Is the sdkmanager required to flash Jetson Nano?

Hi Guys,
I am a beginner for the Jetson Nano development. Is the sdkmanager required to flash Jetson Nano?

The sdkmanager is requiring around 12G to download, it is very slow in my city. Is it a btter way to install sdkmanager?

If my host PC is install on a virtual machine (VMware + Ubuntu 18), is it OK to flash Jetson Nano?

Thanks for the help in advance!

Hi river,

The SDK Manager can flash image and install sdk components on Jetson Nano.
It is the most quick and easy way to setup your device.
If you don’t want to install sdk components, you can download Driver Package and Root File System from Jetson Download Center. Follow quick start guide to flash image by manually.

We’re not support VM, please plug-in micro-usb cable from Ubuntu 18.04 host machine to Nano directly.