How to create an rtsp sink with deepstream python program?

It means you have two elements called “udpsink” in the same Pipeline (or Bin) and that is not allowed. If you do need two udpsinks (probably not), they need to have a different name property (the second parameter for Gst.ElementFactory.make())

i am facing the same issue, how can i make it unique? or how can i remove 1 of them? @mdegans

Will this code take a RTSP input?

When you create an element, it needs to have a unique name. Easiest way to do this is just give whetever your language’s “nothing” value is to the second parameter of gst_element_factory_make.


GstElement *
gst_element_factory_make (const gchar * factoryname,
                          const gchar * name)

Create a new element of the type defined by the given element factory. If name is NULL, then the element will receive a guaranteed unique name, consisting of the element factory name and a number. If name is given, it will be given the name supplied.

In Python, it’s element = Gst.ElementFactory.make("foo", None). In rust it’s gst::ElementFactory::make(“foo”, None). In Vala it’s Gst.ElementFactory.make(“foo”, null), and so on. Then you add it to a bin (or pipeline).

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The above code does, yes. Rtsp in and Rtsp out.

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Got it. Thanks for a detailed explanation.

Yeah, the code is working now. Earlier I was using the tiler probe. But it’s not working with this code so now I’m using the osd probe. Can you tell me the difference between them?


What probes do will depend on what kind of probe you use and where you put it.

In the case of DeepStream if you put a probe after a tiler you might not have access to some metadata like the source id.

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