I am trying to create a custom direct workflow RL environment using Isaac Lab. I referred to source/extensions/omni.isaac.lab_tasks/omni/isaac/lab_tasks/direct/quadcopter
to create the environment. However, I am having difficulty registering the environment.
I created the custom environment module by referring to the quadcopter sample folder. According to Isaac Lab’s documentation, importing omni.isaac.lab_tasks
in the execution files (train.py or play.py) will execute the __init__.py
of the RL environment module and register the environment.
However, even after creating a custom RL environment with the ID Isaac-QuadcopterDirect-v0-sample
and running the train.py script with the command python source/standalone/workflows/skrl/train.py --task Isaac-QuadcopterDirect-v0-sample --num_envs 64
, I still encounter the error Isaac-QuadcopterDirect-v0-sample doesn't exist
. Is there any solution to this?