Graphics issues with a Lenovo P16 Gen2 w/RTX 4000 ada laptop

I’ve got a new Lenovo P16 Gen2 laptop with the GFX noted in the subject. But… I’m getting issues with multiple applications from different genres.
In Acrobat, I get squeezed windows (as in selecting a color while commenting) OR in a CMM CAD application which is used to inspect parts/assemblies ( PC-DMIS ), fonts to not fit their ‘normal’ window, or windows are a narrow ‘slit’ instead of a ‘band’, like a gradient band/heatmap in Abaqus or likewise CAD applications.
My old Dell 5510 with a M1000M displayed everything fine, just slow.
I’ve tried a range of WHQL drivers from latest, to oldest… and one in between. I’m totally puzzled, and I like the laptop, but this graphics nonsense is going to make me return it unless I can find out what’s going on.
Thx for any insight as to what my problem(s) is/are.

Hello @sealevel and welcome to the NVIDIA developer forums.

I think you should contact Lenovo support and first get their opinion, maybe even start an RMA immediately if there is still warranty. From the description alone it is really difficult to say if it could be a GPU/Driver issue or rather a System/OS issue.

This forum serves mainly the developer community, so these kind of support issues on end user devices are a little bit out of scope.


Hi Markus - I appreciate your response. I wasn’t too comfortable posting in this forum, but I couldn’t find a workstation RTX/Quadro type of forum on the Nvidia site. In any case, I hunted down any lead I could find associated with my issue, and in the end? the logical result was basically the software in question - PC-DMIS , has a problem in their GUI - particularly in their ‘sub-windows’ and fonts in them. I lowered my resolution to 1920 x 1200 and everything looked ‘normal’. I guess this is my workaround until something satisfactory from the Hexagon developers comes down the pipeline. Thx again, Markus!

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You are welcome!

And good to hear you can at least work now.

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