I am running Ubuntu Linux with 6 GTX 1070s and am having some problems overclocking my GPUs. See below output:
owocki@owocki-desktop:~$ nvidia-smi -i ${i} -pl 170
Failed to set power management limit for GPU 0000:01:00.0: Insufficient Permissions
Terminating early due to previous errors.
owocki@owocki-desktop:~$ sudo !!
sudo nvidia-smi -i ${i} -pl 170
Power limit for GPU 0000:01:00.0 was set to 170.00 W from 170.00 W.
Warning: persistence mode is disabled on this device. This settings will go back to default as soon as driver unloads (e.g. last application like nvidia-smi or cuda application terminates). Run with [--help | -h] switch to get more information on how to enable persistence mode.
All done.
owocki@owocki-desktop:~$ nvidia-settings -a [gpu:0]/GPUGraphicsClockOffset[3]=200
ERROR: The attribute 'GPUGraphicsClockOffset' specified in assignment
'[gpu:0]/GPUGraphicsClockOffset[3]=200' cannot be assigned (it is a read-only attribute).
owocki@owocki-desktop:~$ nvidia-settings -a [gpu:0]/GPUGraphicsClockOffset[0]=200
ERROR: The attribute 'GPUGraphicsClockOffset' specified in assignment
'[gpu:0]/GPUGraphicsClockOffset[0]=200' cannot be assigned (it is a read-only attribute).
owocki@owocki-desktop:~$ nvidia-settings -a [gpu:0]/GPUMemoryTransferRateOffset[0]=1500
ERROR: The attribute 'GPUMemoryTransferRateOffset' specified in assignment
'[gpu:0]/GPUMemoryTransferRateOffset[0]=1500' cannot be assigned (it is a read-only
owocki@owocki-desktop:~$ sudo nvidia-smi -ac 1911,4004
Setting applications clocks is not supported for GPU 0000:01:00.0.
Treating as warning and moving on.
Setting applications clocks is not supported for GPU 0000:02:00.0.
Treating as warning and moving on.
Setting applications clocks is not supported for GPU 0000:03:00.0.
Treating as warning and moving on.
Setting applications clocks is not supported for GPU 0000:04:00.0.
Treating as warning and moving on.
Setting applications clocks is not supported for GPU 0000:05:00.0.
Treating as warning and moving on.
Setting applications clocks is not supported for GPU 0000:06:00.0.
Treating as warning and moving on.
All done.
You might need to set the coolbits flag in your xorg.conf if you haven’t already. If you can overclock via nvidia-xsettings, you should be able to do the same via nvidia-settings.
Thanks for the note. Unfortunately, I’ve already set the “Coolbits” option on this GPU’s x config to be 31 so I’m fairly confident that’s not the issue.
Maybe I’ll try nvidia-xsettings next, since nvidia-settings doesnt seem to be able to do the trick.
As far as I am aware, consumer GPUs like the GTX 1070 don’t support setting specific application clocks, they only use clock auto boosting. Professional GPUs, i.e. Teslas, support setting application clocks, and I think (not sure!) pro-sumer cards, i.e. Titan.
I have been using all kinds of GPU (consumer, Tesla, Quadro) for many years. As I said, I cannot state authoritatively that no consumer card supports application clocks, but based on experience I believe this is so. If you look at the nvidia-smi output above, it explicitly tells you that application clocks are not supported on your particular GPU. I have a lower-end Quadro K2200 here, and it, too, doesn’t support application clocks.
I am not sure what controls the availability of application clocks. Possibly the VBIOS, otherwise likely the driver, based on the GPU it detects. Possibly both in combination.
The primary purpose for application clocks is to ensure that all GPUs in a cluster or supercomputer (Tesla GPUs) can run at exactly the same speed. With just autoboost, one could have GPUs running at up to four or five different speeds, as they boost to different clock frequencies depending on local temperature and manufacturing tolerances. That makes things difficult when one tries to split work evenly across the nodes of a cluster. This situation does not typically come up with consumer GPUs.
Hi All,
I have updated to last version of 375.20 but I still cannot enable ‘OverClock’ in GTX 1070.
Now I am useing UBUNTU 16.04, with 6 GPU Palit 1070.
Sorry for necroposting but I’ve just put added a 1070 to my existing 970 rig but I cannot budge the 1070 off Performance Level 2 yet I can move the 970 however I need. Xorg and coolbits all set, nvidia-settings app gives me all the necessary control options for both cards. I’m using Ubuntu 16.04 so when I issue…
$ nvidia-smi -L
GPU 0: GeForce GTX 1070 (UUID: GPU-b847f7f4-0732-52bf-7d0a-d9fe3699de77)
GPU 1: GeForce GTX 970 (UUID: GPU-345e8749-a649-b5f5-c9f7-555b22f79350)
$ sudo nvidia-smi -i 0 -ac 4004,1911
Setting applications clocks is not supported for GPU 0000:00:06.0.
Treating as warning and moving on.
All done.
Lots of posts about driver versions but I’ve tested this on both the nvidia-375 and nvidia-381 packages and they both behave the same. As far as I can tell my 1070 is on the latest vbios so I’m a little stumped. Has anyone gotten this to work?
So I’ve noticed something odd between the nvidia-settings GUI vs. command line app for my 1070, I’ll try to explain clearly so comments/questions welcomed.
nvidia-smi (cli) reports the card running at P2 which I infer means Performance Level 2.
nvidia-settings (gui) reports the same.
I set my app running which is genoil’s ethminer using cuda 8.0, I take a note of how fast its running.
nvidia-settings (cli) I issue “nvidia-settings -a [gpu:0]/GPUMemoryTransferRateOffset[2]=1200”
nvidia-settings (gui) shows no change to the memory clock speed, P2 is still the case?! (I close and reopen the app to be sure). The ethminer app does NOT show any performance improvements.
nvidia-settings (cli) I issue “nvidia-settings -a [gpu:0]/GPUMemoryTransferRateOffset[3]=1200”
nvidia-settings (gui) now reports I’ve changed the memory clock speed by populating the text box, Performance Level 2 however is still in effect but ethminer is now showing a significant improvement in performance aka the memory clock change has most certainly made an impact.
Looking at the PerfModes it seems my 970 requires P3 to be able to amend the graphics and memory clocks however the 1070 will allow these to be amended in any Performance Level. So the oddity I find is why I need to issue a P3 level command (/GPUMemoryTransferRateOffset[3]) for this to take affect when nvidia-smi shows the card to be in P2?
$nvidia-smi -i 0 -ac 4004,900
Setting applications clocks is not supported for GPU 0000:01:00.0.
Treating as warning and moving on.
All done.
This card was previously installed in w10 rig & OC with no problem at all, so it’s no a firmware/HW issue. I believe problem is a poorly developed linux drivers (I’m not blaming dev capabilities, I assume lack of enough resources)
Interestingly one can still set the ‘max supported clocks’ for the Maxwell GTX 980 in Windows 7/8/10. However for Pascal this currently does not seem to be supported. For the GTX 980 setting the boost clock to ‘max supported’ (NVSMI) boosts performance from ~5.1 Teraflops to ~5.7 Teraflops
For Windows at least the boost clock for Pascal does kick in for compute tasks, and I have seen an EVGA GTX 1080ti SC hit over 12.7 Teraflops with boost (measured via CUDA-Z) when it usually idles at 11 Teraflops. In general I tend to see slightly better performance in Windows (7/8/10) over linux (Ubuntu 14.04), but there could be other unknown factors influencing this observation.
thanks but i am running ubuntu server with only a command line and no x server installed, below is the output of the nvidia-settings command
ERROR: libgtk-3.so.0: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
libnvidia-gtk3.so: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
libgtk-x11-2.0.so.0: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
libnvidia-gtk2.so: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
ERROR: A problem occured when loading the GUI library. Please check your installation and library path. You may need to specify this library when
calling nvidia-settings. Please run nvidia-settings --help for usage information.
usually errors like this mean i am missing some packages, does this mean i will need a gui installed or can someone advise which packages i need to install?