when reinstalling drivework0.6 using comand “./DriveInstall_5.0.5.0bL_SDK_b3.run” as ususl, I got several error as “Error: Component is missing” during downloading.
Then I checked the log file “JetPack.log”, it descripted as below “E: Failure when receiving data from the peer”.
In consideratin of that Autoware support drivework0.6 only, we would prefer to reinstall driework0.6 for the present.
I’ve checked https://developer.nvidia.com/drive-archive but only found the same scipt “DriveInstall_5.0.5.0bL_SDK_b3.run” as mine own which updated on 04/02/18. The same problem persists.
Would you help to sovled the problem of missing files, while running “DriveInstall_5.0.5.0bL_SDK_b3.run”?