Driver for GeForce2 Mx series MX 400 voor linux powerpc

I’m running Ubuntu 14.04.5 LTS on an old White Half Sphere iMac G4.
The card is a Nvidia GeForce2 Mx series MX 400.
I have downloaded the driver, GeForce2
Mx series MX 400, linux32bit.

Running gives an error:
ERROR: this .run file is intended for the
Linux-x86 platform, but you appear to be
running on Linux-ppc. Aborting installation.

I cannot find a driver for os-linux-ppc (powerpc) for nvidia [GeForce2 MX/MX 400].

I hope you can help me. Thank you.

Best regards, Lucas

AFAIK doesn’t exist. Try using nouveau, YMMV.

generix is correct. PowerPC is not supported.

Seems the old nv driver is also still alive, as a last resort if noveau doesn’t work.


Thank you for the replies.

“nouveau” is not working.
I will install the old driver “nv”, but that is not easy. It takes time.

Best regards,

I think Ubuntu cut the nv driver from their repositories with 10.04.
You might end up compiling xorg yourself.

Hi Generic,

You’re probably right.

First I am installing the driver. Using ./configure
That gives errors. I’m still triing.
