Getting an older version of Jetpack (4.3) using SDK Manager

Hello, I also currently have a similar problem of wanting an older version of JetPack using SDK Manager while trying to setup my Jetson Nano.

I currently need a version even older than the ones that show up when I use the following command:

sdkmanager --archivedversions

which only goes as far back as 4.4. Unfortunately, I need version 4.3.

Is there any way I could do this?

For further reference, I don’t have an SD card slot on my Jetson Nano, so I must use the SDK Manager method. I’ve tried seeing if a lower version of SDK Manager (2.0.0) would have the 4.3 version, but it doesn’t either.

Thank you!

Hi @tylerk0226, which Linux distribution and version are you using on your host machine?

Jose Morera
Embedded Software Engineer at RidgeRun
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Hi Jose,

Thanks for the response. I’m currently using Ubuntu 18.04 through VMware Workstation 16 Player, using Windows 11 as my most machine/

JetPack 4.3 was specifically designed for Ubuntu 16.04, so it won’t work with Ubuntu 18.04. To work around this, you can make the SDK Manager think you’re using Ubuntu 16.04. Although I haven’t tried this with a virtual machine, you can usually do this by editing the /etc/os-release file to reflect Ubuntu 16.04.

Two questions before our team tries that later - I’ve seen some Youtube tutorials (and a few posts on this forums from 2~4 years ago) where people are using Ubuntu 18.04, and getting the archived jetpacks to install jetpack 4.3. Is that simply not possible anymore because it’s too old of a version?

Also, is it not possible to somehow use the SD card version to flash it directly onto our emmc jetson nano b01?

I tried proceeding after switching to Ubuntu 16.04, but the same issue persists

Actually, my computer runs Ubuntu 22.04, and I’ve had to install Jetpack 4.X versions on several occasions. This shouldn’t be a major issue. You can simply modify the /etc/os-release file to make the SDK Manager recognize your system as running a different version of Ubuntu. Additionally, you might need to install an older version of the SDK Manager to match the Jetpack version you’re working with.

Another method is to flash the device without using the SDK Manager application. You can follow the instructions at this link: Quick Start — Jetson Linux<br/>Developer Guide 34.1 documentation

Additionally, you can find the sources at this link. For Jetson Nano with eMMC, you would typically use a command like:

sudo ./ jetson-nano-emmc mmcblk0p1

As for older versions of SDK Manager, I can’t seem to login or load them. Could you check if this is the case if you do not mind? It says the database isn’t supported and thus i get an authorization error

As for flashing the device manually, it isn’t the same as downloading the Jetpack 4.3 from the SDKManager, right? As in I’m only downloading the OS, and I would need to manually download all the libraries that I need, as opposed to using the SDKManager which offers us the option to install basic libraries like tensorrt, night, etc. specifically, the arm files for tensorrt is unavailable unless i use jetpack, according to another forum post.

Apologies for the delay in responding. I assume you installed the SDK Manager from NVIDIA’s JetPack 4.3 Archive and are having trouble using the application, correct? specifically trying to login.

Yes, that’s right. If you choose to do it manually, you’ll need to install the necessary packages yourself. It can be a bit more involved, but it’s a viable solution if you can’t get the SDK Manager to work.

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