Help needed with running the simpleCUBLAS from the SDK


I’m trying to run the ‘simple CUBLAS’ program that can be found in the CUDA SDK, and i’m having trouble in trying to run the code. Here are the following steps i’ve taken to start the project.

  1. Create a new Win32 Console Application (Visual C++>Win32>Win32 Console Application)

  2. Type in the same code that can be found in the simpleCUBLAS eg.

  3. I copy the following header files into my project folder:

    a. cublas.h

    b. cuComplex.h

    c. vector_types.h

    d. host_defines.h

    e. cuda.h

    f. resource.h

  4. The source code is as shown.

  5. The header files are also included under the ‘Header Files’ in the Solution Explorer.

  6. Finally, I build the project under ‘Debug’ Mode and run.

Source Code (same as simpleCUBLAS, but just in case):

[codebox]//This program is taken from SDK. multiplies two matrices A and B and stores the result in C.

#include “stdio.h”

#include <stdlib.h>

#include <cublas.lib>

#include “cuda.lib”

#include <string.h>

#include “stdafx.h”

/* Includes, cuda */

#include “cublas.h”

#include “cuda.h”

/* Matrix size */

#define N (275)

/* Host implementation of a simple version of sgemm This program you guys have already done*/

static void simple_sgemm(int n, float alpha, const float *A, const float *B,float beta, float *C)


int i;

int j;

int k;

for (i = 0; i < n; ++i) {

    for (j = 0; j < n; ++j) {

        float prod = 0;

        for (k = 0; k < n; ++k) {

            prod += A[k * n + i] * B[j * n + k];


        C[j * n + i] = alpha * prod + beta * C[j * n + i];




/* Main, as usual */

int main()

//int main(int argc, char** argv)


cublasStatus status;

float* h_A;

float* h_B;

float* h_C;

float* h_C_ref;

float* d_A = 0;

float* d_B = 0;

float* d_C = 0;

float alpha = 1.0f;

float beta = 0.0f;

int n2 = N * N;

int i;

float error_norm;

float ref_norm;

float diff;

/* Initialize CUBLAS */

printf("simpleCUBLAS test running..\n");

status = cublasInit();

if (status != CUBLAS_STATUS_SUCCESS) {

    fprintf (stderr, "!!!! CUBLAS initialization error\n");

    return EXIT_FAILURE;


/* Allocate host memory for the matrices */

h_A = (float*)malloc(n2 * sizeof(h_A[0]));

if (h_A == 0) {

    fprintf (stderr, "!!!! host memory allocation error (A)\n");

    return EXIT_FAILURE;


h_B = (float*)malloc(n2 * sizeof(h_B[0]));

if (h_B == 0) {

    fprintf (stderr, "!!!! host memory allocation error (B)\n");

    return EXIT_FAILURE;


h_C = (float*)malloc(n2 * sizeof(h_C[0]));

if (h_C == 0) {

    fprintf (stderr, "!!!! host memory allocation error ©\n");

    return EXIT_FAILURE;


/* Fill the matrices with test data */

for (i = 0; i < n2; i++) {

    h_A[i] = rand() / (float)RAND_MAX;

    h_B[i] = rand() / (float)RAND_MAX;

    h_C[i] = rand() / (float)RAND_MAX;


/* Allocate device memory for the matrices */

status = cublasAlloc(n2, sizeof(d_A[0]), (void**)&d_A);

if (status != CUBLAS_STATUS_SUCCESS) {

    fprintf (stderr, "!!!! device memory allocation error (A)\n");

    return EXIT_FAILURE;


status = cublasAlloc(n2, sizeof(d_B[0]), (void**)&d_B);

if (status != CUBLAS_STATUS_SUCCESS) {

    fprintf (stderr, "!!!! device memory allocation error (B)\n");

    return EXIT_FAILURE;


status = cublasAlloc(n2, sizeof(d_C[0]), (void**)&d_C);

if (status != CUBLAS_STATUS_SUCCESS) {

    fprintf (stderr, "!!!! device memory allocation error ©\n");

    return EXIT_FAILURE;


/* Initialize the device matrices with the host matrices */

status = cublasSetVector(n2, sizeof(h_A[0]), h_A, 1, d_A, 1);

if (status != CUBLAS_STATUS_SUCCESS) {

    fprintf (stderr, "!!!! device access error (write A)\n");

    return EXIT_FAILURE;


status = cublasSetVector(n2, sizeof(h_B[0]), h_B, 1, d_B, 1);

if (status != CUBLAS_STATUS_SUCCESS) {

    fprintf (stderr, "!!!! device access error (write B)\n");

    return EXIT_FAILURE;


status = cublasSetVector(n2, sizeof(h_C[0]), h_C, 1, d_C, 1);

if (status != CUBLAS_STATUS_SUCCESS) {

    fprintf (stderr, "!!!! device access error (write C)\n");

    return EXIT_FAILURE;


/* Performs operation using plain C code */

simple_sgemm(N, alpha, h_A, h_B, beta, h_C);

h_C_ref = h_C;

/* Clear last error */


/* Performs operation using cublas */

cublasSgemm('n', 'n', N, N, N, alpha, d_A, N, d_B, N, beta, d_C, N);

status = cublasGetError();

if (status != CUBLAS_STATUS_SUCCESS) {

    fprintf (stderr, "!!!! kernel execution error.\n");

    return EXIT_FAILURE;


/* Allocate host memory for reading back the result from device memory */

h_C = (float*)malloc(n2 * sizeof(h_C[0]));

if (h_C == 0) {

    fprintf (stderr, "!!!! host memory allocation error ©\n");

    return EXIT_FAILURE;


/* Read the result back */

status = cublasGetVector(n2, sizeof(h_C[0]), d_C, 1, h_C, 1);

if (status != CUBLAS_STATUS_SUCCESS) {

    fprintf (stderr, "!!!! device access error (read C)\n");

    return EXIT_FAILURE;


/* Check result against reference */

error_norm = 0;

ref_norm = 0;

for (i = 0; i < n2; ++i) {

    diff = h_C_ref[i] - h_C[i];

    error_norm += diff * diff;

    ref_norm += h_C_ref[i] * h_C_ref[i];


error_norm = (float)sqrt((double)error_norm);

ref_norm = (float)sqrt((double)ref_norm);

if (fabs(ref_norm) < 1e-7) {

    fprintf (stderr, "!!!! reference norm is 0\n");

    return EXIT_FAILURE;


printf( "Test %s\n", (error_norm / ref_norm < 1e-6f) ? "PASSED" : "FAILED");

/* Memory clean up */





status = cublasFree(d_A);

if (status != CUBLAS_STATUS_SUCCESS) {

    fprintf (stderr, "!!!! memory free error (A)\n");

    return EXIT_FAILURE;


status = cublasFree(d_B);

if (status != CUBLAS_STATUS_SUCCESS) {

    fprintf (stderr, "!!!! memory free error (B)\n");

    return EXIT_FAILURE;


status = cublasFree(d_C);

if (status != CUBLAS_STATUS_SUCCESS) {

    fprintf (stderr, "!!!! memory free error ©\n");

    return EXIT_FAILURE;


/* Shutdown */

status = cublasShutdown();

if (status != CUBLAS_STATUS_SUCCESS) {

    fprintf (stderr, "!!!! shutdown error (A)\n");

    return EXIT_FAILURE;


/* if (argc > 1) {

    if (!strcmp(argv[1], "-noprompt") ||

        !strcmp(argv[1], "-qatest") ) 


        return EXIT_SUCCESS;





    printf("\nPress ENTER to exit...\n");




// return EXIT_SUCCESS;



Have a look at the errors i get. I’m running Windows 7 32bit, and Visual Studio 2008.

So what could possibly be wrong/missing? Please have a look and thanks in advance for your help!

You need to link with cublas.lib, which is in c:\cuda\lib. Just add cublas.lib as an additional dependency in the project properties under Linker->Input and $(CUDA_LIB_PATH) as an additional library directory under Linker->General. Make sure you update All Configurations, not just the Debug one, or else you’ll have the same problem again the first time you try to build in Release mode.

just add

#pragma comment (lib,“C:\CUDA\lib\cublas.lib”)

at the top of the code

Ah, yes, that works too. (As long as you don’t need to compile the same source files on any other platforms, that is, in which case the usual #ifdefs would apply.) :)

That worked, thanks a lot!! (Sorry for the late reply)