Flashing Jetson Linux, Runtime Components, SDK Components question


I have a question about Jetpack Linux. Can I flash the Linux OS, Jetson Runtime components, and SDK components in a single step?

I compiled a Jetpack Linux on Ubuntu (which I’ll call TestOS) and flashed it using the following command:

sudo ./tools/kernel_flash/l4t_initrd_flash.sh --external-device nvme0n1p1 \ -c tools/kernel_flash/flash_l4t_external.xml -p "-c ./bootloader/generic/cfg/flash_t234_qspi.xml" \ --showlogs --network usb0 jetson-orin-nano-devkit internal

When I tried to run a sample applications on TestOS, they failed. I found that TestOS lacked the Jetson Runtime and SDK components. I had to use SDKManager to flash these components separately for the sample applications to work correctly.


Yes. the command your provide only flash the bsp and linux rootfs.
If you want to install one step, you could use sdk manager.


Thanks for the information.

May I ask another question here? It’s about SOMs. I’ve been working on a Nano developer kit for two months. I purchased three new SOMs. When I installed a new SOM on the devkit and plugged in the power, the devkit didn’t work. It seemed not to boot up.

I tried all three new SOMs, and they all produced the same result. When I switched back to the original SOM, it worked.

Therefore, I thought I might need to flash Jetson Linux onto these new SOMs. My assumption was correct; after flashing, the new SOMs all worked.

Could you explain what the flashing process actually does to a new SOM? I thought the OS flashing process only affected storage devices (SSDs, SD cards, eMMC)."

What is your JP version?


JP version? Do you mean Jetpack version?

My Jetpack version is 6.1.