Unable to log into nvcr.io docker account

I’m attempting to work through the TAO toolkit example Jupyter notebook. I’ve followed the instructions for signing up for an NGC account and I tried to log into docker using the instructions provided:

docker login nvcr.io

Username: $oauthtoken
Password: <MY API KEY>

However, I get the following response:

Error response from daemon: Get "https://registry-1.docker.io/v2/": unauthorized: incorrect username or password

The thing is: I already have the TAO docker image pulled (nvcr.io/nvidia/tao/tao-toolkit-tf) however when I try to kick off a model training job using the tao CLI

tao classification train -e $SPECS_DIR/classification_spec.cfg -r $USER_EXPERIMENT_DIR/output \
                        -k $KEY --gpus 2 \
                        --init_epoch N

I get this:

AssertionError: Config path must be a valid unix path. No file found at: /home/<user>/.docker/config.json. Did you run docker login?

Help is appreciated.

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Please check if your ngc key is correct. Double check via TAO Toolkit Quick Start Guide — TAO Toolkit 3.22.05 documentation

Get an NGC account and API key:

Go to NGC and click the TAO Toolkit container in the Catalog tab. This message is displayed: “Sign in to access the PULL feature of this repository”.

Enter your Email address and click Next, or click Create an Account.

Choose your organization when prompted for Organization/Team.

Click Sign In.

Log in to the NGC docker registry (nvcr.io) using the command docker login nvcr.io and enter the following credentials:

a. Username: "$oauthtoken"
b. Password: "YOUR_NGC_API_KEY"
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Hi Morganh,
Thanks for your help. I followed the instructions exactly as indicated above and it doesn’t work. I’ve tried regenerating the API key a few times just to be sure.

Can you share the full log when you run
docker login nvcr.io

Hi Morganh,

Sure here it is:

(tao-testing) ~/Projects/tao-testing$ docker login nvcr.io
Username: $oauthtoken
Error response from daemon: Get "https://registry-1.docker.io/v2/": unauthorized: incorrect username or password

(The value for password is copied and pasted from the API Key setup screen).

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@kayccc ,
Do you have any idea for this user’s incorrect password?
Not sure if there is an issue in his account.

Hi @mbarna ,
Can you reset the ngc key and retry?

Hi @Morganh ,

It now is working, inexplicably. I had previously tried several times to reset the API Key, without success. I’m not sure what has changed now, but the issue seems to be resolved. Thanks for your support.

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