mount persistent filesystem for AV..
[  OK  ] Started network_eth0_disable_tso.service.
[  OK  ] Started Avahi mDNS/DNS-SD Stack.
[  OK  ] Started Login Service.
[  OK  ] Started WPA supplicant.
[  OK  ] Started LSB: automatic crash report generation.
[  OK  ] Started Make remote CUPS printers available locally.
         Starting Authorization Manager...
         Starting resolvconf-pull-resolved.service...
[  OK  ] Reached target Network.
[0x000000001CEF08E2] : [  LOG  ] : Tegra FuSaState: FUSA_INIT_STATE
[0x000000001CEF4792] : [  LOG  ] : Tegra FuSaManager ServiceId Log:
[0x000000001CEF7CA5] : [  LOG  ] : ServiceId 0: 0x2100800��         Starting chrony, an NTP client/.
[0x000000001D153CE0] : [ INFO  ] : Tegra Safe Startup Timed Out
[0x000000001D153DDE] : [ INFO  ] : Tegra FuSa State: FUSA_ERROR_STATE��         Starting OpenVPN se.
[   14.036274] bash[852]: 0000:04:00.0 up to date with firmware 3.1.73
         Starting OpenBSD Secure Shell server...
         Starting Permit User Sessions...
[  OK  ] Reached target Host and Network Name Lookups.
[  OK  ] Started Snappy daemon.
[  OK  ] Started Initialization of TACP.
[  OK  ] Started resolvconf-pull-resolved.service.
[  OK  [   14.367128] bash[852]: 0004:01:00.0 up to date with firmware 3.1.73
] Started OpenVPN service.
[  OK  ] Started Permit User Sessions.
[  OK  ] Started Authorization Manager.
[  OK  ] Started Accounts Service.
[  OK  ] Started Modem Manager.
[  OK  ] Started OpenBSD Secure Shell server.
[  OK  ] Started Dispatcher daemon for systemd-networkd.
[  OK  ] Started chrony, an NTP client/server.
         Starting Wait until snapd is fully seeded...
         Starting GNOME Display Manager...
         Starting Drive Setup Service...
[  OK  ] Started Fan control daemon.
[  OK  ] Started SPI TP daemon.
         Starting resolvconf-pull-resolved.service...
         Starting SSH Host Key regeneration...
[  OK  ] Started Wait until snapd is fully seeded.
[  OK  ] Started Drive Setup Service.
[  OK  ] Started resolvconf-pull-resolved.service.
[  OK  ] Started SSH Host Key regeneration.
[  OK  ] Started Serial Getty on ttyS0.
[  OK  ] Reached target Login Prompts.
         Starting resolvconf-pull-resolved.service...
[  OK  ] Started resolvconf-pull-resolved.service.
         Starting resolvconf-pull-resolved.service...
[  OK  ] Started resolvconf-pull-resolved.service.
target=e3550_t194a, kernel=4.14.102-rt53-tegra
[  OK  ] Started Board specific initialization.
[  OK  ] Reached target Companion services for Nvidia Tegra.

Ubuntu 18.04.2 LTS tegra-ubuntu ttyS0

tegra-ubuntu login: ��Unable to access /dev/vblk_mnand1
Formatting /driveupdate/tmp partition ...
mkqnx6fs: unable to access '/dev/vblk_mnand1' - No such file or directory
mount: Can't mount /driveupdate/tmp (type qnx6) 
mount: Possible reason: Invalid argument 
[WARNING] Cannot mount /dev/vblk_mnand1 to /driveupdate/tmp
��WARNING: pll_d has no dyn ramp
��Unable to access /dev/vblk_mnand2
Formatting /driveupdate/data partition ...
mkqnx6fs: unable to access '/dev/vblk_mnand2' - No such file or directory
mount: Can't mount /driveupdate/data (type qnx6) 
mount: Possible reason: Invalid argument 
[WARNING] Cannot mount /dev/vblk_mnand2 to /driveupdate/data
mkdir: /driveupdate/data: Function not implemented
mkdir: /driveupdate/data/log: Function not implemented
[WARNING] Failed to create drive update log directory
SSH and Qconn initialized
[INFO][04:57:34]DU-TII start...

Ubuntu 18.04.2 LTS tegra-ubuntu ttyS0

tegra-ubuntu login: 

Xavier B :

vmon initialized
adc initialized
fmon_populate_monitors: found 73 monitors
fmon initialized
fmon_mrq initialized
reset initialized
nvhs initialized
392 clocks registered
clk_mrq_init: mrq handler registered
clk initialized
nvlink initialized
io_dpd initialized
thermal initialized
i2c5 controller initialized
initialized i2c mrq handling
i2c initialized
regulator initialized
avfs_clk_platform initialized
soctherm initialized
aotag initialized
powergate initialized
dvs initialized
pm initialized
pg_late initialized
strap initialized
tag initialized
emc initialized
clk_dt initialized
avfs_ccplex_platform initialized
tj_init initialized
uphy_mrq_init: mrq handler registered
uphy_dt initialized
uphy initialized
safereg_init: period 80 ms
ec_late initialized
mrq initialized
fmon_post initialized
clk_dt_late initialized
machine_check initialized
pm_post initialized
dbells initialized
avfs_clk_platform_post initialized
dmce initialized
cvc initialized
avfs_clk_mach_post initialized
regulator_post initialized
rm initialized
sc7_diag initialized
thermal_test initialized
serial_late initialized
clk_post initialized
clk_dt_post initialized
mc_reg initialized
pg_post initialized
dyn_modules initialized
sku_debugfs initialized
speedo_debugfs initialized
adc_debugfs initialized
��qb:[E]: Function: QbAuthenticateBuffer(0x8e01da74) Error: HashMismatch (0x1d)
qb:[E]: Function: QbAuthenticateBCH(0x8e01db14) Error: HashMismatch (0x1d)
qb:[E]: Function: QbReadBootCompHdr(0x8e01dcc4) Error: HashMismatch (0x1d)
                                                                          ��clk_debugfs initialized
��x0000000001157279] : [  LOG  ] : SCE Booted:VERSION:00.03.04��
[0x00000000011AAF31] : [  LOG  ] : 3LSS Version : 1.0.0��qb:[E]: Function: QbReadAndValidateImage(0)
[0x00000000011D595E] : [  LOG  ] : Initializing SEC Threshold Done��emc_debugfs initialized
dvs_debugfs initialized
fmon_debugfs initialized
vmon_debugfs initialized
pg_debugfs initialized
profile_fs initialized
debugfs_cons initialized
mail_fs initialized
profile initialized
cvc_debugfs initialized
dmce_debugfs initialized
ec_debugfs initialized
rm_debugfs initialized
soctherm_debug initialized
gr_reader initialized
mods initialized
dt_fs initialized
debugfs_mrq initialized
debug_mrq initialized
debug_safereg initialized
initializing target
calling apps_init()
starting app shell
entering main console loop
] ��
qb:[E]: Chain of Trust Failure ] : NOC Bist : Passed��
qb:[E]: Unable to load kernel
qb:[E]: Function: QbLoadBootImages(0x8e027204) Error: HashMismatch (0x1d)
qb:[E]: Function: QbLoadAndBootKernel(0x8e026da8)

Dear, @SivaRamaKrishnaNV.

It’s solved. I just move USB port of host PC.
Both of them ports are USB3.0 and cable is USB 3.0.

I don’t know what makes it works.
Anyway, it works.

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