Getting Started with Clara Holoscan SDK

NVIDIA Clara™ Holoscan includes Healthcare-specific acceleration libraries, pre-trained AI Models, and reference applications for computational medical devices in ultrasound, endoscopy, surgical robotics, digital pathology, radiation therapy, patient monitoring CT, MRI, X-ray, Genomics, and Microscopy.


Find the complete set of developer resources on the Clara Holoscan SDK developer page.

First, Apply for developer access to the Clara Holoscan SDK Program.

Second, download and install the SDK Manager. After logging in to SDK Manager, you’ll be able to flash your device.

Finally, download the Clara Holoscan SDK from GitHub.


The NVIDIA Clara Developer kit helps facilitate accelerated processing with 3rd party sensor front ends, High-Speed I/O with the ConnectX SmartNIC, the flexibility and efficiency of the Jetson SoC, and a powerful RTX-series Discrete GPU.

Find more about your hardware options on our Clara Developer Kits Page.