Hi, everyone. I am trying to reflash TX2 with VMware ubuntu 16.04, but failed this time. The terminal in SDK Manager report " Flash Jetson TX2: [ 2.7596 ] CPU Bootloader is not running on device." and “Flash Jetson TX2: Failed to execute commands with GenericInstaller”. But, the “lsusb” command show that the host machine can detect NVIDIA Crop.Could somebody help me please?
During flash the Jetson’s USB will repeatedly disconnect and reconnect. VMs tend to fail to pick up the reconnect even if they original could detect the Jetson. Some people get this to work by configuring to make the Jetson’s USB always go to the VM instead of parent o/s, but is not officially supported (there is nothing Jetson can do about a VM’s settings).
Thanks a lot. I will try to flash it with an ubuntu host instead of a VM. Actually, I am also very interested about how to configure VM for making it work just like you mentioned.
Every VM is different, and you would need to ask the VM support people about this. If you give specific VM details, then someone who has already done this might reply.
Hi, I had tried to flash tx2 with ubuntu16.04 machine, but still failed, neither jetpack4.4 or other version. And terminal always report “Failed to execute commands with GenericInstaller” and “CPU Bootloader is not running on device”. I think maybe my TX2 is broken, it had be used for few years, and the guys in our lab did not treat TX2 properly in the daily time.
Anyway, thank you so much for your kindness.
Recent releases need an Ubuntu 18.04 host. 16.04 has not been used since the R28.x L4T releases. However, the “CPU Bootloader is not running on device” is still most likely a VM issue if you are using a VM.
That is why I think It is werid. I flashed jetpack3.3 to TX2 by using ubuntu16.04 host, and it just reported “Failed to execute commands with GenericInstaller” now. I can not even kown why. Can I flash TX2 with a SD card just like flashing Jetson Nano?
15:13:12 SUMMARY: Drivers for Jetson: Install completed successfully.
15:25:06 SUMMARY: File System and OS: Install completed successfully.
15:25:32 SUMMARY: Device Mode Host Setup in Flash: Install completed successfully.
15:25:34 SUMMARY: Flash Jetson TX2: Failed to execute commands with GenericInstaller
15:25:34 SUMMARY: NVIDIA Container Runtime with Docker integration (Beta): Depends on failed component
15:25:34 SUMMARY: Multimedia API: Depends on failed component
15:25:34 SUMMARY: TensorRT on Target: Depends on failed component
15:25:34 SUMMARY: NVIDIA Container Runtime with Docker integration (Beta): Depends on failed component
15:25:34 SUMMARY: Multimedia API: Depends on failed component
15:25:34 SUMMARY: VisionWorks on Target: Depends on failed component
15:25:34 SUMMARY: NVIDIA Container Runtime with Docker integration (Beta): Depends on failed component
15:25:34 SUMMARY: VPI on Target: Depends on failed component
15:25:34 SUMMARY: CUDA Toolkit for L4T: Depends on failed component
Assuming a non-VM, the optional components are never installed during the actual flash. What happens is that if you have checked to flash, then flash occurs first, and the Jetson then fully reboots. The Jetson automatically boots after the completion of a flash.
Once fully booted, then optional component install occurs over ssh. This implies you need to know the name/pass to log in with. If you are using L4T R28.x or older, then probably this is the default “nvidia”/“nvidia”. If you are using R32.x or newer, then this account will not exist until you complete first boot setup and create that user name/pass (there is actually a law in California about not providing a default name/pass, and is the origin of this change in procedure).
For a given optional install to succeed it is necessary for full network access. It looks like flash succeeded. Unfortunately, I do not know the specific meaning of:
15:25:34 SUMMARY: Flash Jetson TX2: Failed to execute commands with GenericInstaller
Someone from NVIDIA would need to comment on “GenericInstaller”. In general though, from the errors of dependencies, I am guessing this means you have some sort of network failure or route issue. Do your host and Jetson have internet access during the flash?
Thanks again for your patient. I had connected my ubuntu bost and TX2 in the same route, and yes, they do have internet access during the flash.
Someone tell me that maybe I can try to flash TX2 bu using SD card just like Nano, but I can not find the SD card image of TX2 in Jetson download center, and it seems that this is not an official method to flash TX2.
I wonder konw that can I flash TX2 with SD card method? And how can I get the SD card image of TX2?
Units with eMMC are very different in how they boot versus an SD card model. There is no such thing as an SD card image for the units with eMMC (Nano has versions which are purely SD card…the production modules with eMMC are different electrical designs and not just a difference in having an SD card slot). There are some options for flash, but those options and how they were are likely very different than how you might expect. For a TX2 you will find SD card can complicate things, and will actually be more difficult to get working correctly.
Hopefully someone from NVIDIA can comment on this: 15:25:34 SUMMARY: Flash Jetson TX2: Failed to execute commands with GenericInstaller
The “Failed to execute commands with GenericInstaller” is an error I don’t know the cause of. If this is occurring for a TX2 dev kit, then someone from NVIDIA may need to comment on that specific error. Any details you might have, such as the logs, would probably be useful.
You can try to figure out whether this error comes from
Flash error
Installing sdk error.
“Failed to execute commands with GenericInstaller” is a very general error that we cannot tell what is going on.
Are you able to tell whether sdkmanager starts to flash your board or not? The screenshot you just shared looks like the sdkmanager is still preparing the driver package. I guess the flash is not yet started. Could you confirm that?
I did the manual setup and got an error regarding the ownership of the folder ‘$file system’. I checked the script apply_binaries it was actually verifying the ownership of the folder. My folder ownership couldn’t be modified to root root and that was the issue. I created a folder in /home/${user_name} and repeated the steps mentioned in the Quick Start Guide. Now the Jetson tx2 flash is success.
Thank you all for the support.
It looked like the command ‘sudo ./apply_binaries.sh’ was the issue. But I didn’t know how to solve this problem. I really needed your help.
My computer was a dual system, and the Ubuntu partition had insufficient storage space, so the working path was on another disk. What’s more, I used zsh and I was in China.Below was sdkmanager log: SDKM_logs_JetPack_4.4.1_Linux_for_Jetson_TX2_2020-11-21_23-18-29.zip (318.1 KB)