Hello, I got an error while trying to run tutorial code in the Script editor:
2023-08-31 21:25:07 [Error] [omni.syntheticdata.plugin] OgnSdStageSemanticInstanceMapping missing instanceMapping data in the history.
Here’s the code I tried to run from this link under sequence generation:
import omni.replicator.core as rep
with rep.new_layer():
# Add Default Light
distance_light = rep.create.light(rotation=(315,0,0), intensity=3000, light_type="distant")
camera = rep.create.camera(position=(500, 500, 500), look_at=(0,0,0))
cube = rep.create.cube(semantics=[('class', 'cube')], position=(0, 0, 0))
render_product = rep.create.render_product(camera, (1024, 1024))
writer = rep.WriterRegistry.get("BasicWriter")
writer.initialize(output_dir="_ReplicatorTutorial_DistributionSequence", rgb=True, bounding_box_2d_tight=True)
# 6 frames to show looping of the sequence
with rep.trigger.on_frame(num_frames=6):
with cube:
rep.modify.pose(position=rep.distribution.sequence([(0.0, 0.0, 200.0), (0.0, 200.0, 0.0), (200.0, 0.0, 0.0)]))