Enhancement: Added objStatus to pyds.NvDsAnalyticsObjInfo

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Jetson / GPU
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Hi Team,

I have made an enhancement to the pyds.NvDsAnalyticsObjInfo class by adding a new attribute, objStatus. This addition allows us to include the status of an object, providing more detailed information and improving our analytics capabilities.

Example usage:

# Extract object level meta data from NvDsAnalyticsObjInfo
l_user_meta = obj_meta.obj_user_meta_list #Get glist containing NvDsUserMeta objects from given NvDsObjectMeta
# Extract object level meta data from NvDsAnalyticsObjInfo
while l_user_meta:
		user_meta = pyds.NvDsUserMeta.cast(l_user_meta.data) #Must cast glist data to NvDsUserMeta object
		if user_meta.base_meta.meta_type == pyds.nvds_get_user_meta_type("NVIDIA.DSANALYTICSOBJ.USER_META"):             
		user_meta_data = pyds.NvDsAnalyticsObjInfo.cast(user_meta.user_meta_data) #Must cast user metadata to NvDsAnalyticsObjInfo
		#Access NvDsAnalyticsObjInfo attributes with user_meta_data.{attribute name}
		if user_meta_data.objStatus: print("Object {0} status: {1}".format(obj_meta.object_id, user_meta_data.objStatus))
	except StopIteration:

		l_user_meta = l_user_meta.next
		except StopIteration:

Please review the changes and let me know if you have any questions or require further adjustments.

Thank you for sharing the code!

Your patch will be included in the future release.

Thank you! I’m sure the community will greatly appreciate it.