We don’t have exact data for transcoding, but we have data for decoding, encoding respectively.
You can refer to these data in the spec and make a judgement, or please contact NVIDIA represent at your region.
P4 Data sheet has max supported video encoding/decoding data. But for T4 I didn’t find any data.
How many NVENC chips are present in T4 ??
Where can I find Encoding and decoding performance numbers for T4.
I am not able to reliable data from any source.
You can get some perf info from here: NVIDIA VIDEO CODEC SDK | NVIDIA Developer NVIDIA VIDEO CODEC SDK | NVIDIA Developer
There is one NVENC in T4. The performance is about 330fps~510fps. The data in this page is conservative. You can also download Video Codec SDK to run the sample code "Samples/AppTranscode/AppTransPerf"to get the performance in your case.