Hello, when I ran the example of Isaac Sim: Generating Synthetic Data using Replicator Composer, I found that there was an error in importing omni.client. I searched for a long time and did not know the reason for the import error. My Isaac Sim is open in the background.
*./python.sh tools/composer/src/main.py --input */parameters/tutorial.yaml --output /dataset/tutorial_1 --mount ~/composer-workspace/ --num-scenes 10
File “/home/dl-box/.local/share/ov/pkg/isaac_sim-2021.2.1/kit/extscore/omni.client/omni/client/init.py”, line 1, in
- from ._omniclient import **
ImportError: /home/dl-box/.local/share/ov/pkg/isaac_sim-2021.2.1/kit/extscore/omni.usd.libs/bin/libjs.so: undefined symbol: _ZN32pxrInternal_v0_20__pxrReserved__18Tf_PostErrorHelperERKNS_13TfCallContextENS_16TfDiagnosticTypeEPKcz
There was an error running python