I got this error when I was converting a model using TensorRT.:
Registered Device: CPU
Registered Kernel: GPU
I tested it with tf.test.is_gpu_available() and it returned False, so I guess I got this error since TensorFlow failed to run on GPU. Then I found Tensorflow 2,6,0 requires a CUDA version of 11.2. While the latest CUDA version supported by Jetpack 4.6 is 10.2. Is there a way to build GPU support for 2.6.0 on Jetson nano? I saw many people using 2.6.0 so I wonder if I did anything wrong.
I tried to use Tensorflow 2.3.1 before but I got this error before getting into the GPU problem. I got libnvinfer 8 installed and 2.6.0 doesn’t has this bug. How can I solve this problem?
Many thanks