I’ve wired a tactile push button switch to the Jetson Nano, active low with a 10 kohm resistor to +3.3 volts, connected to header pin number 33 (which is GPIO 13)
Installed Jetson.GPIO and wrote some python to use it. When I initialize the pin, I use GPIO.PUD_OFF.
The problem is, GPIO.input returns 1 when not pressed, when I press it just once and release it, GPIO.input returns 0, and then it will never return 1 ever again even though I release the button.
Then of course I troubleshoot with a multimeter, it measures 3.3V when released and 0V when pressed, the hardware appears to be fine.
The funny thing is, if I measure it with a multimeter, GPIO.input will start to return 1 again. So now, I’ve alligator-clipped my multimeter to the signal and now the entire script works as expected… I can get both 1s and 0s and the event callback fires as expected.
This seems to indicate that my 10 kohm resistor is too much resistance? Are there filtering capacitors or parasitic capacitances I am not aware of? Are there ESD protection diodes that’s messing with the signal? I can’t find DC electrical characteristics of the Jetson Nano’s GPIOs. Can somebody explain what’s wrong?
What is my best next move? Lower the resistor value to 4.7K? or maybe even 1K? Remove all resistors and depend solely on pull_up_down=GPIO.PUD_UP?