Failed to import a installed python package

Hi guys. I would like to import an external python package named Pinocchio in the embedded script editor. Here are the codes:

import sys

import pinocchio

But it gave me a weird error which may relate to a *.so file:

The code in the script editor is rather simple:
The first part of the above code is to validate that Isaac sim is running in the virtual environment created by conda. It seems that it is indeed.
The second part is to import the Pinocchio package. The package seems to be correctly located, however a *.so-file-related error shows up.

More details:

I really need this package to develop algorithms in Isaac Sim, and I appreciate any help or comments.


I was wondering if you have managed to resolve the import error.
I am trying to import the same package and encountering the same error when importing the package in the script editor or in a custom extension.

Thank you in advance for your help.

Hi @ksavevska . I gave up on solving this problem. Now I turn to Webots and Mujoco to continue my simulation. For your information, I remember that there seems to be an isaac example that has intergrated a pinocchio library file. However, I dont find any documents about this, neither can I figure out how to generate and use this library file.
So good luck! And please update some your progresses.

I successfully integrated the pinocchio library into a standalone example by modifying the experience parameter in the SimulationApp class. Interestingly, it seems that only the Isaac Gym experiences (specifically, apps/omni.isaac.sim.python.gym.kit and apps/omni.isaac.sim.python.gym.headless.kit) are working, though I’m still trying to figure out why.

Fortunately, since I’m working with Isaac Gym, I can proceed with my experiment.
Hope this information is useful for you in some way.

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