Error while login into the docker ngc registry from an non interactive device

Creating docker file which uses tltv3 dokcer image. But getting the following error while login into NGC docker registry

RUN /bin/sh -c 'docker login -u oauthtoken --password-stdin *****'


"docker login" requires at most 1 argument.
See 'docker login --help'.

Usage:  docker login [OPTIONS] [SERVER]

Log in to a Docker registry

Can docker login work?

It won’t work for a non interactive device (inside docker file)

Can it work under interactive mode?

Its working on an interactive mode . But i have to use it for non interactive mode

Above should be -u $oauthtoken

yes, but it won’t help. Getting the same error even after adding that

Please use below way.
$ docker login --username=\$oauthtoken --password="yourkey"

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