Error when Flash OS

the error INFO is below:

12:04:28 DEBUG: running command < true >

12:04:28 INFO: command finished successfully

12:04:28 DEBUG: running command < lsusb | grep 0955:7019 >

12:04:28 INFO: command finished successfully

12:04:28 INFO: Verified, 0955:7019 detected in recovery mode.

12:04:28 DEBUG: running command < true >

12:04:28 INFO: command finished successfully

12:04:28 DEBUG: Device Mode Host Setup in Flash: using adapter to install NV_DEVICE_MODE_SETUP_IMAGE_COMP@JETSON_AGX_XAVIER to

12:04:29 INFO: Device Mode Host Setup in Flash: [ Component Install Started ]

12:04:29 INFO: Device Mode Host Setup in Flash: exec_command: /tmp/

12:04:29 INFO: Device Mode Host Setup in Flash: Found route default enp0s3, setting up device mode

12:04:29 INFO: Device Mode Host Setup in Flash: net.ipv4.ip_forward = 1

12:04:29 INFO: Device Mode Host Setup in Flash: command finished successfully

12:04:29 SUMMARY: Device Mode Host Setup in Flash: Install completed successfully.

12:04:29 DEBUG: running command < true >

12:04:29 INFO: command finished successfully

12:04:30 DEBUG: Flash Jetson AGX Xavier 16GB/32GB: using adapter to install NV_L4T_FLASH_XAVIER_WITH_OS_IMAGE_COMP@JETSON_AGX_XAVIER to

12:04:30 INFO: Flash Jetson AGX Xavier 16GB/32GB: sudo ./

12:04:30 INFO: Flash Jetson AGX Xavier 16GB/32GB: *** Checking ONLINE mode … OK.

12:04:30 INFO: Flash Jetson AGX Xavier 16GB/32GB: *** Checking target board connection … 1 connections found.

12:04:30 INFO: Flash Jetson AGX Xavier 16GB/32GB: Put the target board in RCM mode and retry.

12:04:30 INFO: Flash Jetson AGX Xavier 16GB/32GB: [ Component Install Finished with Error ]

12:04:30 ERROR: Flash Jetson AGX Xavier 16GB/32GB: command terminated with error

12:04:32 SUMMARY: NVIDIA Nsight Systems: Depends on failed component

And in summary, Host give a summary for error:
12:04:30 ERROR: Flash Jetson AGX Xavier 16GB/32GB: [error]: : [exec_command]: /bin/bash -c /tmp/; [error]:

12:04:30 ERROR: Flash Jetson AGX Xavier 16GB/32GB: command terminated with error


Currently the log you provided does not help. Please directly put device into recovery mode and run tool from host.

If you do not know how to use, please check the quick start guide.

Hi, WayneWWW. Thanks for your reply and I will check it carefully.