How many displays can connect Jetson AGX Xavier


How many displays can be connected to AGX Xavier 32GB?
I understand that the AGX Xavier is two displays.
Is it correct?

How many displays will ORIN NX DP MST support? - Jetson & Embedded Systems / Jetson Orin NX - NVIDIA Developer Forums

I understand that the orin series is also limited to two units.
Is there a Jetson module that can connect three displays?

Best regards

Xavier AGX can connect to 3 display heads.

Thank you for your reply.

Am I correct in understanding that since there are three outputs (DP, HDMI, eDP), I can connect three displays to each of them?

That means I need a custom carrier board, right?

Xavier AGX devkit have 2 DP and 1 HDMI port.

DP is shared within the type C port.

Thank you for your reply!

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