I have managed to install the sdk manager docker image for flashing jetson nano via the cli, the jetson nano is detected when in recovery mode via lsusb and dmesg -w. I use this command:
docker run -it --privileged -v /dev/bus/usb:/dev/bus/usb/ -v /dev:/dev -v /media/$USER:/media/nvidia:slave --name=jetpack --network host sdkmanager --cli --action install --login-type devzone --product Jetson --target- 4.6.4 --select ‘Jetson Linux’ --deselect ‘Jeux’ --deselect ‘Jetson SDK Components’ --flash all --license accept --stay-logged-in true
The problem arises when it comes to storage, my laptop has storage issues due to which I can see the sdk manager download both OS and components, create the OS but once flashing begins so does Component installation. Is there a way to flash only the OS on the jetson nano without having to download or install the CUDA components, Is it possible to then continue the setup on the jetson nano?
If it is not possible then how can we configure sdk manager to use an external storage device as part of it in docker?
Edit:I managed to use space dedicated to the windows partition instead:
-v /media/$USER/“New Volume”/nano:/home/nvidia
to make some progress, the storage error has disappeared however a new error has appeared:
which prevents OS filesystem from being created, the rest of host components are installed without any error: