e-Cam30_cunano camera not binding with jetson nano

I am trying to connect jetson nano and e-Cam30_cunano camera using I2C communication protocol. Jetson nano supports mipi camera signal interface-2 connections. Once in a while, an issue occurs. Camera binding does not take place. To understand what is happening, I took some DSO readings on various pins on the connector.

I am using 2 cameras and connection of one of the camera with jetson nano is shown below:

Observed waveforms are shared as follows:

General observations on this matter:

  1. I am getting same signals on both CAM_I2C_SDA and CAM_I2C_SCL pins. Its connection is shown below:

cam_i2c_scl and cam_i2c_sda on jetson nano

  1. The waveform signal pattern changes after jetson nano gets booted up.

Following questions arise after getting these observations:

  1. How does jetson nano communicate with this camera?
  2. What should be the expected signals to be observed on CAM_I2C_SDA and CAM_I2C_SCL pins?
  3. Why am I observing same kind of waveforms on CAM_I2C_SDA and CAM_I2C_SCL pins?
  4. What could be some possible causes for this kind of issue?

Hi @vatsalg,

Sorry for the inconvenience.

Please write your query to techsupport@e-consystems.com.

Please include the dmesg log, JetPack and e-con package details in the query. Our team will check and solve the issue ASAP.

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