I’m trying to add gray scale for my rtsp stream which i created with gstreamer.I know with H264 it’s not possible and tried to convert stream before decoding. Can you help me with this ?
Please share what camera you are using. GRAY8 is not supported in nvaguscamerasrc so it may not be used in this use-case. Would need information about the camera so that we can suggest next.
The camera is not supported by default. You would need to modify device tree and enable sensor driver first. Please check sensor driver programming guide in developer guide.
I have an Adafruit RPi v2 IMX219 NoIR that has same hardware as the standard one but without the IR filter.
This may result in wrong colors without a modified ISP conf, but it may be ok for trying with grayscale if you can use it in normal NV12 color mode.
The following seems working (on Xavier NX running R35.2.1) : first converting to monochrome then encoding into JPG for rtpjpeg, but not sure it is reliable,…you may only try it if your application is not critical and if you have some time to waste ;-)
Is the problem that the camera does not work? or that grayscale does not work?
I don’t have the hardware to test this. If it is an issue with gray8 format, you could try writing a CUDA filter that removes chrominance via nvivafilter